Everyone, this is the last chapter of HSA, but if you want me to write another story, just say it in a review or PM me! Thank you to everyone who reviewed! Thank you for supporting me!

They watched Greybeard slowly disappear into the sky and slowly turned their heads back to their captain.

They couldn't get over how amazing it was, to fight alongside Luffy again. They knew he made a difference. They knew it, when he appeared, the energy and hope that they thought was lost returned to them, and they fought like never before. He looked at them, as if not noticing their presence.

"Hm? Are we gonna go home now?" he asked quizzically, a finger stuck up his nose "searching for gold"

They grinned back at him and nodded.

When they returned to their ship, Sanji prepared a magnificent feast.

Their dinner table was laid with sea monster meat, seaweed, other sea plants and lotsa, lotsa meat!

Luffy, of course, ate 24 helpings, not surprising the others. He must have starved the past few days.

Luffy had returned. Happiness had returned. Laughter had returned. Love had returned.

One thing sounded through the crew's mind.

'It's good to have you back, Luffy.'

The air became warm and comfortable whenever Luffy was present. They ate, they drank and they sang. Just like they were supposed to. They knew now, that they weren't meant to oppose. They were meant to be with Luffy, their captain. They drank more booze than ever before, Sanji had never cooked so fast and they were singing all throughout that. (Songs ranging from Bink's Sake to Campfire Song Song ((Spongebob song, search it up)) )

They had never felt so alive in the past 7 days.

They partied until the break of day, when they all fell asleep on top of each other. Chopper, being in Guard Point because he was drunk, was a perfect futon for the rest to sleep on, Zoro, fell asleep on Chopper's side, leaning against him, Nami and Robin had decided to sleep on Chopper, because you can't expect the ladies to sleep on the floor, Sanji, being an extra pervo when drunk, was half off Chopper, half on, also half faced into Nami's boobs, (he is going to get killed later on)Franky fell asleep on the other side of Chopper, and Brook, being the lightweight he is, just slept on the floor with his head on Chopper. Where's Luffy, you may ask. Luffy sat, surprisingly awake, watching his crew sleep peacefully in the middle of their ship. He grabbed a soft, brown blanket and draped it lightly on them.

As a captain, he couldn't have asked of anymore from his perfect crew.

A few hours later, in the evening…

Sanji, bruised, but happy, made dinner.

Usopp looked out of his telescope, to see a familiar looking, grimy, extra large star.

"AYYYYYEEEEE! Isn't that Greybeard?"

Needless to say, everything was back to the normal, crazy days, just like it should be.

THat might be the last one ever now! Thank you all for supporting me, and don't forget to PM or review a story request!