All Things Must Pass

Chapter 1

A/N: Hey Guys! This is one of my old stories recovered, and it is a collab project with DreamCloudOne, formerly known as Chancy Angel. I don't know if she's interesting in writing Beatles stuff anymore. We haven't spoken in a while so I don't think the story can continue on from the current point, so this is all old writing and authors notes, etc. Hope you enjoy!

It was an ordinary day in New York, and Naomi Rydell and Allison Bell were hanging out, swooning over their favorite four, The Beatles, as always.

"Paul is such a hottie!" Naomi cooed.

"How can you say that in comparison to George!" Allison cried indignantly.

"You know they are all hot in my book." Naomi replied.

"Yeah, why waste time arguing." Allison agreed.

Once the two had come to an agreement that ALL the boys were incredibly hot, they went back to listening to Paul's velvety voice and staring off into space dreamily. When the disk they were listening to had faded to a stop, they were brought back into reality.

"I just love Rubber Soul, it's so creative." Allison commented.

"True, I could say that about just about anything by the Beatles." Naomi replied.

"Definitely," Allison agreed. "I love them.

"Anyone who doesn't is crazy!" Naomi sang in reply.

"Totally," sighed Allison. "Hey, want to go for a walk?" she asked.

"Sure," Naomi replied. "Where should we go?"

"I don't know." Allison replied thoughtfully. "Let's just explore."

"'Kay," Naomi replied happily.

It was a beautiful day, and both the girls felt content as they walked down the crowded streets of New York. There were a lot of people out walking, so they were sure to guard their purses carefully.

"Hey, look at that!" Allison exclaimed excitedly, pointing at a building in front of them.

"What?" Naomi asked, rubbing her head in a rather confused manner.

"Oh, it's just a new perfume shop; it got me excited." Allison explained a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's check it out," Naomi replied, laughing a little bit at her over excited friend.

The girls browsed the shop for about an hour, trying on all the perfumes, when something caught their eye. It was a Yoko Ono perfume display.

" Ew, it probably smells like beatle-ruiner!" Allison exclaimed angrily, scrunching up her nose.

"But, still, it is a perfume from John's widow," Naomi pointed out. "And she made him very happy," "I'm buying it!" she declared.

"Okay, maybe it couldn't hurt to buy it," Allison mumbled.

Before they knew what they were doing, both girls had purchased a bottle of the perfume and had left the shop. The girls then headed to Central Park for the rest of the day.

"Hey, this smells really good!" Naomi shouted as she sprayed it on herself.

"You're right!" Allison agreed.

"Whoa, it sure is strong; I feel a little dizzy." Naomi stammered.

"Me too." Allison replied. "What is that noise?" she asked, wrinkling her nose.

"What noise?" Naomi asked. "I don't hear anything"

"It sounds like wind, but there isn't a cloud in the sky." Allison replied.

"I hear it too." Naomi replied quietly. "ALLISON!" she screamed as the force brought both girls sailing into the clear, blue sky...

A/N: How'dya like it? Please review and remember, this is an OLD story, so additions can't be made, and if you like DreamCloudOne's work, you can feel free to private message her, because I don't know if she will see the reviews on this story anymore. Also, please note that I highly respect Yoko Ono, this is just part of the story line.