(´ ▽`).。o

"I'm home," I called out, hanging my keys on the key rack as I entered my house. I tossed my backpack on the floor, kicked off my shoes, and headed towards the kitchen where my younger brother, Ludwig, was sure to be. "Hey, what's that smell, Ludwig?" I asked as I entered, sniffing the air. "It smells great."

"Ciao, Gilbert!" sung a voice. "It's pasta!"

I gritted my teeth. Feliciana, Ludwig's tiny Italian girlfriend, skipped out of the kitchen with my brother following her dutifully. It's not that I hated her or anything—she was pretty hot—but how is it possible that my kleinen Bruder had a girlfriend when I didn't? Even though he would deny it, Feliciana was technically his girlfriend because they were together 24/7 when Ludwig wasn't working or at the gym and when Feliciana's bitch of a sister, Lovina, wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs at Ludwig to stay away.

"Hallo, Bruder," Ludwig said.

I nodded at him. "Warum ist sie hier?" I asked, glancing over to Feliciana.

"Sie wollte und konnte ich nicht nein sagen," he replied stiffly.

I rolled my eyes. "Guten tag, Feliciana," I said to the Italian as I passed her. "Your pasta smells delicious."

The girl had a confused look on her face but it brightened once again. "Thank you!" she said happily. "If you want some, go ahead and eat! I made enough for everyone!"

"Great," I muttered.

"You don't like my pasta, Gilbert?" Feliciana asked, worried.

"It's not that."

She pouted at my brother. "Ve, Ludwig, Gilbert doesn't like my pasta."

"Gilbert doesn't mean that, Feli, right, Bruder?" Ludwig growled, glaring at me.

"Right," I said immediately. If there was one thing I didn't like about Ludwig and Feliciana being together, it was the fact that Ludwig wanted to make Feliciana happy and if I was being rude or mean to her, he would strike back hard. I still have that bruise he gave me a few weeks ago for making Feliciana go home crying. It hurts whenever I poke at it, too. "Your pasta is as awesome as I am." I bit my lip, waiting for a punch but all I got was a hug from the Italian.

"Yay! Gilbert likes my pasta!" she cried.

"Yes, now get off me," I growled and pushed the girl away. As soon as I heard a vase shatter and Feliciana cry, I knew I was in trouble. I glanced at Feliciana, who was bawling by now, and then at Ludwig.


A Note from your Author:

Hi, there! ヾ (^

^) It's been a while since I posted—approximately 4 or 5 weeks ago...Sorry. I have my reasons, okay? Let's just say that I've been vacationing in Guam (my homeland) and in Hong Kong (yes, in China!) for the last weeks of my summer vacation. Then, I started school about three weeks ago and I've been busy trying to get everything together and yeah…but here it is! Chapter two of Deer in the Headlights! I hope my readers haven't lost faith in me. I know it's short and I kind of wrote this as a little filler but please comment! Tell me what you want to happen next, my dear PruCan shippers! Also, if there are any GerIta shippers out there—uh, never mind. It's PruCan, here. With a slight hint of GerIta and maybe some Spamono. And maybe FrUk and possibly Amebel (or America x Belarus, I really don't know that shipping name for it.) But thank you for reading! I hope to get chapter three written soon! Bye! ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ





Kleinen Bruder—little brother


Warum ist sie hier?—Why is she here?

Sie wollte und konnte ich nicht nein sagen—She wanted to and I couldn't say no