Author's Note: Greetings everyone, and welcome to my first addition to the Merlin fandom! Please stand by for Arthur and Merlin's epic bromance. Emphasis on the bro. This is not Merthur slash, it's Merthur friendship, but if it tickles your fancy to think this is slash, then by all means, do that.
This is sort of AU, and stems from A Servant of Two Masters, but instead of Arthur being oblivious to Merlin's enchantment, this operates on the assumption that he knew about it (because honestly, they should have just told him). Anyway, on with the story!
"You know, Arthur…my memory is starting to come back a bit."
Arthur glanced at Merlin as he shuffled through the reports on his desk, just barely resisting the urge to roll his eyes. The man looked positively gleeful, and whenever his friend had that malicious twinkle in his eye, Arthur just knew he was about to do something extremely annoying.
"Is that why you've been grinning like a simpleton for the past ten minutes, or have you been hitting the mead too hard again?" He quipped, snatching up his quill and absent-mindedly scribbling his signature upon a few of the more important documents.
"You hugged me."
Arthur's hand froze in midair.
"I mean, I knew you cared, but now I know."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"That wasn't just a hug either. That was a full-out embrace. You embraced me, Arthur."
"I did no such thing!"
"Two arms and everything."
"I was covered in mud, and you didn't even care…"
"Gods, Arthur, you subjected yourself to a full day alone with Gwaine just to look for me. Honestly, I'm touched. "
Oh great, now he could feel himself blushing, and that just made everything so much worse. "Merlin, so help me, if you tell anyone about this…"
Merlin just gazed impassively back at him, straight-faced. "Arthur, Gwaine was standing right behind us. The whole of Camelot probably knows."
Well, wasn't that just fan-bloody-tastic? He could practically see his dignity strolling from his chambers right this moment, and damn it, he was going to end up with one very dead manservant if Merlin didn't wipe that smirk off his face.
"I did tell Gwen though. She thought it was adorable. Points in your favor, I think. You can thank me later."
"Shut up?"
Arthur stood up from his desk, abandoning even so much as the illusion of work, and groaned, flopping face first upon the bed. "Yes. I hate your guts."
Merlin laughed. Arthur threw one of his pillows at him. Merlin laughed harder, and when he inevitably had to stop and clutch his chest, Arthur pretended not to notice.
Instead, he called him an idiot. Merlin called him a dollop-head and suddenly, all was right with the world, because despite his bravado, Arthur had missed this more than words could say. It was nice to have his friend healthy, happy and at his side again. He'd come so close to losing this forever. To losing him forever.
No. He was not going down that road. He was never going down that road again.
With one last chuckle, Merlin turned heel and headed for the door. "Uh huh. Whatever you say, Sire. I'll go see about your dinner."
He stopped to look at Arthur, a question in his gaze.
"Don't ever die again. Ever. Not even for me."
Merlin's eyes were soft, but solemn as he turned away. "I'm sorry, Arthur, but I don't make promises I know I can't keep."
In the end, this took on a much more solemn turn than I originally intended. It started out as just a funny little spoof about Merlin remembering the long-awaited hug, but this story had other plans :/
I'm happy with the result though. Thanks for sticking with me! I'm sure you'll be seeing more bromance from this fangirl in the near future.