Reason for writing this? Well, I had a dream about something and when I awoke this was the idea I was left with! Hopefully it's not too horrible... Onward with the fanfic!

I do not own Hetalia, if I did it would be more accurate to the manga and France would have died.

Warning(s): France.

America just couldn't understand it, why was everyone in such a bad mood today? Everyone he had talked to either told him to go away or to get hung; even Italy! "Bonjour monsieur gros cul!" America groaned, everyone except France. Right now he really wished the fancy-pants rose carrying nation was as upset as the others. "Yo France. Do you know why everyone is acting all out of whack?"

"Qu'est-ce? You do not know what day it is do you?"

"Um...A Saturday?" France actually face palmed because of the nations stupidity. "No. It's September 1st." America just gave him a 'yeah-so-what?' look, he resisted the urge to face palm again. "No, you stupid American, this was the beginning of World War 2." Still nothing, France watched as America's mouth formed an 'O' in understanding. "Who's idea was it to call a World Conference meeting today?" France gave him a pointed look. "You did."

"Oh... Well, how come you aren't as sad as everyone else?" France waved his hand dismissively. "The past is in the past. No need to grief over it. If only the others would think the same~"

"Wish there was a way to cheer them all up..." France's eyes widened and a devious smile spread over his lips. "I have an idea!"


"A bet and a way to cheer up the other countries!"

"I have a bad feeling about this... What do I get if I win?"

"Hm...I'll buy your McDonalds slop for a whole year?"

"Deal!" America got to his feet and declared shaking France's hand enthusiastically. France ignored the urge to wipe his hand on his pants as he grimaced at the overly happy American. "What's the bet anyways?"

"You have to kiss the former members of the Allies and the Axis."

"Wait, what if I don't complete the dare?"

"Well, Mon Chere. You will spend the night with me." France winked licking his lips, he already knew America wouldn't finish the dare. "So do we have a deal?" America grimaced but nodded anyways; there was no way in hell that he would give up the chance of free food. France clapped his hands together in excitement. "Fantastic! Well, you better get started! Only 3 former Axis and 3 Former Allies left to kiss~!"


"Four what?"

"Four Allies."


"Canada, dude..." France gave America a blank stare before it clicked who Canada was. "Oh right! Your brother!" But America was already gone to seek his first target.

I have a feeling the characters might have went OOC for a little bit during this ^ ^'