Alright here it is, the fourth and final chapter of An Icky Employment. I would have liked to make this story longer but I have had a lot of trouble with it and I decided to end it before I started pulling my hair out.I said this wouldn't be a well thought out story but I still feel like i wasted a good idea with this story. My advice for anyone writing fan fiction would be to look before you leap. I put this one to paper without thinking about it much beforehand and I believe it suffered for it. O.K that's enough excuses from me, I'm going to leave you guys with a personal tidbit about myself that some of you probably already knew. I love Grey Delisle, I like Tara Strong too but I adore Grey Delisle, after all she's the voice of Vicky.

Pushing shopping carts is a task no one relishes, especially someone who was used to wishing their problems away but that's what Timmy had to do. The memory of a conversation with Cosmo and Wanda bounced around in Timmy's mind while he gathered the carts in the Wall 2 Wall mart parking lot.

"What do you mean you can't come to work with me?"

"Sorry sport, but it wouldn't actually be work if you were using fairy magic the whole time. Plus that store is usually packed with people and making wishes there would be too risky."

When Timmy arrived at work he found that Vicky wasn't there yet which meant that he was on his own and that he had to do what Mike told him for once. Mike had tasked him with gathering up all the loose shopping carts in the massive parking lot. This assignment was a mixed bag; on the bright side it secluded him from all the other employees who hated him but it also meant that he had to toil under the glaring sun of southern California.

The monotonous task continued for two sweat inducing hours until Timmy saw the first sign of Vicky's presence. While pushing a cart towards the corral a bolt of lightning came down and struck the roof of the little enclosure not more than twenty feet in front of him. The overwhelming sound and light left Timmy stunned and for a while all he could do was stare at the scorch mark on the plastic roof of the cart corral. Slowly Timmy came to a realization. It was a bright and sunny day and yet a bolt of lightning had struck the earth. That could mean only one thing; Vicky was nearby.

Before he could turn around Timmy felt a pair of arms snake around his body. "I see he's got you doing grunt work. Did you miss me twerp?"

Although Timmy had been dreading his next encounter with Vicky, he had become accustomed to an easy day at work and without Vicky that wasn't possible. Plus he hadn't survived her care as a child by telling her something she didn't want to hear and right now he was sure she wanted a yes.

"Yeah" Timmy said meekly.

Vicky's hold on him tightened and she whispered "good boy" into his ear before she planted a kiss on his cheek. Shortly after she released him

"Come on Timmy were going inside" Timmy followed without a fuss, he wanted to get out from under the sun and he felt a desire to listen to Vicky that wasn't born out of fear.

The Wall 2 Wall mart parking lot like the store itself was massive; Timmy followed after Vicky across the huge expanse trying to understand what had just transpired. This was the second time Vicky had gotten affectionate around him, even going so far as to kiss him. Timmy had believed that the first incident at Tootie's party may have been motivated by alcohol but this time when she had grabbed hold of him he couldn't smell anything on her breath.

Vicky stopped and turned around to see if Timmy was still following her, she flashed him a smile before she turned around again and continued the long walk to the store. Clearly the dynamic of their relationship had changed from when Timmy was a child. They had gone from being enemies to the verge of something he had thought was impossible. Timmy was beginning to wonder if something had been unleashed when he accepted her apology a couple of days ago.

The automatic doors slid open for Timmy and Vicky at the front entrance. Inside the store there were large groups of people in the checkout lines. Timmy imagined that the store was quite busy at the moment but since Vicky was there he wouldn't be helping. He knew that he had a full day of being near the red head in front of him which was becoming increasingly difficult to deal with. Timmy was beginning to think that he knew what she wanted from him; the trouble was that Timmy didn't know what he wanted for himself. The idea of a relationship with Vicky was strange to say the least; the girl had been his tormentor for so long. Recently though he had learned that Vicky's friendship could actually be pleasant. Her aggressive and manipulative nature made her almost charming if you were on her good side, which Timmy certainly was.

The two continued further into the store before they stumbled across the manager Mike.

"Hey, Turner I thought I told you to…" he stopped speaking when he caught sight of Vicky who was shooting him a less than friendly expression.

"Oh, never mind"

This was the experience Timmy was used to, doing nothing productive and Vicky threatening anyone that had a problem with it. It was a return to normal but it did nothing to make him feel more at ease. The incident at Tootie's party and what just happened in the parking lot played with head and his emotions.

The two of them took their usual seats in the electronics section. The awkward feeling Timmy had on the walk there was intensified as they sat in silence.

"Hey twerp, go get me something to drink"

That was something Timmy could do and he was all too happy to get away from the situation that made him nervous even if it was only for a minute or two. Following the path that had become very familiar to him, Timmy found the little fridge that he had used the first time Vicky had asked him for a drink. Just like he had done so before Timmy grabbed a bottle of pink lemonade and walked back to where Vicky was seated.

Timmy returned to find Vicky in her usual seat looking up at him as he approached her. Vicky had a smile on her face and a general air of warmth about her as Timmy handed her the drink. Having already been spooked by Vicky's behavior in the last two days Timmy turned to walk away from her only to have Vicky latch onto his hand before he could move away. Timmy turned back round to find Vicky standing up from her seat, still smiling at him.

"Thank you Timmy" she said before she kissed him on the cheek again and sat back down. Timmy returned to his seat trying to comprehend a word in which Vicky expressed gratitude. In the week since he had began working Vicky had become increasingly affectionate with him. Although he hadn't thought it possible the only reasonable explanation is that he had somehow stolen her heart. When he thought about it, Timmy realized that he should have seen it before, but after all she used to be his arch nemesis. This new idea ran contrary to all that he knew about her.

With that realization sinking in the awkward silence became nearly unbearable to Timmy. In his short life he had yet to have any major success with women and Timmy felt wholly inadequate sitting next to the alluring older girl. Adding to his feelings of unease was the torrent of mixed emotions he felt towards Vicky. With the situation making Timmy completely stressed out, he could think of only one thing, retreat.

"Vicky I'm not feeling too good I think I'm going to take off early"

"Oh, really" Vicky answered. She had kept her tone neutral but Timmy thought he heard hints of hurt and disappointment in her voice.

"Yeah, I'm going to go home"

"Well, I hope you feel better soon"

"Thanks" Timmy said reactively before he got up to leave. Before he went on his way Timmy took a glance over at Vicky. She was still smiling at him but in her big pink eyes he could see worry.

Timmy entered his room with a somber attitude which Wanda immediately picked up on. "Your, home early sport, is there something wrong"

"No, I just feel a little under the weather so I left work early"

"Do you want to wish and make yourself feel better" Cosmo asked

"No, I just need to rest for a while"

Timmy crawled on top of his bed and lay down. He stared off into space completely absorbed in his thoughts. The current situation with Vicky was something he never thought he would have to deal with and as hard as he tried he couldn't think of what to do. As Timmy lied there thinking he began to feel more and more drowsy, his last thought before he fell asleep was that Vicky was pretty cute anyway so he might as well give her what she wanted. The end result couldn't be any more unpleasant than resisting her feelings

Timmy woke with a start; once again a bolt of lightning had struck near him, landing on the ground outside his house. The resulting thunderclap had shook Timmy from his sleep and rattled his whole house. Even in the semi conscious state that he was, Timmy knew that inexplicable thunder could mean Vicky was coming. Cosmo and Wanda poofed out of their and floated over to their godchild. "It wasn't raining just now was it guys"

"Nope" answered Cosmo.

"It's a bright sunny day outside minus the unexplained thunder storm"

As before Timmy knew this could only mean one thing; Vicky was paying him a visit. Seconds later the doorbell rang: Timmy raised a finger to his lips indicating that he wanted his godparents to be quiet. Timmy knew one of his loud mouth parents would answer the door so if he was quiet he could listen in on them.

"Hello, Vicky" Mrs. Turner said as she opened the door.

"What brings you here?"

"Oh, Mrs. Turner I heard that Timmy was feeling ill so I wanted to stop by and wish him well"

"Vicky, that's so kind of you. Timmy's up in his room, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you"

Timmy remembered thinking that Vicky could sweet talk her way past his parents and assault him in his room. The thing was that now he was sure she intended to do the opposite of attack him and it stressed him out to no end.

Timmy could hear the sound of Vicky climbing the stairs and looked to his godparents who vanished from existence and reappeared in their fishbowl. Standing up to readjust himself, Timmy sat back down on the edge of the bed with his legs hanging over the side. Shortly after Vicky opened the door to his room without knocking like she usually had when she still babysat him. Making sure to close the door behind her, Vicky turned round to see Timmy sitting on his bed looking over at her.

"Hey, twerp" Vicky said nervously as she walked over to Timmy's bed.

"Hey" responded Timmy in a dispassionate tone that neither welcomed nor condemned her presence in his room. Vicky took a seat on the edge of the bed putting her only a couple of inches to Timmy's left. Timmy's mind raced with what Vicky would do, he was fairly sure why she had come to his house but he didn't know what she would do now that she was sitting so close to him. He hoped more than anything she wouldn't question why he had left work early.

"So why did you really leave work today Timmy" Timmy's hopes imploded then and there but he wasn't keen on telling the truth so he did his best to play dumb.

"I told you I felt sick so"

"Don't lie to me Timmy Turner" Vicky cut in with a tone just short of sounding angry.

"I watched over you for years and I know when you're lying"

Timmy let out an exasperated sigh, he really wished his godparents weren't in the room with him but with Vicky right there beside him all they could do was stay put and hide. This meant that Cosmo, Wanda, and Vicky were all going to hear things he would rather not say.

"Listen the real reason I left is because…" Timmy stopped, the situation had become unbelievably awkward for him and it felt impossible for him to finish the sentence. Vicky just smiled at him and said "go on"

Somewhat reassured by her smile, Timmy continued. "The reason I left is because you make me nervous. Ever since a week ago you started acting weird around me. You started treating me nicely for the first time in my life and beyond that you got really touchy especially at Tootie's party. Even now you're sitting so close to me, maybe I'm over thinking things but it all just makes me think you like me"

The last sentence was particularly difficult for Timmy to get out and he just looked down at his feet nervously afterwards.

"Timmy" Vicky said before she shuffled over to her right putting her even closer to him. "You oblivious idiot, I do like you"

Timmy looked back up at Vicky in shock, the information its self didn't shock him but he was surprised she would admit it so easily.

"Really" Timmy asked barely able to come up with a response.

Vicky reached out and began to caress his face. "Yes, really" she said before she leaned towards him and made contact with his lips. The kiss hadn't lasted more than a few seconds but it left Timmy dumbfounded. The idea that he was beginning to have feelings for Vicky had entered his mind earlier in the week and now after she had kissed him and he had enjoyed it; Timmy couldn't deny it any longer. He was in love with her too.

Timmy looked over to Vicky again to find her looking back at him. She was smiling at him sweetly, her big pink eyes were aimed straight at him and Timmy felt his heart melt. Timmy wanted to admit that he felt for her too but he didn't think he had it in him to say so. Instead he decided to show her how he felt.

Timmy reached out with his left arm and pulled Vicky into him by her waist before he rested his head on her right shoulder. Vicky happily leaned back into him and laid her head against his. The two of them sat quietly for several minutes before Timmy broke the silence.

"Vicky, why do you like me?"

Vicky let out a nervous chuckle before she spoke. "It's kind of embarrassing but I guess I should tell you. It has to do with the way you look at me. There's something I've noticed about almost everyone I've met. When they look at me they're judging me, there's hatred in their eyes, even from some people in my family. But you Timmy, when you look at me I see none of that. You look at me with a blank slate, like I'm an ordinary person; I can see it in your eyes. Plus when you accepted my apology a couple days ago that sealed it, I couldn't believe anyone would forgive me especially you. You have no idea how special you are Timmy Turner"

Vicky raised her head up from Timmy's and gave him a peck to the cheek before she stood up from the bed.

"I better go before your mom suspects something weird is going on"

"There is something weird going on" Timmy responded.

"Yeah, well don't tell anyone"

"Why" Timmy asked "No one would believe me anyway"

"Twenty two year old women aren't supposed to have sixteen year old boyfriends, so I would prefer that you didn't risk it twerp. This will be our little secret O.K Timmy" Timmy noticed that she used the term boyfriend and happily agreed.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone"

"Good" Vicky replied before she left his room and closed the door behind her. Timmy stared blankly at the door way while Cosmo and Wanda out of their fishbowl home.

"So, I guess you haven't been telling us everything about work have you sport" Wanda asked in a serious but not angry tone.

"No, I haven't, I'm sorry guys but I couldn't bear to tell anyone. I can't even imagine how I would tell someone that I thought Vicky was in love with me"

"Wait" Cosmo said while scratching his head "Timmy and Vicky aren't enemies anymore?"

Wanda ignored the fairy that was ten minutes behind on current events. "It's okay Timmy; it was just a shock to see it in person"

"So your okay with me and Vicky being…you know"

"Timmy, I'm married to an idiot who can't take care of himself even with magic. Me passing judgment on other peoples relationships would just be wrong"

After a night with no shortage of Vicky themed dreams Timmy woke up to a bright sunny day. He would have to go to work today but for the first time he was looking forward to it. Timmy opened his front door and stepped out onto the streets of Dimmsdale. It was the nicest day Timmy could remember, the sky was clear of clouds and a gentle breeze kept the summer heat under control. Along the way the birds chirped and sang happily, to Timmy it seemed like the world felt the same way he did.

I said Dimmsdale was in southern California in this but I'm not sure if it's ever stated what part of California Dimmsdale is in. In some episodes it snows in Dimmsdale which I'm pretty sure it never does in southern California but I don't know I'm a East coaster.