The past is a source of knowledge, and the future is a source of hope. Love of the past implies faith in the future.

-Stephen Ambrose

It was a quiet day in the Avengers mansion. Hulk had run off again, Thor went back to Asgard, Jan and Hank were taking a break to figure things out. T'challa had urgent business to attend to in Wakanda, and Ms. Marvel was out on S.W.O.R.D missions, as for Hawkeye, who could say.

This left the mansion empty, save for Steve and Tony. Tony was busy working on a new gadget while Steve was working over a punching bag.

"Tony, why don't you join me in the ring, go a few rounds?"

Tony glanced up at Cap's invitation letting put an annoyed grunt before returning to his work. Steve frowned at the response recalling the last time he asked Tony to step into the ring. He knew that they had a somewhat, tenuous relationship. Due mostly to their differing views.

When Tony made no effort to continue the conversation, Cap walked over to stand across from the man inspecting what it was he was working on. Tony paused, then set down his tools, looking up to glare at the man.

"Can I help you?"

"What is it you're working on?"

Tony raised an eyebrow, squinting his eyes in suspicion. His jaw clenched then unclenched, as if he was working over what to say.

"Why do you want to know?"

He asked the question with more venom then intended, but he didn't have the patience to deal with Steve and his whole 'technology sucks' thing.

"You're my ally, and my friend. I may not understand what you do, but that doesn't mean I don't respect it, and contrary to what I may have led you think, I do believe you'll make this world a better place."

Steve wasn't quite sure what brought on that speech. He was just so used to making them lately, and it was hurtful to see Tony so untrustworthy toward him. As for the billionaire, he had been staring at him for a few moments now, and hadn't said anything.


"Uh, right. Power Source."


"It's a power source, I'm trying to create a new one for the arc reactor. One that would be easier to manufacture and produce so everyone can afford one."

Tony seemed to shake out of whatever stupor he was in, he picked up his tools and set back to work. After a moment he stopped and looked up at Steve.

"oh, also, about that making the world better thing, you did a pretty good job yourself."

A/N: all right, so there may or may not be more of these coming, I've got a lot of ideas but don't know how many I'll write. All the drabbles presented here will have been inspired by quotes which will be displayed at the beginning of it, such as above. Also I will be writing about a bunch of different characters not just Tony and Steve. If there is more.