
Stephen knew that he should be relaxing, taking in the astonishing views whilst he had the chance, but his mind continued to wander. He cast his gaze towards the outstretching dirt road that led up to the secluded lake house.

Had she gotten lost along her way? Once she'd accepted his invitation, he had tried numerous times to persuade her to let him pick her up – each time she declined. The thought of her lost in the surrounding forests and woodlands didn't sit right with him, especially since he wasn't even sure if she was up to driving even though the lake house was only forty minutes from the airport.

They'd spoken at least every other day. It was mostly general chit chat over the phone, but none the less, Stephen made the most of every minute.

Rounding the kitchen, Stephen stopped by the fridge and pulled out a can of Guinness. He had quickly taken to the relaxing atmosphere that surrounded the old house. The furnishings were worn and well used but everything oozed character. It was a stark but welcoming contrast to his home back in Tampa.

Stepping out onto the porch, the sweltering Florida heat hit him. Out of the air-conditioned house he knew he wouldn't last long even on the shaded porch. Whilst adjusting his baseball cap he moved towards the wooden bench that looked into what seemed a never ending mass of trees.

Just as he brought the can up to his lips, he heard the faint but distinct sound of tyres kicking up gravel and dirt. Setting his drink down on the arm of the bench, he moved forward, a smile slipping to his lips as the car - a 4x4 - finally came into view. He was happy, maybe even giddy. God, he'd missed her.

Approaching the car at a quick pace, Stephen grinned when the door opened and she jumped out.

"Yeh made it." As soon as he was next to her he engulfed her in a hug, pulling her tight against him.

"It's so hot." She mumbled as he pulled away, but the smile on her face was just as big as his. She bit her lip, looking to be deep in thought before she said, "Hello"

"Hello to yeh too." Stephen slipped his finger under her chin, tilting her head up to kiss her softly on the lips. It was brief, just a taste of what he wanted to continue for the next two days. "Look at yeh, yeh healing nicely."

Stephen pressed a kiss to her forehead and the scar there.

"I told you I was getting better, but you wouldn't believe me." Vivian said before taking Stephens hand to pull him to the trunk of the car.

Whilst he walked behind her he noted what she was wearing. Denim shorts, red camisole and brown woven sandals. He liked that she wasn't fussy. Vivian had the trunk open, reaching for her bags before Stephen could stop her.

"Give 'em here, lass." Stephen half expected her to protest then demand she carry them herself, more to prove a point that she was feeling much better. To his surprise, she passed one heavy bag to him with a smile.

"I could have used you at the airport."


"And I know you offered to pick me up, but you do enough travelling as it is."

"Yeh here now, that's all ah care about." With a quick kiss to her lips again, he closed the trunk of the car and started making his way back to the house, needing to be out of the heat. "Hope yeh brought some sun protection." Stephen uttered as he was already close to the porch.

"I'm on the pill."

Stephen stopped in his tracks before he turned around.

"Yeh what?"

"We don't have to use..." Her words trailed off and she gestured with her hands, "but if you want to that's fine."

Stephen didn't hesitate to let the smirk creep to his lips. Suddenly amused and aroused. Vivian was still stood a couple of feet away from him so he closed the gap. His hands delved into her hair and his lips locks onto hers. It was different. Heated and hungry, like he couldn't get enough of her. He trailed kisses up to her ear, his tone low as he heard her take a deep breath, "Sun protection, lass."

"Oh!" Vivian's cheeks flamed crimson red, and it wasn't from the Florida heat.

"That's what yeh've been thinking about, huh?" Stephen took Vivian's hand into his and started moving again, afraid that she'd be glued to the spot. "How about a drink first though?"

"I need one." Vivian spoke quietly, probably assuming he couldn't hear her, "I take it this is yours"

Stephen glanced over his shoulder just in time to see Vivian taking hold of the beer he'd left on the porch. Before he had the chance to answer she had taken a few gulps. "Doesn't taste any better out of a can."

"Ah didn't just stock the fridge with Guinness, though ah can't say ah wasn't tempted." Stephen dropped Vivian's bag by the door, once again turning to face her. He took the drink from her with all intentions of getting her something she actually liked, then giving her a tour of the place.

"It's so peaceful here, I'm so used to the constant sound of cars and the city." Vivian tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "It's been a while since I've had a vacation."

"Then yeh best let yeh hair down," Stephen took a big gulp of his drink then nodded towards the kitchen, "What do yeh want to drink"?

"Water please."

"That all?" Stephen almost reached the fridge when he once again felt Vivian close behind him.

"It's hot." Vivian slipped her hand under Stephens shirt, lightly dragging her nails across his skin. His back tensed, hand gripping tightly onto the handle of the fridge. Before he dropped it, he set his drink down.

Things were heated between them, tense even. Stephen recalled the messages and phone calls - some more explicit than others – and smiled to himself. Her hand slid around his torso, fingers lightly dragging across his abs before she hugged him from behind.

"What do you usually do when you come here?" Vivian mumbled into his shoulder then nuzzled her nose against him, followed by soft, short kisses.

Stephen grinned at the question. He'd usually be here with Stu and Drew, drinking and eating the day away. He knew Stu had bought the house so he could go fishing in peace, but that didn't stop his best friends from tagging along.

"Relax and recover." Stephen turned around, keeping Vivian close to him. Her hands slipped from his abs to his back, continuing to wander and explore. "This is Stu's space but he lets us use it now and again, as long as we keep the fridge stocked up."

"I see." Vivian smiled, eyes soft but still hanging off every word he said.

"Ah'm not partial to fishing, so it's reading a good book and lounging on the porch for me." Stephen slipped his hands to her shoulders, gently massaging. "There are some nice trails through the forest too."

Stephen pusher her back a few steps and turned to open the fridge so he could pull out a bottle of chilled water.

"You can thank Stu from me." Vivian slipped her arms free and took the bottle of water. Stephen knew he had to thank Stu too.

"Ah will do, now yeh want to see the lake before dinner?" Stephen was already pulling her towards the sliding doors that led onto the back porch.

Nodding her head almost vigorously, Vivian asked, "What's for dinner?"

Stephen let the question settle for a moment. A few simple words that spoke so much, it was like they'd known each other years. Nothing between them was strained or tense. It was effortless.

"One of yeh favourite meals." Stephen once again felt the rush of heat as he pulled open the door. "Something Italian."

"Really? I love Italian!"

Stephen grinned as her eyes lit up. He knew she did. She'd told him numerous times, usually during their late night phone calls when she was busy working on cases and craving pizza or pasta. Though she had only just gone back full time, she continued to work hard from home. Something else he admired about her.

Then the love word reverberated in his head. He hadn't brought it up, not knowing if it was even worth it. Would she even remember? The image was still clear in his mind, the way she'd curled up on her bed, seemingly oblivious to everything around her. Everything in his gut had told him to stay with her that night, feeling as though she needed someone to lean on. Her understanding of his crazy work schedule was bliss.

"What else do yeh love?" Stephen was sure time would stand still after he asked, but Vivian merely laughed and slid her hand up his arm.

They both stepped down off the porch and onto the grass that surrounded the lake. A slate path weaved its way towards the edge of the lake, stopping by the decking that would usually dock a small fishing boat.

"Let's see..." Vivian hummed and Stephen looked down to her. Her hand tightened around his as she stared out into the expanse of shimmering water. "My family-"

"Easy answer."

"Please, have you never seen Jerry Springer? Plenty of families don't love each other!" Vivian laughed again and Stephen knew he wouldn't be able to wipe the smile off his face for a long time.

"What else?" Stephen pressed, slowing down as they neared the edge of the lake.

"My friends." Vivian cast him a wary look, one eyebrow raised as if he was going to protest her answer again. Instead he smirked and gestured for her to continue. She didn't.

"What's wrong?" Stephen wondered if he'd pushed too far.

"Nothing, I just..." She let go of his hand, now more interested in the bottle of water she carried, "by now I hoped to have a lot more things or people I love. But I'm grateful for what I have, like my job and my health. I know I could have lost my life in that crash."

Vivian's words ended with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Now he felt like an ass.

"One day, yeh'll have everything yeh ever wanted before yeh even realise it." Stephen took her face in his hands, leaning down so he could kiss her, make her troubles disappear.

"You think?" Vivian whispered before his lips touched hers. They were a fraction away as he nodded, pulling her forward so her lips crashed into his. He held her close and after hearing the bottle of water drop to the floor, he felt her hands slide up his arms to his neck. Without hesitating he lifted her up, pulling at her leg with one hand so they would wrap around his hips. She pulled away from the kiss quickly though, pressing her forehead to his, breath choppy as she said, "There's something missing in my life Stephen."

Lost in her words, Stephen just stared back. She'd left him speechless. But he had to ask, there was no way he couldn't.

"What's missing?" Stephens voice was rough as he asked and it took everything in him not to kiss her again.

Feeling his heart beating rapidly in his chest, he feared it may explode. He couldn't take it. It was dawning on him more and more how much Vivian meant to him, how she affected him when they were together. Slowly her eyes flickered shut for a brief moment before she stared back at him.

"I think it's you."

A/N – Thank you boston246, locolito0me, ghunter182003, Anon, housesbabe1, ThatGirl54 and shakeitsalome for the awesome reviews :D! Lou x