Promise Chapter 1

Annie rested her head against the armchair of the plush white sofa and stared out of the window, twiddling with her dark, soft and tangled hair. She couldn't see anything due to how fast the train was going, but she concentrated on the dull colours of the world flying before her to try and block out everything that had happened to her today. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she thought of her time in the justice building back in district 4, saying her last words and goodbyes to her mother and father. She tried her hardest to hold back the tears but she was finding it a little difficult. "Oh dear. Why the long face?" Falavia asked tottering her way over.

Falavia was Annie and Sven's escort. She had no idea what Annie was going through, so she wasn't really in the mood to talk to her at this moment in time, especially with high-pitched, annoying Capitol accent. She had a purple wig that flicked out in all different directions, glossy purple lips, bright green eyelashes and little yellow fish's painted on her nails.

"I'm fine Falavia; really, I just miss my family I guess" Annie replied with a weak smile. Falavia wasn't all that bad really; Annie would just have to get use to hearing her accent for the next few days.

"Well cheer up we're going to the Capitol, it's wonderful, I'm sure you will love it"

Annie was sure that she would love it, but she didn't want to think about the apparently beautiful city that was to send her to her death. She knew she had no chance of coming out of that arena alive.

"Ah Finnick there you are" Falavia said with a cheesy smile "How's Mags?" Falavia's face had suddenly dropped.

"She just needs some time alone with Sven, she's really upset" he retorted looking at the floor.

Finnick was Annie and Sven's mentor along with Mags. They were victors of district 4 in the previous games. Sven was Mags' grandson. She was distraught about him being reaped. Finnick had blond wispy locks and bright lush green eyes with a tint of sea blue.

"I understand" Falavia said making her way out of the room

"What about you, how are you doing? Finnick asked taking a seat next to Annie

"I want to go home" she could feel the tears coming back

"I know you do, I've been there before. You could go back home if you win"

"But I won't win. I don't have any chance of winning"

"Don't talk like that. What can you do?"

"I can fish, I'm fast, and I can swim. How is that going to help me?"

"Well you will have good access to food if you can fish; you will just need to find water. Your fast so you can run from other tributes, you will get away from the cornucopia quick too"

"I guess. And I'm small, I can hide"


"Thanks Finnick"

Finnick gave her a smile. He was completely lost in her deep green eyes. They reminded him of home. How he would sit on the beach with his father and fish. They reminded him of the deep green seaweed that got washed up along the beach line. He had seen Annie before, with her little sisters on the beach. He would wander from the victor's village and sit on the beach to watch her. Now she was 17, one year younger than him. There was something about her that he really liked, he just didn't know what. Finnick put on a playful smile and said "I've been a mentor for four years and I haven't had a victor yet, maybe you will be one" He gave her a small shove

"Are you joking, I'm so weak and small that I couldn't even lift a bow" She giggled returning his shove. Yes so small but yet so beautiful.

Mags came into the room, her eyes all puffy. She was a wrinkly, fragile old woman with white thin hair and warm humble eyes. Finnick's playful smile had suddenly turned glum. Annie suddenly felt a strange urge to comfort him. She shook her head and resisted. Mags came and sat beside Finnick. Finnick placed his arm around her and said "He will be fine; you never know he might get out live"

"Mags, there really isn't much chance of me getting out alive" Annie took a deep breath "If you want I could look after him, get him through it, protect him, even though I won't be much assistance. Then when I die he may have a better chance of getting back home to you"

Mags stared at Annie and said "You don't have to do that for me sweetheart"

"I know but I will"

"If you're sure"

"I am sure"

Mags looked at Annie and smiled. She suddenly she felt that this kind young woman had a special place in her heart. Annie's kindness brought a smile to her face. She reached out and took her hand. "Thank you Annie"

Annie gave her a smile and rubbed Mags' warm hand with her dainty thumb. Finnick gave Annie a smile, a genuine loving smile. Not a false flirtatious smile he used on the women of the Capitol, a real one. Annie gave him one back but blushed slightly. Mags' narrowed her eyes and examined the pair looking into one others irises. Both of them thinking of home.