Sorry it takes me so long to update. I have a busy academic life at the moment, but I promise I'll always update even if it takes a while. This is a freaking colossal chapter but it's a fitting end, I hope. Also, I alternate between Logan and Veronica's POV's and times in the chapter but please tell me if it's written confusingly. OK, on with the finale.

Chapter 22

While Veronica had spent Saturday alternating between drug-induced (cold medicine) sleep and hysterical tears, Sunday was a whole different ball field. Veronica woke up early, took a shower, and woke her dad telling him they had to get to the office and sift through Woody's files for any clue to his designated hide away. Keith had eyed her uncertainly. Her smile was too bright and her smile too wide for normalcy. When he'd pressed her she simply said,
"Let me do what I do best: Compartmentalize."
Keith nodded and when Veronica made breakfast he called Wallace, ordering him to pick up Veronica at Mars Investigations at exactly 1:30 P.M. Keith would let Veronica immerse herself in busywork, but only for a few hours. Then, he wanted her to see Wallace and Mac. Hopefully, they could break down the walls of faux-cheerfulness and get her to open up about Logan and her pain.

"How did you get all of Woody's records?" Veronica asked.
"Vinnie offered me a 50/50 split of the $20,000 bounty on Woody.
"How did Vinnie get the files?"
"That man has friends in low places."
"True. Shouldn't you be on a plane to Mexico, where all the criminals go?"
"One, I'm not absolutely sure he is in Mexico. Two, even if he was I'm not leaving until after your graduate."
"My little girl's almost gone."
"Dad, you know I'm going to Hearst." Her tone was sour and Keith rubbed her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry you lost the scholarship, honey."
"Maybe I was never meant to go to Stanford. Maybe this is a sign that I can never escape Neptune, no matter how hard I try."
"Woody has 10 credit cards in different corporate names." She interrupted. "Is is it possible he slipped up and used one or made a large transaction somewhere?"
Keith sighed but he knew she wouldn't bear her soul to him. The sad fact was Veronica was a grown woman who had been betrayed by the man she loved and was coping with avoidance and iron walls of defense.
"He's stupid but not that stupid." Keith went back to business, picking up the next file and finally announcing success.
"What is it?"
He showed her the file and her eyes went to the positive STD test. He'd been treated for Chlamydia two times. She felt sick seeing the disease that had marked her rape.
"He has a heart condition." Keith pointed and Veronica tore her gaze from the STD.
"And he takes a pill every day."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Track him through pharmacists?"
"I need you to get me Gia's cell phone code. I want to forward Gia's calls through Woody's lawyer. They're old college buddies. I'm pretty sure that lawyer knows the whereabouts of his most expensive client."
"I'll get it tomorrow."
"Thank you, but remember to have fun tomorrow. You're graduating from high school. It's a momentous occasion."
The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Wallace and Mac, who pulled Veronica out the door promising her food and chocolate. Keith went back to Woody's files, silently praying Logan hadn't ruined his daughter's happiness on her long-awaited graduation day.

The 6:30 alarm didn't bother her that morning. It was finally that time. Graduation. Veronica stretched in her bed, brushing her long hair out of her face.
"It's a beautiful day! Up and at em!" Lianne Mars opened the door to her daughter's room with a large smile.
"There better be food."
"Pancakes, eggs and bacon."
"My kind of breakfast."
Thirty minutes later Veronica was in her silk blue dress and seated across from her parents. Keith had pulled Lianne onto hi slap and the two were kissing and giggling like teenagers. When they pulled away Keith saw his daughter staring and rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
"Too gross for you?"
"No, it's nice." Veronica smiled, glad to see the obvious love between them.
Lianne felt her forehead.
"Are you okay?" she joked.
"Better than okay, actually."
"You look beautiful, Veronica. We did good, Lianne."
The couple laughed and Lianne grabbed her camera.
"Who's ready for pictures?"
"At the breakfast table?" Veronica scrunched up her nose.
"Every location is a place for pictures." Lianne demonstrated her point by snapping a photo.
"Thanks for blinding me, Mom."
Lianne laughed and lowered the camera.
"Remember your loving parents and their last opportunity for milestone pictures."
"Don't run off with that boy after the ceremony. We need pictures for the Veronica scrapbook." Keith said, glaring at the mention of his little girl's boyfriend.
Lianne snapped a picture of her husband's serious face.

Veronica walked to the quad, seeking her boyfriend, holding her large graduation gown.
"They gave me the wrong cap and gown." She complained when she reached the designated table.
"Hmm, how can you tell?" Logan asked, looking his over.
"It has someone else's name on it?" she said smartly and they shared a kiss broken only by Dick's catcalls.
"Hey Ronnie, guess who's going commando?"
"Ugh, must we?" Duncan laughed and Dick shrugged.
"Do you guys know Wallace Fennell?" she read the name tag and missed the conniving glance between Duncan and Dick.
"You haven't heard what happened to Wallace?" Dick began.
When Veronica shook her head in confusion Duncan continued.
"The Sac-n-Pac got held up by some robbers and they forced Wallace into the freezer. He was the only employee on duty and by the time the next clerk got there Wallace had frostbite."
"He lost three fingers." Dick finished and Veronica gasped.
"Oh my god, that's awful."
Duncan and Dick broke into laughter and Veronica glowered. Logan stood, hiding his smile.
"Aw sweetie, I love you, but you have got to be the most gullible girl in the world." He kissed her sweetly and her glower became a pout of indignation.
"I'm trusting, sue me!"
"There he is. That's Wallace." Duncan pointed and Veronica turned to see the dark-skinned boy with glasses and a small gown (meant for a petite female) in his hands.
Veronica kissed Logan again and went down the steps, calling Wallace's name.
"I think I have your cap and gown."
"Oh, so that makes you Veronica Mars?"
"It does." She handed him his, exchanging it for hers.
"So, you looking forward to getting out of here?"
"I guess, but high school was a blast. Wasn't it?"
"Oh… you're one of those." Wallace looked at the ground, knowing the blonde hair and cute blue eyes was a sure sign of an 09'er.
"What does that mean?" she asked, brow furrowed, but Wallace had the friendly smile back in place.
"Nothing. Have a good life." He waved and left.
Veronica turned to get back to Logan until she spotted a figure near the fountain.
The taller blonde turned and Veronica ran into her arms, laughing with joy.
"Tell me everything! College, frat parties, the new guy."
"Ah, the new guy is gone."
"Yeah, we had a disagreement about fooling around with his ex."
"That bastard!" Veronica said on her friend's behalf.
"Actually, I was the one fooling around with his ex."
Veronica blinked. Lilly's latest exploits never failed to shock her.
"What, dorkus?! It's college. It's expected! You'll see." The Lilly Kane megawatt smile illuminated the courtyard.
"It's really good to see you. I've missed you so much."
"Logan not doing it for ya?" she teased.
"No! He's amazing."
"You love him, don't you?"
Veronica looked over her shoulder at the laughing boy with Duncan and Dick.
"Yeah, more than you could believe."
"You two belong together. I hear wedding bells and broken condoms!"
"Lilly!" Veronica gasped, but giggled nonetheless.
"What's this?" Lilly pointed out the Lilly Kane Memorial Fountain and Veronica frowned. "Do you smell bacon?"

"Wake up. Daughter of mine! Time to graduate!" Keith Mars' cheerful tone filtered into Veronica's darkened bedroom and she saw the time was 6:45.
Veronica went through the motions of the shower and putting on the dress Mac had deemed classy and mature. After looking in the mirror Veronica had an inane longing for the baby blue dress of her dream. She sat on her bed, fully dressed, but unable to move. The dream had been a cruel illusion, like dangling a bone in front of a chained dog.
Lilly was dead. Duncan was gone. Logan was making choices for the both of them and making everything worse for her. The depressing truth was Veronica was stuck in Neptune like she'd always feared. Yes, her best friends were going to Hearst and her dad was in Neptune, but Veronica always longed for escape. Neptune held too many painful memories of her mother, Lilly, Duncan and the final blow: Logan. He was literally everywhere she turned.
He was sitting on her couch, complained about watching the South Park movie for the 10th time that month. He was in her passenger seat snarking about the cheap seats and begging for sex in the back seat. He was at Java the Hut, near the counter or his usual back table, where he'd always wait out her shifts.
Mac and Wallace had tried to cheer her up with large amounts of pasta at Luigi's, but all she saw was Logan. When they got free coffee and dessert from Veronica's boss at Java the Hut, she not only saw Logan but she hated pity parties.
The only thing she'd confessed to her friends was that she was in physical pain and nothing but time could make it better so they should quit it. Wallace and Mac has shared a look, but they steered all conversation from Logan or the court case. They were following her Avoid/Ignore technique.
"Honey? You ready?" Keith appeared in her doorway and she plastered a smile on her face.
"Let's do this thing."

Logan had tried drowning himself in bottles of expensive liquor, wanting to stop the never-ending loop of images in his mind. It would start off with happy images of his childhood and his mother until it went to the start of his father's abuse and his mother's retreat into herself. From there it only darkened. Flashes of studded belts and cigarettes intermingled with his mother's suicide and screaming fights with Lilly, as well as Lilly's murder. Then, they were his father's prison interviews, his trial, the lawyer writing off Logan's life as a joke and the look of triumph on Aaron's face when the juror read not guilty. And those weren't even the worst.
The final motion picture on Logan Torture was Veronica. There were pictures of a young Veronica on the soccer field and pre Lilly's death. Then, there was Shelley's party, the day when Veronica came in sans long locks and the tendency to cry in public. After that the images sped up to asking her for help with his mother, saving her from the crazy ATF agent, kissing in the girls' bathroom and so on until it reached senior year when they got back together. The images slowed down so he was reliving every gentle touch, kind words, I love you, every moment of joy pouring from her sapphire orbs. The real torture was that he couldn't conjure any emotion for the beautiful girl in his every thought. He heard her I love you but when he tried to repeat it… he couldn't. Physically he couldn't get it out.
He spent the Saturday after the court verdict drinking away memories and ignoring phone calls from Dick, Beaver and other 09'ers. Sunday morning he dragged himself to the couch and turned on the TV, figuring images outside his head could be refreshing.
The channel was some movie channel with low-budget romances and dramas. The movie on was about a man who was trying to get the woman he loved back while battling dome sort of mental condition. The man wasn't crazy, but he had difficulty concentrating on work or enjoying his usual love of hockey.
Logan found himself engrossed in the movie, bottle of vodka untouched next to him. As the movie progressed, the man was sent to a therapist by his best friend after the man had a meltdown in the office when his boss mentioned Father's Day.
"Tell me about your father." The therapist urged.
The man eventually confessed abuse. Brutal, bloody abuse that Logan was all too familiar with. Logan didn't even care that he was comparing his life to the low budget Lifetime reject movie. He waited anxiously for the therapist to diagnose the man after a series of sessions.
"You seem to have ASD. Acute Stress Disorder. This type of stress disorder most often occurs when an individual has been exposed to a traumatic event."
Logan shut off the TV and picked up his laptop. He opened the search engine and plugged in ASD. He read the first page written by the center of psychiatric studies and diagnoses. He shut his eyes after reading what types of events could cause ASD. Abuse, abandonment, suppression or avoidance of stimuli that cause recollections of trauma.
Everything had come crashing down on him after the defense lawyer brought up his mother's alcoholism and suicide. When he mentioned the abuse like it was a rebellious boy crying wolf he'd felt numb. He could remember the drive to the beach in the pouring rain where he ended it with Veronica, knowing deep down she was better off far away, but also knowing he'd miss her. All the images plaguing him had been buried for quite some time and having them all burst out was disconcerting and jarring. He opened his eyes to the medical website, searching for treatment options.
"Symptoms fade after 2-3 days but many patients prefer mild psychotherapy and a combination of anti-depressants for a couple of weeks." Logan read the sentence and slammed the computer shut.
There would be no antidepressants. He would never touch medications that would meddle with his mind. For a long time all he had was his mind. His body was physically scarred and his soul was tainted. His mind was the only solace. He'd seen what meds did to Duncan. That was not an option.
Logan, feeling like a sixth grade girl, ran to the television and turned on the movie. The man was smiling again, meaning the movie was close to the inevitable hunky dory ending of love and rainbows.
"I'm glad you found your way back to me." The woman said, kissing the man.
"It wasn't easy."
"How did you do it?"
"I faced my fears. My father can't hurt me anymore and it's time to stop pretending it never happened."
"You just accepted it? Do you want to talk about it?" the woman offered.
"Maybe someday."
"Did you tell the therapist about it?"
"No. I accepted the truth on my own."
"How?" both Logan and the woman asked.
"I went back to my memories and relived it, without skipping the gritty bits. I didn't feel fear or sadness because I knew it was over and you were here."
"I love you."
"I-I l-love y-you too."
The movie ended with the overacted stuttering of love, proving the man had surpasses the condition and ended up with the woman he loved.
"Whoop-de-fucking-do." Logan glared.
Nothing was as easy as a Lifetime reject film said. Logan sighed and threw the vodka in the trash.
Okay, accepting the truth and facing fears. That's the gist of it, right Lifetime Reject. Let's go.

For a half-hour he stared at his hands. For ten minutes he paced back and forth. Five minutes after that he got bored and stormed out of the suite, pulling on sneakers and a hoodie. He got into the bright X-terra that didn't seem quite as bright, but it might have been his rampant imagination causing the dull sensations.
At first he drove without a destination but he ended up at the Kane mansion. He stared at it, memories of video games with Duncan and pool parties with Lilly splashing around with him. He drove away, not wanting the 2 Kanes left inside to wonder at his presence at their gates. This time he subconsciously drove to the ashes and rubble left of the once palatial Echolls house.
"Thanks a bunch, Weevil." He said bitterly to the stagnant air poisoning the area. He drove away because the past filled with belts and broken noses was almost overwhelming. A part of Logan cursed impatiently because there was that avoidance again.
Progress? 0.1 %
He drove to one final house in the 09'er neighborhood: The Casablancas home. It wasn't really because of the boyish memories of his close friends, the Casablancas brothers. It was because of his list-induces mistakes with Kendall. He didn't stop at the house but gave a salute of goodbye. That was easy. He didn't miss or care for Kendall. When he drove again he knew exactly where he was going.

Dog Beach had once symbolized the last shebang of the Fab Four. Yet, moments spent with Veronica at the beach had changed its importance in Logan's mind. Even without being fully aware of Veronica and the love he felt for her, he recognized that she was more than a close friend. He closed his eyes and groaned as the slideshow played at a dizzying speed. He got to the images of Veronica: holding her close, sharing sex with her and simply enjoying her smile. The last image came to life as the beautiful blonde whispered "I love you." Logan felt his mouth open but words couldn't come out.
What the fuck do you want from me universe? God? Whoever is fucking with my mind and emotions?!
Logan drove back to the Neptune Grande. Outside, it was darker announcing late afternoon, but Logan was back on the couch with his head in his hands.
"It's my parents. I know it is, but I can't- I can't." he repeated to himself, tired of being so weak yet not knowing how to overcome it.
He sighed and turned on the TV, pathetically hoping to find the answers there. He went to a local channel and froze. It was the Tinseltown Diaries special on Aaron and the Echolls' family. He was about to change the channel or slam the television off when he stopped to think.
This is going to be painful. But, I have to tough it out. I've never watched all of it. I've avoided the mention of my parents, Trina, and my childhood. I used to blame Veronica for running away from things and I can't be a hypocrite and do the same.
Instead of changing the channel he increased the volume. He wasn't affected the first thirty minutes. It started with Aaron's early career and marrying Lynn before jumping ahead to Logan and Trina. He rolled his eyes at Trina's part and gritted his teeth at his illegal exploits of bum fights and kegs confiscated by the sheriff. It was when they reached Lynn that he lost his cool demeanor.
"Lynn Echolls, once a beautiful actress and the faithful wife by her husband's side became a drunk. She would come home late or not come home at all, leaving Aaron with the kids while he was still working to support the household. She was on a downward spiral before the very end."
Various pictures of Lynn looking drunk or high, half of them fabricated, played on the screen. Logan glowered.
"No one was surprised when she jumped off the Coronado Bridge. No one except Aaron, who was the only upset by the loss in the family."
When his father's various press conferences of supposed grief played Logan snapped. It was during the footage of one interview where Aaron was wiping his face with a handkerchief and sniffing every other minute that Logan jumped off the couch.
"You son-of-a-bitch! You didn't cry one real tear! You killed her! You led her off the cliff! It was you! You! You ruined my life! You killed my girlfriend and my mother and almost killed the love of my life! You abused me since I was a child. You-you… You abused me." Logan took a deep breath and sat down.
He abused me, unfairly. He tried to ruin the family. He put Trina on the path to an uncaring bitch and led my mother to drugs and her death. He hurt me and killed Lilly. He almost killed Veronica and she was-she is… the love of my life.
"I love you, Veronica Mars." He whispered to his empty suite and flashbacks of the various times he'd said that came to him.
"I love you. I love you. I love you." He said it over and over, crying with relief.
Thank you, Lifetime Reject. I think I saved a crapload of money on a therapist and meds.
It felt too easy, but Logan knew it wasn't. He still had a lot to face. He needed to apologize to Veronica and see her before graduation where he felt he'd lose her forever. He'd hurt her enough. She might not take him back even if he begged or cried. Then, there was his father's impending release from prison as a free man, with no murder charge on his record. And there was graduation itself.
What the hell am I doing with my life now?

Veronica frowned at the arch of yellow and green balloons at the entrance of the Neptune High gym. It felt overdone and incredibly stupid, reminding her of an alligator burning under the sun. She hated yellow. It was bright and obnoxious.
And why does it make me think of Logan and his damn car?
Green was irritating for a reason she didn't understand.
Logan's eyes are a green tint that becomes hazel and gold depending on the setting or his emotions. When he matches his outfits with his eyes, I want to kiss him until it hurts. I bet his eyes sparkle with these green gowns. He might be the only one who can pull them off.
Veronica flinched at the Logan-centered thoughts. Pushing problems and emotions away and avoiding them only worked for so long. She knew the second she saw him she'd feel everything crashing back. She just hoped the sight wouldn't cause tears or a public meltdown. She wanted to graduate in peace.
"The number was from Nevada." Keith was explaining the supposed location of Woody and the place he was flying to after her graduation.
"Be happy, kid. You've waited a long time for this." Her dad kissed her on the forehead and went to take his seat.
Veronica saw Weevil helping his grandmother and two little kids to seats in the first row of the bleachers and she smiled when he looked in her direction. He nodded at her, thanking her for giving him the opportunity and helping him pass high school. Basically, for keeping him on the straight path for as long as it counted. The band began to play and Veronica took her seat in the M aisle, a seat away from Mac.
Clemmons began calling the roster from Paola Alvarado to Tim Bass.
"Logan Echolls." Clemmons read and the 09'ers cheered in exaltation at their leader.
Veronica gulped as she saw her handsome ex stride across the stage, confidence oozing like only he could do. He took the diploma, shook Clemmons hand, and gave the audience a wink before walking off. Veronica felt a hand on her arm and she saw Mac giving her a comforting squeeze. Veronica snapped out of the Logan haze to clap for Wallace when he was called.
"Hey, guess what." Mac whispered behind the boy separating the best friends.
"Beaver got us a room at the Neptune Grande."
"Ooh la la." Veronica said sultrily, making Mac laugh.
"Any advice?"
"Bite a pillow? Think of baseball? Count to 100?"
Mac glared.
"Just relax. When it's with the right person, it happens naturally." She gave a sad smile and Mac knew she was thinking of Logan. Again.
"It's almost over, Veronica."
"Is it?"
Mac couldn't answer because the M row stood to file after the last L student towards the podium. From the corner of her eye Veronica saw Sheriff Lamb and some new deputy walking purposefully towards the graduating class.
What did I do? She asked herself, unnecessarily, because Lamb gave her a smirk and stopped a few rows back at Weevil's seat.
"Eli Navarro, you are under arrest for the murder of Eduardo 'Thumper' Orozco."
"No, man. No, you got to give me ten minutes."
Lamb continued with the Miranda rights as if he hadn't heard him and Weevil stood angrily.
"Just let me graduate!"
People stared at the commotion but Clemmons cleared his throat and continued the graduating list.
"We can do this the hard way if you want to." Lamb threatened and Weevil gave his grandmother a glance before turning, head bowed, to allow the handcuffs to be placed.
Veronica tilted her head solemnly as he walked by and tried to communicate with her eyes how sorry she was. He looked away. A small part of him wanted to break free and collect the hard-earned diploma anyway, but the larger part of him told him he was getting what he deserved. Once a criminal… always a criminal.
"Cindy Mackenzie."
Veronica snapped to attention as Mac's name was called then the boy before her until finally
"Veronica Mars."
She expected boos or jeers or total silence. Instead, there was applause. And cheers. And Go Veronica's. She blinked astonishingly in the center of the stage for a second, taking in the cheers. She saw Mac clapping excitedly and Wallace pumping his fist, whistling for her and then she saw him.
Logan was in the back rows with the E's and D's looking directly at her, clapping and smiling shyly. She could have been imagining it, but she swore she saw the old love and longing in his eyes. The emotion he always displayed before the awful trial that turned her world upside down.

"Expecting some other reaction?" Clemmons smiled, covering the microphone as he spoke, when Veronica approached the podium for her diploma.
"I…" she shook her head.
"I don't know if my life will be easier or more difficult with you gone. Anything I should know in case I get another one like you?"
She gave him her finest troublemaker smile.
"Don't keep all your passwords taped to the bottom of your stapler… And stay cool Mr. C." she moved her cap tassel to the other side, signaling her graduation from high school.
Principal Clemmons watched her leave the stage with a pang in his heart. He'd miss Veronica Mars. The truth was there'd never be another one like her. She was a unique one.

She'd laughed and smiled genuinely when her father hugged her outside, presenting her with the graduation gift of all graduation gifts: 2 tickets to NYC, departing the next week. She'd jumped in excitement but told him to go after Woody and catch him before he did anymore harm. He'd kissed her again and run to his car, wanting to get back to his daughter as soon as possible.
Then, Dick had distastefully slapped her butt while simultaneously inviting her to his party at the Grande.
"Be there or be square, Ronnie." He said flippantly, making a suggestive dance move near her.
She shook her head at him and walked to her, shedding the green robe along the way. She was about to get into her car when Alicia ran up to her, waving a ripped piece of paper in her hand.
"Veronica, did you know about this?"
Veronica read the note and her eyes widened.
"He went to Paris?"
"To follow Jackie." Alicia crossed her arms expectantly and Veronica rushed to assure her she hadn't known his plans.
"Call me if you know anything else, please." Mrs. Fennell said, walking away.
Veronica got into her car, straight for home and the locator program on her computer. She could find Jackie, no matter what European country she was in.

It seemed like European country was a stretch for a café in Brooklyn, NY where Jackie and her mother worked for a living. Jackie was a single, teenage mother who had tried a new start in Neptune, but eventually had to return to her past and her mistakes. Veronica had convinced her to intercept Wallace at the airport before he ended up in Paris, searching for someone who wasn't there.

She was at home, going over Woody's remaining files. She had focused on his Little League team, trying to match the pictures of the boys to the last voice on the tape. She knew the identities of all but one of the boys on the team. She'd been using a photograph of the team that wasn't so helpful without any names and her search program only went so far. She had an idea on getting the last name for the photograph. She was leaving the apartment when her cell phone rang.
"It's me, honey."
"Dad, did you get him?"
"I did."
Veronica breathed a sigh of relief.
"Are you coming home?"
"I'm loading Woody into his private plane. As soon as the pilot arrives we are homeward bound."
"Did Woody confess to the bus crash?"
"No, we need more evidence on that one to tie him to it."
"I'm on it. There's only one boy in the photograph I have to identify. After that, I'll know who the voice on the tape is."
"All right, Veronica. The pilot just got here. I'll see you soon. Love you."
"I love you too, Dad." She hung up and drove to the local Woody's Burgers.

The fast food chain wasn't so successful, but in Neptune it attracted decent clientele. Veronica, personally, hated the place. Maybe it was because of the raw loathing and disgust she felt for Woody, but the burgers were crap too. She approached the far wall of the place where pictures of Woody and various plaques were placed. She focused on the Little League team picture, framed on the wall with the names of all the kids underneath. She took out her photographed and compared it to the other one.
"Derek Applegate." She named the last boy, wondering who he was and where he was now.
I'll have to tell my dad about him.
Veronica almost missed the last words. Almost.
Not Pictured: Cassidy Casablancas.
The world stopped, a feeling so sickening in the pit of her stomach that the hopelessness of Aaron Echolls' trial felt like heaven in comparison.
She had stumbled to the bathroom, vomiting the contents of her breakfast in the toilet. She dry heaved before staring at her pale complexion in the mirror.
It makes sense. Cassidy is the only one with enough computer expertise to manipulate the audiotape. He was on the bus before the crash. He planted the bomb in Betina's bag. He knew Dick handed it off and he knew he was safe in the limo. He was molested by Woody and he… must have Chlamydia. From Woody. Oh my God.
She threw up again, this time from hazy memories of Shelley Pomroy's party and the now discernible face of her rapist.

"Pick up, Pick up!" Veronica said frantically, driving towards the Neptune Grande at speeds way above the speed limit of 50.
Mac's phone went to voicemail for the third time so she left a message, not knowing what else to do.
"Mac, it's me. Listen, you have to get away from Cassidy! He's dangerous. Call me back as soon as you get this." She hung up and picked up the speed, pulling in to the Neptune Grande parking lot and not hesitating before running inside and to the main ballroom where the party was held.
She searched the crowd for Mac but almost cried when she could see her. She spotted Logan and didn't stop to think before pulling him aside from the people he was talking to. Madison gave her a glare that she promptly ignored, focusing only on Logan.
"Have you seen Beaver and Mac?"
Logan seemed surprised at her question. He'd probably been expecting a question on their relationship or how he'd treated her. Instead, she was using a businesslike (a shaky businesslike) tone.
"Um, they were here a little while ago."
He examined her face, taking in the pale terror on it.
"What's wrong?" he asked and she gave in to his soft voice of concern.
"I think Beaver-
"What?" Dick had come up to behind her and she turned to the older brother.
"Where's your brother?"
"He took Ghostworld up to his room to make love or play Dungeons and Dragons, or both whatever." He laughed and Veronica paled even more, giving Logan one last look of pain before rushing away.
Logan stared after her and was about to follow when Madison grabbed him from behind.
"Leaving so soon? I thought we were having fun." She purred and pushed her hips against his to the dance beat.
He danced, distractedly searching the crowd for the fleeting petite blonde and failing to locate her.

The receptionist hadn't given her the room number or allowed her to call the room because there was a Do Not Disturb on it. Veronica had given her a dark look before shooting Mac a text message, telling her Cassidy was a killer and she had to get away. She was relieved to see a response from Mac telling her to meet her on the roof. She went to the elevator, immediately stepping in when the doors opened.
She hadn't noticed she wasn't alone.
"Hello, Veronica."
She gasped at the sight of Aaron Echolls, holding brandy and two glasses.
"Don't be so surprised. Neptune isn't as big as it seems and the Grande is the best place to enjoy one's freedom." He winked and she suppressed a shiver.
"Lilly liked it too. It's a bummer you murdered her."
"You're just like Lilly. Both of you aren't afraid to speak your minds." He said dryly. "Maybe that's why you were such good friends. You know, the best part about the day I smashed her head in with that ashtray might have been when she finally shut the hell up."
The elevator dinged on his floor and his countenance was back to the amiable movie star and not the dark killer. He wished her good night, whistling an old song as the elevator doors closed. Veronica wanted to scrub her skin with something hard to get his voice and presence off her. When she reached the rooftop she pushed Aaron Echolls to the back of her mind, knowing talking to Mac about the identity of her boyfriend was more pressing. And more painful.
"Mac!" she called to the empty roof.
She didn't get the response she'd been expecting.
"Hey, Veronica." Cassidy stepped out from the darkness, leveling a run at her.
"Where is she?" she asked in a shaky voice.
"Mac's in a better place and couldn't come to the phone. Throw me your bag."
Veronica took heavy breaths, clutching her bag to her side like a lifeline.
"Throw it over!" he ordered, releasing the safety on the gun.
She immediately threw it over and Cassidy bent to take out her taser before throwing the bag to the side.
"You made some serious accusations in your little messages. What exactly do you know?"
"You played on Woody's Little League team with Marcos and Peter. Woody molested all three of you and when they tried to come forward with what happened you refused. They told you it would be best and you'd thank them later. You were scared they'd tell so they had to die… I'm guessing you got the explosives from Curly Moran. Hart told me you helped him with his war movies. You were in charge of blowing things up." She paused to suck in air. "Curly told Weevil one night he knew who'd blown up the bus. He'd figured it out. He had to die too. You knew Cervando was bragging about hustling Liam Fitzpatrick so you convinced the PCH'ers the Fitzpatricks did it. You really threw them off the track. Writing my name on his hand after you killed him? The perfect way to throw the rest of the town off your track. I was a key witness in the Aaron Echolls' trial. My name would cause problems."
Cassidy gave a nod but didn't speak so she continued, trying to keep the tremble from her voice.
"When you hired me to catch Kendall in the act, it wasn't to help your dad. You knew what he was up to and you wanted to punish him for the way he treated you."
"You were a marvelous PI. Honestly, give yourself a pat on the back." Cassidy said mockingly.
"How did I get Chlamydia, Cassidy? Woody was treated for it and I ended up with it. After Shelley Pomroy's party, sophomore year, you told me Dick pushed you into the room with me after I was roofied. But, your story wasn't the truth, was it? You didn't run out like you told me. You wanted to prove you were a man." She could keep the tears from her voice. "You raped me!"
Cassidy smirked, an unhinged twist of his mouth that sent chills to every part of her body.
"And Dick still thinks I'm a virgin. I know how to keep a secret."
"If that's what this is about, your plan is ruined. I know everything now."
"You won't be telling anyone."
"I already did. My dad."
"That's too bad. He's currently on Woody's plane with him, isn't he? On the way back to Neptune? I have no more use for Woody. It's time he pays the price for what he did to me. Did you hear about the bomb someone placed on his car?" he chuckled. "There's one on his plane. The last hurrah for the great mayor. All I have to do is dial."
Veronica's eyed widened in horror as she realized what he was saying.
"Maybe you should call Daddy and say goodbye" he jeered.
Veronica pulled out her phone and rapidly speed dialed her father. The rings caused her panic to increase. She cried out his name as it went to voicemail.
Cassidy shrugged.
"Oh well." He dialed a number on his cell phone and a huge explosion came from the sky behind them.
Veronica whirled and stared at the fire in the sky. It lit up the sky in a lurid picture of death and finality.
"Daddy." She sobbed, dropping to her knees.
"Why don't you do me a favor, Veronica? Now that you have nothing to live for, why don't you consider rolling right off the roof? It's just I really don't want your DNA on my shirt."
Veronica, still shaking with tears, typed a quick message to Logan's cell-phone, sending it as Cassidy holds up her taser.
"You really like this thing, huh? Ever wonder how it feels to be tasered with it?" he pressed it to her arm and caused her to fall to the floor, clutching her side. "We are the Neptune Pirates. It'll be like you're walking the plank, except instead of jabbing you with my sword I'll be putting 3000 volts of electricity in you."
Veronica stayed, clutching her body in a potent combination of physical and emotional pain and Cassidy sighed.
"You couldn't do this the easy way?" he pointed the gun down at her form. "I heard Aaron Echolls was staying here. I wonder if I can actually convict him for murder."
Logan's voice sounded through her misty mind and she pushed herself to her feet after Cassidy shot towards Logan, missing and hitting a wall. She jumped Cassidy from behind, knocking Cassidy to the ground and the gun out of his reach. She struggled with the younger boy but was pushed away with a violent kick, reeling with the hit. Before Cassidy could reach the gun Logan came at him from the other direction and the two struggled on the ground before Veronica fired a warning shot into the sky.
"Logan, get away from him." She said, forcing her voice to strength and not reveal an ounce of fear at what she was doing.
Logan moved away but stood in the path of the gun.
"Veronica, don't."
"He killed my father!" she cried. "He killed everyone on the bus! He raped me!" she let the tears spill out, still clutching the trigger of the gun.
Logan gave his once best friend a look but walked slowly towards the broken girl in front of him.
"You are not a killer, Veronica. Give me the gun."
He was a short stretch from her when he spoke again.
"Give the gun, my love. You are not a killer."
She sobbed and released the gun to him, falling into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her kissing her head and stroking her locks softly. He almost didn't notice Cassidy jumping onto the ledge of the roof.
"Beaver, don't!" he said because the boy had once been a permanent fixture in his house and a trusted confidante, always tagging along behind Dick.
"My name is Cassidy!" he cried.
"Cassidy, don't." Logan said again.
"Why not?"
Logan's mouth opened but he could speak. There was no reason. Cassidy was a twisted human being, in the equivalent position as Aaron and Osama Bin Laden.
"That's what I thought." Cassidy scoffed sadly and stepped off the roof, never to be seen again.
Logan stared at the empty spot, not knowing how to react. Veronica sobbed again and fell to the floor, breathing unevenly and crying in between. Logan knelt down next to her.
"Veronica. I'm here. I'm here now."
She shook her head and continued the hysterical sobbing.
"Yes, I am. Feel my hand." He kept his voice steady, knowing he had to be the sane one at the moment because she couldn't do it.
He put his hand on hers and she pulled hers away.
"Veronica, I love you, Please, take my hand.
She cried harder.
"N-no. You d-don't l-love me." She gasped out and he wanted to punch himself in the face.
If he hadn't ignored the truth of his past and confronted the memories of his childhood and his abuse, he wouldn't have developed the ASD or broken up with Veronica at the moment she most needed him. Veronica wouldn't have been alone or suffering without counting on him to be there for her.
"I do. I love you more than anything in the world. I had Acute Stress Disorder and everything was fucked up and I was a fucking idiot and that doesn't matter right now because you are all that matters. I am here for you. Please take my hand." He begged, his own tears pricking his eyes.
Veronica's sobs quieted and she deliberated before slowly grabbing his hand. He pulled her into his chest and tightened the embrace, for both his sake and hers.
She cried for several seconds before suddenly, in a moment of total clarity, said
He didn't connect that she meant the computer whiz until she stood, pulling him inside the hotel and to the lobby. The receptionist gave them a look of surprise. They both looked ragged, like they'd stepped off a nuclear war field. This time Veronica demanded the room number of Mac's room and the receptionist gave it to her without further comment, noticing the wild yet resolute look in the girl's blue eyes.

The car ride to Veronica's apartment was spent in utter silence. Logan would send her worried looks every so often but Veronica's eyes never moved from her lap. After her burst of energy, finding Mac and crying with her on the floor of the hotel room she's gone silent. Mac had been picked up by her parents, horrified at the state of affairs and hurrying her to the comfort of her room. Veronica had watched the family leave with an empty look in her eyes, but Logan knew inside she was screaming for the family she'd lost. The family that had been ripped away from her by the boy who had already hurt her so much.
"Veronica." He said tentatively but received no response. Her eyes did not move.
He parked in front of the apartment and opened her door for her. She followed mechanically and when they entered the apartment, not even Back-up's appearance caused any change in her. Logan put Back-up in Veronica's room and sat on the couch with the blank-faced Veronica.
"Veronica, my love."
That caused her to blink and look into his eyes. The pure agony there made his eyes water and he pulled her into his arms as she let more tears fall from her eyes. There was no hysterical sobbing this time, only silent cries of pain.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered and she cried harder, eventually falling asleep in his arms too tired to continue crying.
Logan carried her to her bedroom, letting Back-up lay on the floor next to the bed. Logan was about to leave her there and take up residence on the couch when she whimpered in her sleep. Her face was scrunched up in sorrow, even in her dreams, and he immediately returned to her side. He curled up next to her, wrapping her tiny form in his larger frame for warmth and comfort that he hoped she felt in her unconsciousness. He stroked her hair until the whimpers subsided and her face went slack in simple fatigue. He fell asleep stroking the golden tangles and whispering how much he loved her and would be there for her.

Veronica's eyes opened when she smelled the bacon.
It was a nightmare, wasn't it? Cassidy wasn't some crazy killer and rapist. I must have gone to Dick's party and had too many drinks. I bet Logan is waiting by the phone for me. Dad's making my favorite breakfast again. He must be letting my underage drinking slide since it was for my graduation.
Veronica ran into the kitchen, ready to apologize for any unpleasant conduct from large quantities of alcohol when she saw Logan. He turned to her and his hazel eyes were soft and unsure of how to act or speak. Instantly, she knew. It hadn't been a nightmare. The events of the previous day crashed into her causing her to gasp and bite her lip to hold it in. Logan rushed to her, taking her in his long arms.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, my love." He breathed and she breathed in his scent, trying to concentrate on the man in front of her instead of the man she'd lost.
"Is that breakfast I smell?" the familiar voice sounded from behind her and she froze for a split second before pushing out of Logan's arms and jumping into her father's.
"You're alive! Oh God, I thought you were dead!"
Keith hugged his daughter, confused at her words.
"Woody's plane. Cassidy Casablancas blew it up." She explained tearfully, though the tears were of a happier nature.
"Oh." He realized and pulled her into his chest. "I wasn't on the plane. Lamb didn't want me arriving with Woody getting met by the press. He had them take me off the plane at the last minute. I ran to the car, I drove home. I was a little surprised and unpleased at finding Logan in your bed but once I saw everyone was wearing the appropriate clothes I was glad you two had worked things out."
Veronica was reminded of Logan when her father mentioned him and when she turned to where he had last been she was puzzled to see him gone. He must have slipped out the door as she cried with her father.
"Now, what was that about the Casablancas boy?"

As Veronica filled her father in on the previous night, down to every gritty detail, a maid was opening the door of room 174 in the Neptune Grande. She pushed open the door, clucking her tongue at the mess. It must have been a young couple with a night of adventurous passion. She pushed her cleaning cart in and was going to start with the bathroom when she noticed a man asleep on the couch.
"Sir? Check-out was an hour ago." She said and frowned as the man remained still.
She saw a red stain on the couch and stepped closer, screaming when she saw the dead man.
Ten minutes later the police arrived to identify the body and investigate the scene. They wouldn't find anything. No prints, no bullet. Clarence Weidman was a professional, after all.

Three days later, Veronica got a letter in the mail. She had just come home from a jog around the neighborhood and she saw the letter on the floor in precise, block letters with her name on it and no return address or postage stamp. It must have been placed in the mailbox by someone. Her father was at the Sheriff's department, handling last details of Woody's case with Lamb. The day before she'd spent completely with Wallace, who had returned from New York with his own troubles. They had talked about everything and Wallace had held her hand through the tale. They'd fallen asleep to a comedy flick next to empty ice cream cartons and Chinese takeout boxes. Veronica hadn't heard from Mac since that night. She hadn't heard from Logan either.
He hadn't called her and she hadn't summoned the courage to call him. She knew he had saved her life on the rooftop and that he had held her the whole night she thought her father was dead. He had stayed the morning after, ready to hold her before she fell apart and went catatonic. When her father came from his bedroom and Veronica felt that her heart was whole again Logan was gone. He hadn't wanted to intrude on their private moment and she was thankful for that, even though a part of her wished he had stayed so she want stuck in a limbo of emotions. She wanted to see him and jump into his arms, her lips on his the way it was meant to be. But, it wasn't that simple.
Logan had told her he loved her that night but it had been too soon from their painful break-up for her to fully accept the words. For all she knew they were just words he said because of what had just happened. People do crazy things after near-death experiences and crises. It was the adrenaline. Veronica prayed that hadn't been the case because after all they'd been through she was still hopelessly in love with Logan and a future without him caused her heart to ache.
She was set to board a plane to New York in two days and she wanted to have things in Neptune resolved before she went. On the To-Do list was talking to Mac and forcing herself to see Logan. For a second, she thought the letter was from Logan but she dropped that theory because Logan's handwriting was messy and emotional, the way he was in person and conversation. This perfect handwriting and meticulous style of writing wasn't Logan's way it was more… Duncan's.
"My Dearest Veronica,
It's been a long time since I've called you that. It's been a long time since I called you mine." She read out loud.
Of course it's from Duncan. He's fond of impersonal approached and avoiding confrontation. He ran away and left a letter for me because it was one step up from an e-mail.
"There are several things I have to address, starting with my leaving the country. As you probably figured out I took my daughter with me and escaped any repercussions from either Meg's parents or the state. I can't apologize for this because I made a promise to Meg before she died of taking care of our child and not allowing anyone else to hurt her. This was the only way. The next thing is something you won't approve of and you'll probably hate me for. Let me apologize in advance. I did what I thought was right and I didn't think any further than that. I stole the Lilly/ Aaron sex tapes and had them destroyed. Before you throw this letter away in anger please wait. I did it for Lilly. Let's face it. Even with the tapes Aaron's lawyers would have found a way to manipulate the case and achieve his freedom. I didn't want the tapes to be released to the public and have my sister exposed to the internet and the world as a whore or in connection to that monster.
I've always admired your determination for justice and the way you trust that the law will handle things in the end. You solved Lilly's murder and left it at the hands of a jury and judge. I wish I could have been okay with that. I wasn't. I knew it wouldn't have the right ending. Aaron doesn't deserve a comfortable prison where he gets an hour of recess and gets his meals and clothes paid for by American tax dollars. He doesn't deserve a chance at parole and a way out of jail. Do you know what he deserves? What he got. I'm sure by now you've heard of his death. His murder. I ordered the hit on Aaron Echolls." Veronica stopped for a second to take a breath in disbelief.
Duncan ordered Aaron's death? The Duncan who frowned when Lilly killed a spider or fly? The Duncan who planned to be a Democrat and run for President of the United States? The Duncan who was the perfect prince to Veronica 1.0? A sweet guy? The Golden Boy?
"You must be struggling with my revelation. I'm sorry Veronica. I'm sorry that I've become a murderer. I did it for Lilly. And I don't just mean my sister. I mean my daughter, Lilly Meagan Kane. She looks like Meg, but I swear she has a touch of Lilly in her. That's why I called her Lilly, as remembrance to the great Lilly Kane of the old days. I miss my sister everyday and I couldn't live if I knew her killer were alive somewhere. Now, he isn't. Problem solved.
If you hate me for this, I understand. I warned you beforehand I had to apologize for what I did. I truly am sorry to disappoint you, Veronica. You're probably wondering how this letter reached you when I am in some undisclosed location in a foreign country and no way to reach your postal service. A family friend and a personal friend to me helped me. He is closer to me than my own father and I love him as just that. Jake and Celeste don't know where I am or were involved in what I did. They are ignorant to it all. My trusted accomplice delivered this letter to you at the right time, as I ordered him to."
Clarence Weidman. There's no other man trained to perform a murder on someone as famous as Aaron and get away with it with such ease.
"I'm sure you'll figure out who my friend was and I hope you won't blame him for what I asked him to do. It was all my fault."
That's what I'm starting to see.
"Finally, I need to tell you that… I love you, Veronica. Always have, always will. The summer after junior year when Lilly's murderer came to light and you got with Logan I told myself we'd be together again. I thought it was inevitable and that you and I were meant to be together. We were supposed to be married, living in a beautiful mansion surrounded by kids. We were supposed to be forever. I found this in a fortune cookie." Veronica stopped reading and looked at the little paper taped to the letter that must have come from the fortune cookie.
"True Love Stories Never Have Endings. It made me think of us. For an hour. In that hour I went up to you at Java the Hut, trying to kiss you and you firmly rejected me. I knew then, like I know now, you rejected me because your never-ending love story is not with me. It's with Logan. It still pains me to say it, because you know that I haven't been able to move on from you, but it's the truth. We can't be together like we were before Lilly died because that wasn't the real you. It took me some time to realize that. The real you was hidden under the cute pink-wearing girl that always agreed with what others said and followed Lilly like she was your sun. You are a different girl now and the only person who can handle that girl is Logan. You two belong together. Feel free to rip up this letter or burn it or hand it to the authorities as a confession from me on Aaron's murder. Do whatever you want with it. Just don't forget me. Please. It's all I ask of you and I know that seems like too much to ask, but I still ask it. Don't forget me because I was your first love and because I was Lilly's brother and now I'm the father of a beautiful baby girl that carries her aunt's and inner spirit. Don't forget me, Veronica. I won't forget you.
I wish you a long and happy life with Logan. You both deserve it. Tell him I'm sorry that I left him and that I killed Aaron. He's allowed to hate me. I love you both.
Sincerely yours,
Veronica lowered the letter and stood in the middle of her apartment without speaking. It was a lot to take in. Not only was the boy she'd once worshipped a murderer but he was confessing never moving on from her. To top it off, he wishes her and his best friend a happy life together.
Logan and I haven't spoken since yet another traumatic event, does that still mean we belong together?
Yet as she folded up Duncan's letter and put it into her jacket pocket and got into the shower she knew they did. Logan and Veronica. Veronica and Logan. LoVe. The couple that could rival Ross and Rachel with their ups and downs. They did belong together. Who else could deal with the violent whirlwind of a girl that was Veronica? Or the tempestuous emotion-crazed boy that was Logan?
Duncan may have been wrong dealing with Aaron himself and running from the country with his child, but he got his last point right. Veronica and Logan belonged together.
"I love you, Logan." She said in the shower and she cried tears of relief at knowing one sure thing in her life was Logan.

Logan hadn't eaten in two days. He had been showering, drinking water and staring blankly at the television for the last three days. His stomach grumbled and his eyes drooped every now and then but he couldn't eat anything solid or sleep more than two hours without waking up from a potent nightmare. He didn't miss his father. Aaron had been an abusive, murdering bastard who had been evil until the last breath he took, but Logan had felt that the death of his father left him truly alone in the big, bad world. Trina was in Europe doing some cheesy movie of the Echolls family and she wouldn't care if Logan fell off a cliff. His mother had chosen death over fighting for her life and Logan's. Aaron was dead. One of his best friends had jumped off a building, another had run away with his baby, and yet another had flown to the Caymans to escape the death of his brother and the truth of his life.
The biggest sadness was Veronica. He hadn't seen her since the morning her father turned out to be alive. He had felt so relieved for her. She deserved to keep her father, the only family member she possessed apart from her dog. After that, he couldn't make himself call her or see her for fear of her hate or anger. He had caused her a lot of pain and she had let him stay with her because there had been no one else around that night. She didn't love him anymore and he couldn't blame her. He still considered himself broken and not worth Veronica's time. It was an old habit of demeaning himself caused by Daddy Dearest. Even after death he was hurting Logan.
There was a knock at the door and Logan stared at it, without moving. He hadn't ordered room service and had told the front desk he didn't want to be disturbed by any maids or cleaning staff. Who else would be visiting him?
"Veronica?" he said softly, still unable to move.
Veronica wasn't known for her patience and she'd seen Logan's X-terra in the hotel parking lot so she knew the only thing separating her between the man she loved was an expensive wooden door. She whipped out the key card to the penthouse (acquired by a tearful performance to the male receptionist about seeing her dear, sick older brother) and unlocked the door herself. She marched inside and stood in front of Logan's bleak form on the couch.
"I need to talk to you."
"I deduced that from the breaking and entering." He said dryly.
"I used a key card."
"It was still against my permission."
"Do you want me to leave?"
"No." he said immediately and she smiled.
"Good. I need to talk to you about some things. I should start off by saying thank you. Thank you for saving my life and thank you for staying with me all night. You were ready to pick up the pieces after I thought my father was dead and that was sweet of you. Thank you."
Logan nodded, still stunned at her appearance and what she was saying.
"Next, I want you to know I'm here for you if you want to talk about anything. I heard about Aaron." Logan looked at the ground but Veronica kept her eyes on his face and sat next to him, taking his hand.
"I'm here for you, Logan."
"Why?" he said, meeting her eyes again.
"Why?" she repeated and a smile lit up her face, stunning Logan again as he gazed in awe at her beauty. "Because I love you. That's why."
"You love me?"
"Are you going to parrot everything I say or actually give me a response?" she teased but Logan still couldn't believe it.
"I hurt you."
"You did." She nodded.
"And you still love me?"
"Never stopped." She admitted.
"I'm sorry, Veronica."
"Breaking up with you like that. Telling you I didn't love you. I want to blame it on the ASD but that's not all of it."
"ASD?" she asked with concern.
"It passed. I spent most of my life repressing the abuse I experienced and every bad thing that passed. It exploded in my face at the trial and things got severely out of hand."
"That makes sense. Why else would you let a hot catch like myself go unless it was a mental unbalance." She said arrogantly and he cracked a smile.
"I missed you, Veronica."
"I love you more than my life."
"God, I missed you." She said, moving into his lap and kissing him passionately.

It had taken Keith some time to accept his daughter's new life. She had finished high school and was on her way to college, the big leagues. She was also living in New York. With Logan.
It started with the week long trip to NY Keith had planned for her. She came home two days before the trip with an angelic pout and the most adorable puppy dog eyes. When she tilted her head he knew trouble was coming. It still didn't mean he was immune to it. It was how he ended up letting Logan take his place for the trip and letting his little girl go to New York with her on-again boyfriend. When they came back, both wore pouts and puppy dog eyes.
Keith knew it would be a long day.
"I want to apply at NYU and major in photography." She had said.
"I'll pay for everything." Logan had added.
"I know of another scholarship that will pay for school." She had said, giving Logan a stern glare.
That was his daughter. She didn't want to be kept. She wanted to work for her goals.
"I love Logan." She'd continued.
"I love Veronica." He'd added.
"Neptune isn't the place for me, Dad. It has bad memories. I can't live here without feeing upset. I need a new start."
"With Logan?" Keith had asked.
"I love him." She'd said again and Keith had suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and throw a tantrum right there.
"Okay." He'd finally said and it was almost worth the matching expressions of shock on the couple's faces.
"Okay?" Logan questioned.
"Are you okay, Dad?" she'd asked.
"I want you to be happy, honey." He'd said and Veronica had screamed and jumped into his arms.
People stared. But that was okay.

"I'm going to miss you, V." Wallace said, holding in tears because he wanted to remain manly.
"I'll visit you, Bro. You know I love you." They hugged and Wallace cursed it all and cried with his best friend and future sister.
"Neptune won't be the same." Mac said, next in Veronica's line of goodbyes.
"It certainly won't be as exciting." She quipped.
"And letters."
"Phone calls?"
"And telegrams." Veronica smiled, pulling the brunette into a tight hug.
"I always wanted a sister." Daryl said and Veronica laughed.
"Well, you'll experience it soon enough. I promise to come back to hog the bathroom and call you a dweeb." She kissed her future brother and moved on.
"Take care of yourself, Veronica." Mrs. Fennel said.
"I will. Take care of my dad."
"I will." Alicia smiled, hugging the little blonde.
"Call me when you land." Keith said from beside his fiancée.
"Of course." She promised and her father picked her up in an air-stopping hug.
"Back-up will miss you." He said, through tears.
"I'll miss him too." She sniffed and stepped back into Logan's arms, staring at the five people that were her true family.
"Ready?" Logan asked and she turned to him with a great smile.
"Only if you are."
"I was ready the first time I saw you."

They walked to the terminal and boarded the plane.
"That was a long time ago."
"You can imagine my anxiety."
She laughed.
"It's been a long journey."
"Are we going to quote cheesy graduation lines? Oh what a strange trip it's been."
She glared.
"I'm serious."
"Alright, sorry. Yeah, I feel like we've been through three world wars."
"And then some."
"I still haven't forgiven myself for that unnecessary breakup."
"I forgave you already. In fact, I'm proud of you for overcoming ASD and facing the past and the memories of your parents."
"Yes. We should have an honesty policy. Full disclosure." She added as they took their seats and Logan chuckled.
"What do you want to know?"
"Whatever do you mean." She said innocently.
"Full disclosure? We've been back together for a month and I've known you for six years. What do you want to know?" he repeated.
"How do you feel about your dad's death? And Duncan's part in it?"
Any mention of Duncan had been avoided by Logan. As the couple worked on their relationship after the night on the rooftop and the reunion in Logan's suite, they'd talked about everything except for two things. One, Duncan and his part in Aaron's trial and murder. Two, Veronica's rape. It was an issue she never mentioned and he never pressed her on. It was something she wanted to forget and Logan wanted to atone for, even though it hadn't been his fault.
"I don't hate him."
"I don't either."
"If there was something I'd hate him for it would be that he's still in love with you and I bet if we ever fell apart he'd be waiting in the wings for you to run back into his arms."
"That will never happen." she said firmly and he gave her a smile before continuing.
"I can't hate him for the hit on Aaron because he was right. Even with the tapes those lawyers would have skeeved their way to his freedom. I wouldn't have been able to do it and I'm… glad someone else did."
When she didn't respond his eyes lowered, ashamed.
"Does that disappoint you?"
"What? No, Logan of course not. You would never disappoint me. I was glad he was gone too. When I read it in the paper I-I breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't around to hurt anyone again. Not me or Lilly or you. I never forgave him for what he did to you. You were an innocent child and you didn't deserve that abuse."
"No, I didn't, but I don't hate Aaron either. I can't say I've forgiven him but I don't hate a man who's dead. He's where no one will suffer at his hands again."
"I feel the same way about Cassidy. It might seem twisted but I've forgiven him. He was molested by a man who was taking advantage of him and preying on his insecurities. He was ignored by his father, basically abandoned by his mother and he had Dick as an older brother. He had a sad life and what he did was inevitable. He was ruined inside so he had to externalize it somehow."
"I can't forgive him for externalizing it with you."
"I know. But, he's gone too, Logan. We can't hate the dead and we can't live with grudges. We have to forgive but not forget."
"When did you become so philosophical and easygoing?"
"Like I said before. Easygoing Veronica Mars, it's what the people call me."
He laughed and kissed her forehead gently.
"Thank you for doing this." He said softly.
"Doing what?"
"Moving to New York."
"It wasn't just for you. I loved NYU and their photography program and broadcast journalism options are great. Besides, I wasn't meant to live or remain in Neptune. Neither of us were. You couldn't live in the same hotel where Cassidy jumped or where your father met his end. It wasn't right. Just like I couldn't live in the apartment where my mother lied about loving me and abandoned me, taking not only my college savings but my dad's savings with her. Neptune was our past and we couldn't let it be our future."
"I love you."
"And I love you."
They kissed and the remainder of the flight to the East coast was spent watching the on-flight movie and giggling at the cheesy lines, sipping Diet Cokes and eating the complimentary peanuts.

High school had been a hell for both Logan and Veronica. They'd had hard lives with mothers who left you and friends who never came back. In the end they had each other. Veronica kept in touch with her best friends and visited her father every month. Logan would receive phone calls from Dick every now and then. Dick was a changed man, building his own company and living away from his father, who was a poisonous influence. Mac and Wallace developed an unexpected relationship that Veronica had been stunned to hear of over the phone.
New York was beautiful and alive and new. Logan and Veronica could go out every night, just the two of them, to explore a restaurant or play or club. College was amazing and Veronica had convinced Logan to attend NYU with her. He pulled some strings and got into the semester, one day late, to begin his English major. He had writing skills, as had been proven by his winning essay senior year. And life was good again.
Veronica woke up, in the apartment Logan had purchased two blocks from NYU, and she smiled. She laughed every day, met new people and only one enemy here or there. She kept in contact with her old friends and her father and her new stepmother, Mrs. Alicia Mars. Thanksgiving was held at the new house Keith had purchased to accommodate his wife, Daryl, a spare room for any visiting teens(Wallace or Veronica) and a nursery for the soon-to-be baby boy in Alicia's womb.
A year after the move, halfway into Veronica and Logan's sophomore year of college Logan proposed. He said they were still young but since he knew who he would spend the rest of his life with, why not make it official? Veronica had cried, like the hidden girl she kept inside, and said yes. No one was surprised.

And that was it. No more broken noses, cigarette burns, mornings woken up in some strange house, dangerous cases, abandoning mothers, stuck up 09'ers, murder trials, or unhappiness.
Logan and Veronica lived on… One might even say happily ever after.