Vege pov

As we reach the place where Sayiapup and I left my alleged babysitters, I can't help but frown at the sight I see, so not fair; I expected to see daddy beating up the namekian or something, but no instead he's doing what; yelling at them, about how stupid they are for not having noticed that my ki signature had disappeared, and that while they need to train for the androids, Kakarot did swear that somebody from the Son family that was also a saiyan would be there to watch me when he wasn't around; I'm honestly surprised he's letting them off with a warning; which I guess is overall good but still. Well at least now I don't have to worry about needing to find myself a new CFL that would suck, like a lot.

I don't know why but something just seems off, and I'm starting to think it has to do with some missing people; I miss Raditz, and Nappa, and Turles, and Paragus, even Broly, not only that but I miss Jeice and Zarbon, I even kind of miss the rest of the Ginyu Force even Guldo. I even miss the Icejins, Frieza, King Cold and especially Cooler, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, they did practically all play a large role in raising me whether I like it or not. I frown as I realize I've begun to cry and a gentle rain has started, daddy stops his ranting and turns towards me, he walks over to me and offers me a sad smile he pulls me into a hug, and ruffles my hair; who says the mighty Vegeta doesn't have a soft side.

"It's alright Vege, everything will be okay in the end I promise you, daddy's going to make sure the bad guys never get you, and that you're always okay, I know you miss them, but it'll be alright, Saiyan code of conduct remember; try not to make things to difficult for Kakarot, he needs to train as well, you can go play hero once in a while just be careful alright." Me be careful as if I wouldn't be, I was raised in the most dangerous place there is but never got hurt or anything like that, at this point I've got the definition down pat; careful means no injuries not a scratch, a bruise or even the smallest of burns; and with a shadow capable of walking around I think I know plenty well what will happen if I'm not careful. Although my shadow moving around often at times freaks me out, not that I'll admit that to anyone not even through the weather, it's still kind of cool; though Gohan's shadow aka Shadow Vegeta is way cooler and isn't really that creepy.

"I know, but, I don't make a very good Saiyan royal do I?" His gaze sets into a hard one topped off with a frown, and I know I said something that he's not even remotely pleased with, though I don't know why when he knows it's true; I'm a pathetic Saiyan royal and absolutely nothing will ever change that, no matter how hard I try I just can't be the Saiyan he wants me to be. "Vege there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, you're young you don't have practice hiding your emotions because you've lacked the necessity to need to do so; I learned to hide my emotions at a young age, but I grew up at a much younger age than I should have, you're still just a cub, try to let yourself be one now and then."

"How is it fair, all this stuff that's going on, how is it fair that you grew up before you should have, how is it fair that Gohan is going to end up growing up before he has to, while I'm going around as a cub like nothing is wrong, how is it fair that he has to put his life on the line, while I get to go have fun not worrying about fighting, tell me dad how is it fair?!" He looks at me with a sad look on his face, he lets out a sigh, and I can tell he knows I'm right, he's looking for something anything to say that would justify that this is fair, but he won't because he can't because nothing about what he's trying to do is fair, and he knows it, I know it, everyone knows it, Freiza knew it, King Cold, Cooler, Raditz, Nappa, Jeice, Zarbon, Recoome, Guldo, Burter, Ginyu, Turles, Paragus, even Broly, they all know the unfairness in it all and yet they did nothing about it, just like he's not doing, like Yamcha, Krillin, Bulma, Chi-Chi, Kakarot, Gohan just like all of them are doing.

Gohan pov

As I listen to Vege rant I know that she's right, it's not fair, but life isn't fair, and why should she have to grow up before she has to, just because I do, just because Vegeta and so many others did. Vege doesn't even realize how grown up she actually is, she's smarter than Bulma, she knows way more than anyone our age should about a lot of things, she's poweful, she doesn't get to do a lot of fun things because she's supposed to be careful of injuries, she walks around with the knowledge that if she were to get hurt, her shadow could destroy the universe. Vege has a huge responsibilty and she doesn't even seem to realize it, so yeah she should get to act like a kid every now and then, while she still has the chance.

"Look at me Vege, life isn't fair and you know that, it wasn't fair that I had to protect my father and my people when it was supposed to be my father's job, it wasn't fair that Frieza blew the planet up when we had a deal, it wasn't fair that you had to lose your mother in order to live, it's not fair your shadow is a monster and that when it comes down to it you're the one that has to keep it locked away, it's not fair that when it finally escapes you'll have to die in order for everyone else to survive; and it's not fair that you have to go through all of this at such a young age; I tried to keep you out of the horrors of the world, watching purges, watching battles it's nothing compared to the real thing Vege, and I want to keep you away from that for as long as I can."

"I don't want to be left out, I want to feel useful I want to fight, and I don't care if I'll have to die when the monster is free, I just want things to be fair just this once, I hate it, all of it, and I hate you Vegeta." I watch with wide eyes as Vege goes into her advanced ultimate saiyan form and flies off at a speed I can't even begin to sense, that's the last thing I had expected for her to do, it's Vege, she doesn't hate anyone except for maybe Piccolo with kind of understandable reasons. Not only did she go so far as to tell Vegeta she hated him, she used his name, she only uses his name when she's indicating as to who she is, the daughter of King Vegeta II son of King Vegeta I, the crown princess. The skies are pitch black, the wind is raging, lightning cracks across the sky a loud roar of thunder with each, this can't be good, soon it starts to down pour on us.

"Vegeta what do we do?" He doesn't answer my question though, he's standing there looking kind of dumbstruck, but not in an obvious way, he's just kind of standing there quietly looking at the spot where Vege was last within sight when she flew off, great Vege is missing, her emotions are probably out of control, if she gets hurt the whole universe will have a monster to face, if she doesn't get her emotions under control soon, the world will blow up tomorrow, and we won't even have to worry about the androids anymore. I pull out my scouter and try to find hers through the use of the tracker but find hers isn't showing so either she broke it or she knows how to turn off the tracking device within her scouter, honestly at this point either option is highly likely.

"I...I don't know...she's never done this before, she's never even told anyone she hates them before, I don't think this is just about the fairness of it all, I think this is all of her pent-up emotions that she has been managing to suppress finally managing to come out, but one thing is for sure, if we don't find her and calm her down soon, you'll be looking for a new planet to live on, that is if she doesn't kill us all when she blows the planet up. I should have known something like this would happen, I should have never sent Raditz after Kakarot then at least none of this would be happening, she wouldn't be freaking out about her shadow, everything would be just fine, or it'd at least be better if that women hadn't erased her from existence practically, how idiotic could you possibly get, maybe then Frieza wouldn't have killed me back on Namek, maybe then everything would be alright, like it used to be, maybe then even with the moving shadow, Vege would be safe within the PTO on lock down, maybe then we'd have nothing to fear."

"It's alright Vegeta, what's happened, happened, and we can't change that, right now though we need to focus on finding Vege and figuring a way to calm her down before something bad happens to her, lets worry about her saftey first and the planet and everyone elses safety second; if she gets hurt we'll a lot more to worry about than the planet blowing up with everyone on it, we'll have something a lot worse to deal with." Vegeta makes no motion to move, Piccolo is still standing there obviouly irritated, I know Vegeta can at times be a monster, but I know that when it comes to Vege something in him begins to care so he needs to snap out of it and help me find his daughter.

"Gohan's right Vegeta, we need to find Vege, I'll alert the others that she's missing; Piccolo I know you don't trust them, and you really don't like Vege but right now we need all the help we can get, that includes yours." Vegeta nods his head at Vege's words and takes off in the direction we felt her ki fly off to, too bad that the zap to wherever Vege is thing doesn't work when she's angry with him unless she's in serious danger and she's the one to alert him to this, that's something I'd learned from Raditz before he was killed that second time. Piccolo looks at me, lets out a sigh and takes off in the same direction except a bit more to the left, when they took off it didn't seem like that big a difference, but when they lands they could be hundreds of miles apart. Dad flies off to alert everyone else about Vege being missing, finally I take off heading theame direction as Vegeta except more to the right, I hope someone finds her soon, preferably someone who'll be capable of calming her down, this is going to be one long day; I just hope Vege is okay.

Me:Okay so i'm not dead and have no real excuses this time update will probably be slow; but won't be this long I'm going to try for once a week or every two weeks at the latest but I had writers block and had few reviews to help motivate me past it

Turles:Maybe now they'll learn to listen when we tell them to REVIEW for updates

Vegeta:I don't know what the big deal is, some people don't update for months and that's the way they normally update so stop feeling guilty

Me:sorry I'm not heartless like you Vegeta

Turles:Oh you got told


Goku:That's my line