It was dark, but since when was it not dark at night? Well, it wasn't exactly nighttime yet. It was that not so long moment when the setting of the sun and rising of the moon met at exactly the same point. Perfect time to swoop in for the steal. Just long enough for you to get away with the aid of the suns last rays of light, but cut the search time the other party would get that day would be incredibly short compared to doing this in the middle of the day.
She didn't want to do this. Who would? No one would do this unless they had to, Amethyst just happened to be the one that had been desperate enough to do it. She was tired of being a Royal Guard of a stupid king, and this was the only way out of it. Get one of the kids and get out. Couldnt be simpler right?
She sent a simple little flash towards the window above him to see if anyone was still there by luring them to the window. Soon enough though, no one came and she took this as the all clear sign.
Quickly, Amethyst teleported from the courtyard below to the balcony above her, landing with ease as she opened the double doors in front of her and looked into the room, double checking that the room was clear of any adults. She looked back down to see if anyone had noticed this, her violet eyes switching from area to area as she hurried to get this all over with.
She came in quickly glancing as she saw two cribs in front of him, one holding what appeared to be a baby girl who looked about 18 months old with bright Blonde hair and bright Gold eyes to match, yawning as she drifted in and out of sleep. The other crib held a younger girl, this one with the same Blonde hair but she had been given bright Green eyes instead and seemed to have a lighter, paler complection. She only appeared to be 6 months old, being smaller than the first child.
Amethyst went for the younger child instead, taking into consideration that she would be easier to carry and would rather carry a baby that was more soundly asleep instead of one that seemed to only be half asleep. She quickly lunged for the blanket on the edge of the crib and wrapped it around the child as fast as she could, but still left an element of gentleness to it. She might be doing this, but that didn't mean she still didn't have her own maternal side.
Her eyes turned towards the small nightstand near her, the sight of a picture frame getting caught in her vision. She grabbed it to see that it was one of the child's family, and decided that even she had to take her away from them, she should at least have something to remember them by later on in life.
She held the sleeping child in her right arm as her left hand picked up the picture and shrunk it to the smallest size she could. She then realized that she didn't have anywhere to put it, but soon saw a small locket necklace around the young one and was able to open it, placing the small frame inside. Her hand was than free enough to close the small locket and she soon felt a small engraving on the back, causing precious time to be wasted as Amethyst turned it over to read it.
"Selena? That must be your name, huh? Well, let's get you out of here before anyone notices."
She turned back towards the balcony as she quietly closed the doors behind her and glanced below her. She figured she would just be able to walk out unnoticed, since the curly, light Blonde hair that reached the middle of her back would help her blend in as a cousin of Selena, if anything, but she was still cautious about the other possible outcomes. They would kill her if she brought the child back harmed or if she was proclaimed as a captured fugitive from very planet that Solaria called an enemy. Well, if they caught her here, they would kill her themselfs long before her own King could.
The young adult, maybe 20 at the most, phased herself down to the courtyard. She pulled the hood from her Royal uniform over her head. It had reminded her of the coats from Organization Xlll from Kingdom Hearts.
The zipper ran from the top to the bottom of the Ankle length jacket with the simple carved weights hanging from where the pull string of a regular jacket would be, both of them representing her status in the Royal Guard. The zipper was done from the top to about where her hips were, allowing for easy running and better fighting, with simple, skin tight Black, almost leather, pants below the jacket. Below the jacket, a sword was compacted and strapped against her leg for emergencies, but none of it matter much to her anymore. She just wanted to be able to take it off for once.
She looked for the quickest way out of this, now, death trap and started heading towards the side of the Castle, and focused on her keeping her walk steady and calm so that no one would become suspicious of her or her actions.
Little did she know that not far behind just happened to be both the newest King and Queen taking a walk like they used to before there children were born, but these walk had become rare, and when they happened now, both Radius and Luna both cherished them even more than they had before. They both chatted away as they came to notice another figure moving in front of them in the same direction.
Amethyst walked forward as her heart stopped cold and she heard the one voice she wanted to never hear. The voice from the King Radius. "Hey!"
She kept moving forward as they continued to call towards her, and soon she could tell that queen Luna had gotten suspicious. She was frozen in place as Luna called out a spell that forced her to turn around.
Both Radius and Luna caught sight of the Black ankle long jacket and immediatly started coming for Amethyst, but when she finished turning around, they stopped completely out of shock and just not knowing how to react to fact that someone completely unknown was holding their child.
The youngest adult gazed down at the ground and closed her eyes as Luna said in a startled voice, "You... You don't have to do this. Please, just give us our daughter back."
"I'm sorry. I don't have a choice. Your Magesty," And with this, she shot a quick blast at the Queen and started running for the portal she had left at the side of the castle as her hood came off in a flash from the force of the wind flying behind her.
The Queen quickly recovered from the unexpected attack as Radius started running after Amethyst as fast as he could, his wife not far behind. Luna started to surge her magic to her hands as she started to conjure up plasma orbs, but quickly stopped as she remembered Selena was with the other woman instead of in her crib asleep like she should be.
Luna decided to do it anyways as her husband started to catch up with the other person. Radius caught on to what she was doing and started to run even faster in order to catch Amethyst.
The young adult could feel Selena stur as she started to fell the scene around her, but her attention was taken away as she felt magic fly towards her. She dodged and dunked until she was able to put up a light colored force field around her. The magic continued to fly at her as she ran faster, avoiding the grasp of the King and the throws of the Queen.
She than reached the portal as she ran through it and forced it to close as Radius reached it. She stayed there as she made sure the portal stayed closed. Amethyst could feel Luna try to force it open multiple times, no break in between each attempt. Soon she opened to portal again, but this time just as a viewing window.
She watched as the Queen fell to her knees and started to cry, sobs shaking her body as the King came to hold her, trying to hold his own tears back, but she could see them slip not long afterwards.
Amethyst started to cry as well, feeling the grief she had just caused the Royal couple of Solaria, even if they were meant to be her worst enemies, since they were from feuding planets. She knew that no one should feel this kind of pain, and almost even hopped through the portal to give the child back, but she knew she would be killed for even attempting to do this, and even if she came back alive, Kadon would do the deed instead.
Her portal had opened up on the courtyard of this castle as well, which she casually strolled through, uninterrupted. She pasted through hallways and hallways of the castle until she reached the throne room, which was Guarded by two other Guards, Sapphire and Jade. Sapphire's milky brown complection was high-lighted by her light brown, corkscrewed, hair as it fell to her shoulders and her Blue eyes glanced between the child and Amethyst. She looked at Jade, who's jade green eyes nodded, causing her waist length Black hair to shake with it. Both Royal Guards, the same age as Amethyst, waved there hands as the doors opened to reveal the King of Paragon, fighting with his Sister again.
Both Royals turned their attention to Amethyst as she bowed on one knee, since her hands where full with the child, and came to stand back up, but only because she had come known both of them fairly well. They came towards her as she noticed that Selena had stayed fairly quiet for a young baby. In fact, the higher the moon rose the calmer she became.
The newly crowned King, Kadon, came to see that she had finished the act, and his dark Brown eyes lit up at the sight, his Black hair falling in front of his face as he did.
His sister, Becca, came up to Amethyst as she looked into the other girl in the eye and saw that she highly regretted what she had done. Becca understood and forgave Amethyst, knowing she didn't have a choice, as she took Selena from her arms and into her own, her own dark Blue eyes looking into Selena's bright Green ones as she woke up and started to wimper and tear up. Becca's dark Brown shoulder length hair started to fall out of her ponytail as she started to rock Selena back to sleep slowly, getting Selena to close her eyes again.
"Good job, Amethyst. I keep my promises when it comes to these things, so the jacket?" Kadon said, turning his attention from his sister to his now honorably discharged Guard.
"No. I wanna stay," she said, leaving the garment where it was.
"But your the one who asked. Why would you want to stay when you asked to leave personally?" Becca asked, her attention turning fron Selena to the Guard as she continued to rock her arms back and forth.
"I'm pretty certain that if you want to keep Selena from Radius and Luna, than your going to need someone to raise her aren't you? I'm pretty sure your not going to if you barely have enough time for your own son, and I'm not saying that the Princess wouldn't be a good mother or anything, but she won't always be able to take care of her like someone in my position would be," Amethyst said, looking at him straight on, something a Royal Guard should never do, but she knew he wouldn't react, not after what she had just done for him.
He looked off to the side and than to his sister as she nodded agreement, than he turned to her as he answered her request with, "Fine, your right. I wouldn't have time and Becca would be busy as well. If you need anyone else to raise her than go ahead and recruit them for your use, but I don't want this to be useless. I want you to train her to become a Royal Guard as well. It shouldn't be hard, since she'll live around them all the time. Now leave me alone. I have something I need to do." He waved his hand at both of them as they went back towards the door and walked out to the hallway again.
Becca looked at Selena as she fell asleep and gave her back to Amethyst. Both Guards from eariler stared as they saw their friend still wearing the symbolic jacket of a Royal Guard, both of them knowing about her former request. She went on to look at Becca as she told her.
"I'm happy you did what you did back there. You were right, I wouldn't have the time and he barely pays attention to his own son anyways. If you ever need anything for her or anything for yourself, just come by my room and ask ok?" Amethyst nodded as Becca continued, "Good luck, Amethyst, and make sure to pick good people to help you."
Becca headed in the direction of her room as she left the three Guards to themselves. Amethyst turned towards Jade and Sapphire as she told the, about the current situation and asked the two of them to help her with taking care of Selena. They nodded in agreement as Jade answered with,
"Well, what about Safforon? She actually is a mom, even if she gave her child up for adoption."
"I'll ask her when I run into her. Don't worry, Jade."
"Why did you ask him to do it though?" Sapphire asked, her weight now resting against the weight of the spear she was holding next to her.
"Because even though I had to rip her out of her family and ruin it, I can still at least try and give the best one I can, can't I?"
As Amethyst finished, she started to walk towards her own room as the two girls followed, calling two other Guards to take there place.
Time to start training a Royal Guard.