A little diddy started at 1 in the morning, all done on a phone. ^_^ hehe oops.

She was going into shock. She had to be. The first thrust had ripped through her body, but with each passing second the pain had dulled. What had started as an sharp agonizing invasion, drifted into an uncomfortable and heartbreaking pressure. Samantha watched through foggy eyes as her attacker pulled the blade from her side. Her hot blood pooled from her body mixing with the cold sweat that beaded along her skin. The knife glistened with with the unnatural gloss of her blood. A thought passed into Sam's mind.

This is going to take a while.

Her wounds weren't that deep. He wasn't trying to mug. Not as if she had anything worth stealing. A homeless lifestyle tended to do that to a person. He hadn't touched her other than the initial grab from where she had been sitting near the dumpster. Even now the only direct contact between Sam and her attacker was his hand on her throat. No, this was for fun. She raised her eyes to face the thing that could consider hurting someone fun. Dark greasy hair hung in haphazard clumps about a chubby face. A scattering of facial hair splattered about the length of his flabby cheeks in dark brown patches. An errant trail of saliva slid from his open mouth. His lips were dry, but not quite cracked. They had that tightened look with small depressed spots of dehydrated flesh. Her mother used to call them octopus tentacle lips. Oh God, her mother. Sam's last memory her mother filled her mind. She'd looked so peaceful in her hospital bed. It had been a five year struggle with the cancer. She had come to terms with her life, and held onto faith in a better destination. Sam would join her soon. She'd always known she would die out here under a bridge or in an alley. It didn't matter. She had just hoped it would be quick. So much for small mercies.

Sam looked up into her attacker's eyes and shuddered. Empty pits peered back out at her behind the curtain of hair. No semblance of humanity lay there. No guilt. No sympathy. Not even anger. An empty wasteland fueled these malicious actions. Nothing but an empty void stared back, taking all that spilled from her in these last minutes of her life. Tears fell down her cheeks to join her blood. Her lips moved trying desperately to pull air into her broken body. She placed her hand on the arm that pinned her to the wall and pushed. He tilted is head at this renewed willpower. His lips pulled back completely, exposing clean white teeth. The tip of the blade moved up her body over the center of her chest. This was it. She closed her eyes and waited. Rapid tapping broke through the alley. Sam cried out as she fell to her knees. She opened her eyes. The man who had pinned her was thrown to the ground. Two flashes erupted through the alley. Sam leaned back against the wall as darkness began to overtake her vision. Two figures walked towards her. Sam licked her lips with a dry tongue.

"Please," she croaked. "Help me." Rough fingers brushed her cheek and hand as a pair of light blue eyes pierced through the growing darkness.

"Don't worry, lass," said her savior. Another pair of hands pushed a bundle against her wounds.

"We've got you."