Title: Inheritance

Summery:500 years, to strengthen the bond between them and their dragon kin, the Dragonlords are transformed into Dragons. Now, that time has come again, and Camelot's warlock protector is about to experience the next part of his birthright.

Rating: K

Pairings: Some Arthur/Gwen but not a central point.

A/N; So ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you to my first full length multi-chapter fic. Whilst the Guides are my babies, they don't actually have a real solid plot. I have no idea where this came from but I hope you enjoy it.

I'll try to update once a week but don't hold me to that.

Also this was Betaed by my dear friend Kripkeisgod.

Feedback would be appreciated. :D

Warnings:As this is set post series 4 so possible spoilers for all series.

Disclaimer: If I owned Merlin, you really think that I'd let the boys out if my cupboard. As they are still out for general viewing it's safe to say I don't own them.

Chapter 1

Powerful wings worked the air as he soared, the wind swirling over scales. He felt powerful, strong, the master of the skies. He was the king of the wilds, a master of magic, both feared and worshipped by ephemerals of the earth.

A scent hits him, reminding him of his hunger. Disappointment floods him, he loathed landing. He was a creature of fire, of sky and of magic but alas he was still a mortal and thus the demands of his body must be met. Angling his wings he circled high above his chosen prey, a young buck. To any eyes that may turn towards the heavens he was nothing but a bird.

Suddenly he dived, his flame pooling at the back of his throat, ready to be unleashed. Faster and faster he swooped down until...

Merlin awoke with a gasp, eyes flying open as the last remnants of his dream drifted from his mind. Once again he was awoken in the early hours and once again he could not remember the details of the dream that awakened him.

Sighing, he rolled out of bed and stumbled to the door that lead to the main area of the physician's quarters. He was mildly surprised to see his mentor and surrogate father, Gaius awake but that soon disappeared when the stench of one of the physician's many potions reached him.

With the recent flu that has run rampant throughout Camelot, Gaius was more overworked than ever. Being his apprentice meant Merlin was required to help out between his other jobs, namely, being the manservant to His Royal Pratness, King Arthur (and his recently crowned Queen), and of course being the secret, under-appreciated warlock protector of Camelot. He was already run off his feet and the last thing he needed was weird dreams keeping him awake at night.

"Ah Merlin, good you're awake. Fetch the Rosemary and start to grind it up" Gaius addressed his ward, not looking up from the bubbling mixture in front of him. Hearing no movement from the young man, the aging scientist looked up. "Didn't you hear me? I said - what is the matter with you, my boy?"

Trying not to worry Gaius, Merlin hastily slapped on a cheeky grin, "Actually Gaius you said 'fetch the Rosemary and start to grind it up'"

The attempt was not appreciated. A thin eyebrow migrated to its elderly owner's forehead, telling him to 'try again.'

"I've just been having some weird dreams Gaius. They've been waking me up at odd hours. Nothing to worry about" Merlin tried to reassure the man, he didn't need to worry Gaius when the man was so busy.

"Dreams? You look terrible Merlin, are you sure there's nothing else going on?" And he did look terrible. The Warlocks eyes were blood shot and his face pale. Dark rings and bags framed his eyes proclaiming to all his exhaustion. "Do you want me to start preparing you sleeping drafts?"

Suddenly, Merlin's thoughts drifted to Morgana, back before her betrayal and before it all started to really go wrong. Morgana was a seer. Ever since she was a little girl she had been seeing the future in her dreams. Gaius, worried about the consequences of these dreams if word got back to her Guardian; (the magic-hating King, Uther Pendragon, previous ruler of Camelot), had drugged the girl with various sleeping drafts in the hope of suppressing the dreams. It was all to no avail. Her dreams continued, and eventually her magic manifested, leading her down the path of darkness and eventually to her destiny of becoming one of the greatest continued threats Camelot had ever known.

"No Gaius, honestly I'm fine." The Warlock was quick to reject the offer, afraid that it would be the first step on a dark slippery path. Looking for an excuse to distract his mentor, Merlin cast his gaze out the window. "Oh look at the time, got to go serve the Prat now before I'm late. See you later Gaius." With that Merlin dashed through the door.

Slightly bewildered, Gaius shook his head and turned back to his work. A few minutes later, the door burst open again and his ward stepped back through with a sheepish expression. "I should probably put some clothes on first."

After changing and going down to the kitchens to collect breakfast for the King and Queen, Merlin slowly made his way towards the Royal bedchambers. Remembering what he witnessed the last time he barged in without knocking (and that one time when he did but didn't wait); Merlin lent forward and put his ear to the door. Not hearing anything, Merlin kicked at the door and shouted "Oi, I'm coming in now so no funny business". Grinning broadly at the muffled 'Merlin!' said man walked boldly through the door.

Only to duck quickly as a hastily thrown goblet was thrown at his head. Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot and thrower of various hard objects, was sat up in bed, his wife giggling at his side. Glaring at his servant, the blond headed ruler growled out "Really Merlin. You can't talk like that to your rulers. Will you ever learn to knock?"

"Nah, you'd only end up having a heart attack. Morning, Gwen." He grinned towards his female friend.

"Good morning Merlin." Noticing the tray the manservant had just set down, Gwen gasped, "Oh Merlin, you shouldn't of."

"Just doing my job. Although you could convince your husband to give me a raise seeing as I'm basically working two jobs."

Ever since she had married Arthur, Gwen was in need of a servant. Knowing how uncomfortable she was with the idea, Merlin volunteered to cover most of the chores with a maidservant helping her to dress during special occasions.

"Really Merlin, you offered. And speaking of chores, don't you have work to do. Like polishing my armor, sharpening my sword, walking my dogs, cleaning our room and mucking out the stables."

As his master continued to speak, the grin slowly dropped of his face. Grumbling under his breath, Merlin nodded his head at Gwen and exited the rooms, scratching at his arm as he did so.