Opening his eyes, Toshiro looked around his room. Staying up all night to do paperwork had caught up with him. Sighing he rolled over. He heard a knock on his door. "Shiro-chan!" He heard his sister yell. With another disgusted sigh, Toshiro got up from his bed. "Hinnamori! How many times do I HAVE to tell you-?" He's cut short when he swings the door open and his sister is standing there with a raven-haired angel. "Good morning, Shiro!" His sister exclaimed hugging him tightly around the neck. "Oops! I'm being rude! This is Kurosaki Karin. She is the little sister of Kurosaki Itchigo! I was visiting the Soul Academy and we had lunch together! It was so fun! Wasn't it Karin?" Karin giggled and nodded holding out a hand. "Call me Karin. The formalities irritate me." Toshiro half smiled. "Hitsugaya Toshiro. Call me Hitsu—" "Toshiro. Got it." She interrupted him grasping his hand tightly. Hinnamori pushed past her brother into his quarters and moved to the kitchen … wall. "What do you want for breakfast?" She called looking over her shoulder. It was Karin's turn to push past Toshiro. Holding his hands up, Toshiro made a face. Karin looked back at him. "What do you like on your omelet?" She asked with a flashing grin.

Toshiro quietly listened to his sister and her friend talk excitedly about this and that. Karin looked out the window and gaped. "Oh my gosh! I forgot Byakuya was going to show me how to shunpo today!" She gulped down the last three bites of omelet and grabbing her bag. "Wait! Won't you learn that in class?" Toshiro called. Karin grinned looking back at him. "I'm so far ahead of the game that they set up instructors to teach me what is in year two's material." She laughed. "No, Byakua's sister and my brother are sort of a thing so I get advanced training from him. Bye, Hinnamori! I'll meet you afterwards sometime!" Hinnamori grinned waving. "Bye, Karin!"

"You're late." The Sixth Division captain said looking irritated and bored at the same time. "Sorry, Kuchki-taicho." Karin bowed. "I was with Toshiro and Hinnamori. We were eating breakfast and lost track of time." She grinned up at him like a little kid trying to get out of trouble by looking cute. Shaking his head, Byakuya set straight to work explaining and showing Karin how to flash step. By the end of the day, she had gotten it down perfectly. "Excellent, Kurosaki." Byakuya emotionlessly praised her. "Thanks." Karin grinned with a determined look. She rolled her eyes when she saw Rukia and Itchigo doing annoying couple stuff under one of Byakuya's cherry tree. "Wanna have some fun?" She heard the giant standing behind her say. Karin raised an eyebrow and frowned turning to him. "Whatdaya have in mind?" Karin's lips curled up when she saw the glint of mischievous humor in the captain's eyes, which were locked onto his sister and her bo. With a synchronized movement, they were both in the tree above Itchigo and Rukia. "Where'd they go?" Rukia asked. "Who cares? Probably inside. Your brother seriously could use a shower after working all day. Karin choked back a giggle at the miffed look of Byakuya. He looked over at her and nodded. With a screech, Karin launched herself out of the tree and chased the screaming Rukia halfway across the yard, leaving Itchigo staring at the bark of the tree, frozen in mid-kiss. "Hmm, It would seem I am not the one in need of a shower, eh?" Byakuya said nod standing at the bottom of the tree.

Toshiro sat at his desk going over the paperwork he told his vice-captain, Matsumoto Rangiku to do. It was done fairly well this time. He looked up to see her lying upside-down on the sofa in the center of the office. Her legs were kicking over the back. "Hey, Taicho. Who was the girl Hinnamori said you stared at this morning?" She asked pulling herself, and her giant… erm… assets into a sitting position, her legs still over the back of the couch. Raising an eyebrow, Toshiro put down his pen. "What do you mean? Hinna's friend, Karin?" Her name had somehow stuck in his head, though he had absolutely no clue why. Matsumoto suddenly had a suspicious grin. "Taicho, you just don't remember anybody's name. They have to make some kind of impression on you." Toshiro's eyes got wide and he dropped his head back to the paperwork, trying desperately to hide the blush creeping into his face.

Staring out the window, Karin finds herself thinking about Hinnamori's brother. Am I nuts? Didn't he say his rank was captain? What on earth would make him interested in me? She shouted at herself. "Kurosaki." She heard the sensei say her name. "Huh? What?" Karin said standing up and staring around the room in confusion. "Would you like to demonstrate what I just showed the class... Since you were paying so much attention?" He sarcastically said. His British accent sounded a bit smug. Karin looked at the class, then at the board in the front of the room. Retuning his smug grin, Karin expertly flash stepped to the front of the room and wrote her name on the board. In the same motion, she was back in her chair and staring out the window, secretly dancing at the shocked look of the teacher who just realized she did that in three seconds.

A knock on the classroom door woke everyone up. Karin was momentarily drawn away from her daydreaming to see a busty blonde and Hinnamori's brother standing in the doorway. Most of the students looked older than him, Karin noticed. "Do you mind if I borrow your class for a moment?" He asked the sensei. "Of course not, Hitsugaya-taicho."