A/N: Hola! My other story is almost done so I recently started writing a new one. Season2 of The Glee Project in their own high school trying to survive so with that here is chapter 1 of Surviving High School TGP2. It has most of the cast in it. Tell me what you guys think and maybe some ideas? I've only written this bunch so far.

Parings: Charlin and Michellie(Later on)

Chapter 1:

It was Nellie's first day in an all new school. This school was so much different than the one back home is Washington. "Hey I'm Shanna. You must be new." A girl who was all smiles said to her. "This girl has a southern accent. How is she not new?"Nellie thought to herself "My name is Nellie. Are you new?" Nellie asked. "I've been here for two months but it's amazing!" Shanna exclaimed. "Do you mind showing me around? I have a feeling I'm going to get lost." Nellie shyly asked "Of course! I have glee club first. Come meet all of us!" Shanna said grabbing Nellie's arm and taking her. "Glee club? Never thought any school in Ohio would have one." Nellie thought" Guys I'd like you all to meet Nellie. She's new to our school and I'm showing her around." Shanna said to all the members. "She should join glee club!" Ali screamed "Can she even sing?" Aylin asked not happy. Everyone kept asking Nellie questions but one person. He seemed so different. Nellie couldn't stop starring at him. Aylin knew who she was starring and decided to call her out. "You're staring at Michael." Aylin commented. Nellie couldn't believe that Aylin called her out on her very first day here. She was taken aback by Aylin and her comment. Why was she being such a bitch on her very first day? "I'm really sorry for Aylin's actions. She just hates competition." Charlie said excusing his girlfriend's actions. "Guys chill I don't even know if she can sing or if she even wants to join glee club." Shanna said. Nellie tried answering everyone's questions but everyone kept on asking questions. "SHUT UP! LET HER TALK! "Abraham said standing up to calm everyone down. They finally did "By the way I'm Abraham nice to meet you" "Thanks Abraham." Shanna said "I sing but I don't know if I'm any good." Nellie nervously said "Give it a shot!" said a kid named Blake "Do you want to try out?" Shanna asked "Sure I'll sing I'm Yours by Jason Mraz." Nellie said

Well you've done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some

I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours

After Nellie was done everyone was clapping even Aylin and Michael. "Everyone loves you and your voice. You're in." Shanna said. Nellie smiled. She finally felt like she belonged. Nellie had her next two classes with Abraham and Tyler. She became best friends with Abraham. "So what was that girl Aylin's problem?" Nellie asked. "She basically runs the school." Tyler said "She's popular and talented basically a "Rachel Berry" of this school." Abraham added "Who's Rachel Berry?" Nellie asked. "This girl who used to go McKinley High across the train tracks. Her glee club won Nationals last year and the year before. We have always tried to beat them but we always come in second every time." Abraham said. Nellie thought maybe she could change their luck. She just has to deal with Aylin.