Good morning, class. My name is Ms. Blaisdale. Welcome to remedial history. I know, you're all ecstatic to be here on this fine summer's day. I'm sure you'd rather be out swimming with your friends, or having a barbeque, or catching a new pokemon. But, since you failed history, you're stuck here with me.

There is…No excuse for failing this class. First of all, it's required for your graduation. Why would you flunk a class that you need to graduate? You could have all passed if you had paid attention and turned in your work. Don't you want to go out into the world and be someone? A pokemon trainer? A breeder? A coordinator? A professor? Or a teacher, like me?

No, you could have all passed history easily. The problem was that you chose not to. Why?

Because you think history is boring. But it's not! History is one of the most interesting, fascinating subjects out there. It is the link to who we are today, and determines our actions for tomorrow.

Hey! You in the blue shirt! I see those headphones. Take them off and put them away.

Okay, very funny you two. I can see your mouths moving when you meow like a Meowth or bark like a Herdier. I want you both sitting up here where I can keep an eye on you.

As for you, young lady, the rest of the class may find it funny when you're making faces at me, but I don't. I'm the one you want to impress if you want to pass this class, not your little clique.

All right, all right. I can't help it. I'm a history professor! It's in my nature to be passionate about history.

Let's try to make this more interesting. I have a book here that delves into the personal lives of the people living in the time period we're studying. You are going to go home every night and read a chapter.

Why? Because I said so, that's why.

Try to imagine yourself in the shoes of these people. What would it have felt like to fight in the wars between the regions? Or to face off against a truly feral pokemon? Or to be a young man or woman joining the Altair Club? Or to be one of its founders?

Your blank expressions indicate that you have no idea what the Altair Club is. Let me explain the history behind it.

The year was 1232, the age of knights and lords and kingdoms. The "feudal system" was in place, meaning lords served the king of each region, and lesser lords those lords, and knights those lords, and peasants those knights. Wars were constantly being fought between the regions: for land, for money, for power.

Wake up! And you, stop yawning! If you slept through all your classes, no wonder you failed.

Well, if you're bored, let's skip to the part that will interest you: Pokemon and training. Ah, there goes the light in your eyes.

These days, pokemon are mostly non-aggressive unless we order them to battle. Even the wild pokemon are fairly friendly and tamable. Deaths from anything other than old age are rare among our treasured friends.

Not so in 1232. Pokemon were fierce and belligerent, attacking anyone who wandered into the wild grass. Wars were fought between pokemon and people as often as between the regions. There were no pokeballs, so pokemon could no be caught and forced to obey you. No, only by proving themselves, with a blade or another pokemon companion, were warriors able to convince non-domesticated pokemon to join them.

Pokemon and people died easily, from sickness or war. Pokemon, especially so. When fighting each other, pokemon never killed, only fought until one or the other fainted. Humans, however, were much more vicious, and would often kill enemy warriors' pokemon companions.

Yes, you, in the green hat! You want to hear about the warriors and their pokemon? Well, they are much like a modern day pokemon trainer, except without the pokeballs. The thing bonding a pokemon and warrior was their trust and loyalty, not the threat of being stuffed back into a ball.

Warriors, of course, still fought with swords and other weapons. But pokemon battles were fought just as often on the battlefields as true battles.

Of course, there was one difference: All warriors were men. And all were nobility or served the nobility closely. Women and the lower class were forbidden from training pokemon. Oh, they still had pokemon. Lady's pets, pokemon on the farm and all. But if they evolved into something powerful, or were found training them? Taken away for the service of the local lord.

Sad, isn't it? So much potential lost, for so many hundreds of years…

That was, until the formation of the Altair Club. Now we get into the really interesting stuff.

The Altair Club was a group of men, lords and nobles and knights, who found a reason to train women and the lower class. Some did it willingly and happily, because it was what they believed. Some did it because they believed it necessary.

The Altair Club watched groups of women and lower-class men, looking for those that would be interested in the first round of training, taking note of their abilities, histories, personalities. When the time was right, they sent them a letter, inviting them to join. It would be dangerous, they said. And very, very illegal. But it would give these young men and women a chance to fight for what they believed in.

The Altair Club was disguised as an etiquette class for unruly young ladies and commoners who wanted to be in closer service to their lords. So families happily sent their children off, hoping they would come back as well-mannered young adults, knowing nothing of the crimes they were about to commit.

Yes, you, in the back row! Why was the Altair club formed? I suppose it's a good question. Why would these young lords, with all the money and power in the world, want to create rivals? Why would they risk their good reputations for this?

I can't tell you that. Have to leave you some incentive to read the book. However, I'll give you a hint. The Altair Club knew of the darkness that was to soon overwhelm the world of swords and kings. They were seeking out warriors that were bright enough to drive it back.

A/N: Altair - The brightest star in the constellation Aquila, the eagle, and the twelfth brightest star that can be seen from Earth.

Ugh, I can't believe I'm starting another multi-chapter story. I must be crazy. But I need the experience with medieval-style stories if the book I'm writing is going to be any good...By the way, if anyone has any suggestions on how to write with a more archaic style, let me know. I'm no good at that...

Anyways, this is Altair, my new story! This is also a SYOC story, so send them in! I probably won't tell you who gets in...because I won't know until I start writing. Ehehehehe...

Please keep in mind that this is set in Europeon medieval-style times, so make characters accordingly. By the way, write a lot! Make me love your character! If I like them I'll use them! Uh, obviously.

Please submit as much as you can through review, or, if you prefer, the "Altair" thread on the "The OC Submission Station" forum. We have a relations section, and we want everyone else to want to be friends/lovers/enemies with your lovely char! If it's not enough, send the second half through PM to me. Only on OC per person!

Name: First, Last. Nobles have well-known family names.

Gender: Male or female? Only men can be Masters, but both men and women can be Trainees.

Age: How old are they? No characters under thirteen. Masters will probably be at least sixteen.

Rank: Both in the Altair Club and in the real world. In the Altair, it's either Master or Trainee. Masters are all male, and all noble, royal, or knights. Trainees are both male and female. In the real world, are they a lord or lady? A prince or princess? Or a peasant working on a farm? It's up to you. Women are not going to be ruling any cities. Their fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons will. This is a sexist, classist world they're living in.

Hometown: Where do they live? One noble family to a city, and one royal family per region. The royal family also rules the city they live in.

Weapon of Choice: Yes! Your character gets an actual weapon! A sword? A spear? A bow and arrow? Daggers? If you want to name your weapon, feel free! Your character will receive training with other weapons, but this will be their go-to. If you really want to, your characters go-to can be healing as well.

Relations: Does your character have any family? Do they WANT any family? Friends? Rivals? Lovers? Enemies? What about relationships between pokemon? If you don't want something, just say so. Feel free to scroll through the reviews and pick out other people's character, though. If there are any restrictions to relations, like if your character's sexist and doesn't want to be friends with girls or if their homosexual and can only be paired with the same gender, put it here as well. Again, I would LOVE it if you would look through other reviews for possible friends and relations.

Personality: What does your character act like? Mean? Nice? Shy? Loud? For ladies, we don't need all tomboyish girls. It's not a crime to create someone ladylike. Because I have a feeling this fic will be a breeding ground for Mary/Gary Sues, make sure you clearly state at least one or two flaws. Explicitly, please, I'm a little dense. Also, if you're at all interested in a romance for your characters, please state how they'd act around someone they're interested in/have a crush on/are in love with/are in a relationship with. Let's face it, we all act a little different when we're bitten by the love bug. How do they act around a romantic interest? Do they hide it? Do they blush and stutter? Do they come right out an profess their love? Be creative!

Appearance: What does your character look like: Eye color? Hair color? Hair length? Skin tone? Height? Weight? Face and body shape? Also to be included are two sets of clothes: One for every day wear, likes what they would wear on the farm or in their castles. Ladies, don't flash your ankles in any of your outfits! Or I'll have them thrown out of their castles, called whores wherever they went, and they'll eventually die alone and miserable. This is medieval Europe. Sort of...Also include training clothes, something easier to move in for work. Men's clothes are more appropriate here.

History: Why is your character the way they are? What happened to them in the past? Why Altair wants them and why they decided to join Altair should be included here.

Pokemon: For Masters, just follow the template of the last form for all six of your pokemon. For Trainees, you must fill out the first two forms specifically, then have four of the last form. PLEASE GIVE ME FULLY EVOLVED POKEMON. I'll de-evolve them to suit my needs.

Nickname (not required) - Species - Gender - Ability

Move - Move - Move - Move

Personality/History. This is the first pokemon, the one they brought with them to Altair. Often, this means weak pokemon that are kept as pets. Lots of cute pokemon, lots of Normal types! They'll be at their first evolution when they arrive at Altair, but can evolve later if wanted. No Eevees for the first pokemon! Pokemon that are pets or that help out with a job are fine, but they will be first evolution. No powerful types like Dragon!

Nickname (not required) - Species - Gender - Ability

Move - Move - Move - Move

Personality/History. The second pokemon is a pokemon specifically given to your character by the Altair Club for some reason or other. Perhaps they have some common link in their personality or history. Either way, this pokemon will help the character grow on the journey. This pokemon will also be first evolution when received, but can evolve later.

Nickname (not required) - Species - Gender - Ability

Move - Move - Move - Move

Personality/History. Here pokemon go free-range, no restrictions, besides no legendaries and no pokemon that would need technology to be alive (Unfortunately, that means no Porygon or Klink). Fossil pokemon are all right, I'm taking care of it in-story, as are pokemon like Clefairy. Shinies are okay, if you have a good reason that you have them. No more than one shiny per person. x4

Legendary Pokemon: A thing I'm doing to help me decide who's going in the story. (Weird, huh?) Take all the legendary pokemon from your character's region, and organize them into some sort of order. (Like, if you have a character from Johto, use Generation II pokemon, being the legendary dogs/beasts, the tower duo, and Celebi.)


Here's an example with my character. Please keep in mind that this is EXTREMELY abbreviated, and yours should be longer.

Name: (Lady) Anya Riveras

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Rank: Altair Trainee/Lady of the Rivers family.

Hometown: Her family rules Nimbasa.

WoC: Sword. Super creative, I know.

Relations: Her parents are Lord and Lady of Nimbasa. She also has a brother named Jacob. Open to all friendships. Anya herself isn't interested in a romantic relationship, but the author isn't giving her a choice, so that's open too!

Personality: This is where I start really abbreviating. Don't use one-sentence phrases like I am. EXPLAIN. Sassy. Bossy. Smart-mouthed. Swears a lot. A little boyish for a lady. Friendly. Clever. Sneaky. Likes to play tricks. Has a grudge against her brother. Doesn't like water (can't swim). Hates that no one takes her seriously. Loyal. Brave. Flamboyant. Dramatic. When in love tries to act a little more ladylike and mostly fails at it. Is also much more self-concious.

Appearance: Abbreviating. Black, wavy hair, falls to mid-back. Orange eyes. Short, 5'3". Lean, not very curvy. Pretty much super adorable. Could pass for a kid. She's "cute" and "adorable", but never called "beautiful" or "lovely". Wears a long green dress with a red ribbon for lady time and brown breeches, a white shirt, a green tunic, and a dark green cap for training.

History: You'll find out!

Pokemon: I'll do ONE for you. The rest are a secret.

Pandora - Purrloin/Liepard - Female - Limber

Secret! - Secret! - Secret! - Secret!

History is a secret. Pretty friendly, like Anya, and likes to play tricks, like Anya. Wary of strangers because of her history.

Legendary pokemon: Zekrom, Meloetta, Victini, Reshiram, Kyurem, Thundrus, Virizion, Keldeo, Cobalion, Tornadus, Landorus, Terrakion

I look forward to reading all of your apps!
