When Instrumentality occured, there were two groups of people who wanted two separate outcomes to happen. From NERV were Ikari Gendo and Kozo Fuyutsuki, whished to be reunited with Ikari Yui, even at the cost of making everyone into LCL. The second group were SEELE, a sneaky, though well hidden organization who wanted to become one with the Evangelion who triggered Third Impact, wanting to become Gods of a new world in the process. Neither of these two groups cared for the innocents of the rest of humanity, nor did they shed tears for the pawns that were working for the two groups, spreading pointless bloodshed everywhere.

However, what both groups had in common was the one Evangelion unit that would become the key to initiating Instrumentality, and its pilot, Ikari Shinji. They knew he was weak, even through the challenges of combating against the entities known as Angels made him gain friends and grow in maturity, knew that he would welcome the easy path, and would do as they wanted. So, when Gendo was betrayed by Rei, who took the piece of Adam from him and merged with Lilith, and SEELE was too late to prevent the merging of the giant Rei/Lilith hybrid and Unit 01.

Despite their wishes, neither of the two groups thought of what Shinji would of wanted, and that would be the deciding factor as to the changed path of fate before them. They didn't witness the deaths of many of their friends like he had. They didn't see the remains of one of his crushes, fellow pilot Soryu Langley Asuka, dangling from the mouths of the Mass Production Evangelions, nor did they hold any attachments to the smaller things in life like Shinji had. Simply, they weren't Ikari Shinji, and only Ikari Shinji could now decide what happened to humanity as a whole.

So, when presented with the option to enter an alternate world, to become one with every single person, or to stand on his own, Shinji rejected each option, only wanting for none of this to happen. For SEELE to be destroyed, as they were the ones that brought the end of everything he cared for, and wanted everything to be back as it was before the day began. It was something that Shinji thought couldn't be done, as why would the conjoined form of Rei and Lilith want to become separated?

Yet, despite how much he believed it was impossible, his wish was granted. He remembered waking up on his bed, his Cello still in its corner, and his SDAT player still playing track 25, and wondered if it was all a dream. As soon as he stepped out of his room and saw Misato watching the news, he knew that the event known as Instrumentality had actually happened, and he was most likely the only person who knew it ever occured.

All of SEELE's bases were destroyed by unknown means, sabotage being the main reason, and the main leaders of the organization were found dead in various accidents, from a simple heart attack to car accidents and sudden suicide bombings. With the threat of SEELE wiped from the world, NERV would most likely shut down, or enter a new field of study, since the Evangelions now had no purpose, Asuka, considering she woke up and fought against the Mass Production Evangelions on her own, would wake from her coma soon, and Rei would still be alive, free from merging with Lilith. Everything was as it should be, and he could only thank the Angels, humanity's sworn enemy, for the change in fate.

Except, several things went unexpectedly wrong.

The first was that Rei was found dead on her bed due to a heart attack. There were no signs of foul play, which meant that there were no reason for anyone to investigate on the matter. The Rei clones were also killed, though how this happened was unknown to anyone, especially his father, who was very angry at what was happening.

The second wrong fact of this reality was that Lilith, the angel that was crucified below NERV was also missing. The sea of its blood, LCL, was still there, as were small, useless chunks of its flesh, yet the massive entity was no where to be tracked, increasing his father's rage. In the end, it was factored that, since Kaworu, the seventeenth Angel, came down to the final floor and reached her, they figured that he killed it in some manner.

Finally, the Spear of Longinus disappeared from the surface of the moon. Like with the disappearance of Lilith, there was no traces to see how the spear disappeared, something that no one in the world seemed to like. It was assumed that a meteor struck the moon at the right angle to knock the lance into space, or possibly into one of the other planets, though which was unknown at the current time. It was due to these factors that Shinji, slowly but surely, didn't have to go back to NERV for the remainder of the year. He took his newfound freedom from NERV to learn many things from the library, since the school was still closed down until Tokyo-3 was sure that there were no more Angels coming to it, such as English, more recipes, and a book on meditating. He didn't know why meditation stirred his interest, but it called out to him, and it was the first book he read from the lot he rented.

He took to the art of meditation easily, and it was soon after that he wished he hadn't come across the book, for if he hadn't then he wouldn't of came across the stunning truth of what happened that rewritten day. It was obvious, to an extent, as the only person who knew of the day that was erased from everyone else in the world. Where would the things that were used to be, if they couldn't return to the state they once were in?

They were inside him, just waiting for meet him as earnestly as his father still wished to impliment Instrumentality. The being known as Lilith, who took the form of the giant naked Rei he saw on that day, explained that, as the only living being during that time, he was the only place where she could store the main factors of what caused that day to exist. The being went even further to explain that, due to DNA of itself, Rei's unique DNA, and his own, he was as Rei was, a human with Angel DNA, though a much larger amount than Rei ever had.

Lilith went on to explain that it/she merely granted his truest desire, the one hidden between the wish that he wanted. He wanted to be alone, to be kept in his own world by ignoring others, since by him ignoring them, they couldn't hurt him, or bring about more negative factors to his already uncomfortable life. This was surprising to him, as he didn't even know that he felt like that still, as he thought that he grew out of the old him that wanted to simply run from society, but couldn't do anything about it now.

On the up side of being a human/Angel hybrid, he discovered that Ayanami Rei's soul lived inside of him as well, though could only be contacted whenever he meditated or slept, unlike talking to Lilith, which could be done as often as possible due to her DNA taking a stronger root in his body than Rei's DNA. Though awkward, Shinji grew to accept the two inside of his mind, as it meant that, no matter what, he always had someone to talk to, meaning he would never be alone.

As for the Spear of Longinus, it was merely a mental construct in his mind, awaiting to be used by him or Lilith. The problem was, at the moment, there was no way for him to use it until Lilith could make it in reality again, though there came up the root of the problem. If he actually HAD it, let alone used it for whatever reason, not only would it attract the attention of NERV, but would be hard to hide something that unusual looking. With all of these facts now in his mind, he knew he had to leave as soon as possible, since his father would try to start Instrumentality through him if they ever found out that he was like Rei. It wasn't hard for him to sell most of his things, since he only needed his clothes, SDAT player, and Cello, but he also needed to get registered into a new school, since he wasn't done with his education.

"A-are you sure that you want to leave for America Shinji?" Misato asked with a frown on her face. It was three in the afternoon, and she was looking at the stack of papers that he was able to get from Maya to properly request for a transfer to the states. He figured, by going to the states, he wouldn't have to deal with so many problems of being spied on by Section Two agents if he moved to another part of Japan.

"I'm sure. Within there is the form of emancipation for you or my father to sign, since you are acting as my legal guardian. If he must sign it, then I'm sure he won't miss me much." Shinji replied, looking at her with a determined look. "I HAVE to get out of here Misato. With Rei being dead, Asuka still being in her coma, and my father acting so cold, I need to leave. I-"

"I understand Shinji." Misato said quickly, causing him to flinch at the loud volume she spoke to him with. She must of noticed, as she suddenly looked regretful a few moments after. "I'm sorry. I just don't want you to go, but...In truth I don't want to be here any longer either. Unlike you; however, SOMEONE has to stay for Asuka's sake, so." She plucked the pen that he had on his shirt pocket and placed the papers on his chest, effectively using him as a flat surface to sign the papers.


"As your guardian," Misato pulled away, waving the papers in front of him, "I'm granting you emancipation status and your passport for the United States will be ready for you by tomorrow. Now lets go out and celebrate your departure! My treat!"

Shinji enjoyed his last dinner with Misato, even if it wasn't made by her, and stayed an extra day to leave her a small book of his personal recipes, most being simple dishes, so she could make something to eat, rather than buy instant ramen as her food source. He also used the extra day to visit Asuka, simply to say goodbye to her unconscious form, since he knew that he most likely wouldn't be leaving if she was awake.

The trip to the airport was a silent trip, as there wasn't much to say to the other. It was when the airport finally came into view that Misato suddenly began talking like there was no tomorrow, asking him to take pictures of the landmarks of whatever town or city he decided to stay in, to make sure he finished school, and, as usual, told him to get laid as soon as possible as a treat to himself. That made him blush a dark red, but couldn't stop himself from laughing at what she said.

"So, Shinji, where are you going to go?" Misato asked him. The two were looking up at one of the many flight boards to America, listing off the various places that they knew of from their times growing up. He didn't want to go to a place that was filled with people, so Chicago and the west coast of the United States were out. He wanted to stay away from the harsh elements, so the lower part of the states, mostly New Orleans and Mississippi, were scratched from the list, and he KNEW he didn't want to stay in the dry areas, so Arizona was out.

"I don't know. Its like every place on here just has something I don't like about it." Shinji replied with a sigh. It was then that one of the names began to flip, revealing a new, unusual name that he never read before. When he looked at Misato, she wore a look similar to him. "Have you heard of-"

"Oi, PANTY! Our plane is finally here! Now we can go back home, no thanks to you." The two turned to see a tall, violet haired girl with pink highlights running down her ankle length hair. She wore a fancy lolita outfit, though even that couldn't hide how big her bust was, and she had an odd looking cat on her shoulder, as it had parts of a skull over its head. She turned, causing Shinji to see an equally tall blonde girl with long hair that went down to her lower back. She wore a loose red dress, though it seemed to of been quickly put on, as he was able to see her nipple slip several times, and could of sworn he saw something white trail down her left leg.

"Maa, shut up Stocking. I just wanted to follow that hot guy, and my lord the sex was great. I didn't mean to make us miss our first trip home, so shut the FUCK UP!" The two girls began to talk amongst themselves as they walked towards the entry gate for the unknown town he didn't recognize. He felt a hand touch his shoulders and turned to see Misato behind him with a wide smile on her face.

"Go to Daten City after those girls Shinji! I'll be expecting a letter or a phone call soon!" Misato pushed him as hard as she could, he figured, as he suddenly found himself, and his stuff, flying past the gate and saw the two girls, Stocking and Panty, glance up at him for a few seconds. He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt something inside him stir, and he didn't like the unusual feeling he felt at that point. He finally collided into the wall of the path towards the plane to Daten City, and noticed one of the flight attendants standing above him.

"Passport please." He brought it up, groaning along the way and quickly handed her the necessary money to be registered for this flight. With a thanks and a proper goodbye, he watched as she took his cello to be loaded on the cargo hold of the plane, leaving him with his bag to take onto the plane itself. It was unusually empty, since most planes usually had a long line of people waiting to get onboard, and found himself taking a random seat and allowed the SDAT player to do its job, and fell into the music it released.

-Chapter 1: Welcome to Daten City!-

"So, Stocking! I managed to save some of that hot guy's cum I was telling you about earlier, and thought of your stupid love for sweets, since his cum was a bit too sweet for me. So here."

"Hmmmm, its not that sweet, but it does taste like strawberries. I guess he loves them more than anything else. Unless you forced him to eat a strawberry out of you like the nymph you are."

"Stocking, I can't tell if you're insulting me or complimenting me for my sexual tastes."

'...Does Misato REALLY expect me to try and befriend them?' Shinji thought to himself with a slight twitch to his right eye. The plane was nearly to its destination, Daten City, which was about three hours away if the flight attendant was right, and out of all of the spare seats these two girls could of taken, they had to sit right in front of him. It wasn't so bad at first, as both girls were doing something that prevented them from talking to one another, if the sounds of keys on a keyboard clicking together and the loud music from a pair of headphones were of any clue. It was then that he was able to get some sleep, since he knew that his inner clock would be running like crap when he got to his destination.

Then, he was forced awake due to a loud noise that turned out to be a moan from Panty, the blonde girl, who was doing something that only Misato had the knowledge of. Her sister, Stocking, wasn't doing anything to stop her, mostly due to the increased clicking of computer keys, possibly showing that she was irritated at her sister's loud noises of pleasure. He ignored the two for as long as he could, taking the time to talk to Lilith and Rei in the safe confinds of his mind, though not even IT lasted long against Panty's moans.

When he came to, he found himself hearing the current conversation about someone's cum, a disgusting fact upon itself, and went to press play on his SDAT player. Only, it was out of juice, forcing him to the torture known as Anarchy Panty. 'At least Misato knew when to draw the line in terms of details. This girl doesn't know when to shut up about it!'

"So, I was thinking of screwing two or three guys when we reach the airport. Wanna join me Stocking? I won't count the guy you pick to screw though, as I want the guys that I screw to be touched by me first, so they can be placed on my one thousand fucks list!"

"No, I wouldn't want your sloppy seconds even if you gave me all of the sweets in the world. Besides, I don't care what you do. I'm going back home as soon as we get off this thing. My back is crying for my bed..."

"Must be sore due to the size of your fat breasts. I bet those things will reach the floor before you even turn twenty five due to all of those sweets you've been eating!"

"Oh SHUT UP!" Stocking yelled, causing a random spoon to fly in the air, which landed on unoccupied seat next to him. He was fortunate to have a spare napkin from the meal the staff on the plane gave him, a simple pasta with some steamed vegetables to the side, and used it to clean the spoon before leaning forward and saw her. He wouldn't deny that Stocking was beautiful, and the slight view of her cleavage from his position WASN'T the reason he said this, even if it was a great view, but there was something about her that spoke of calmness, maturity, and innocence.

"I believe this is yours, Stocking was it?" The girl turned, tilting her head so he could see her clear teal eyes. She glanced at the spoon in his extended hand and gently took it from his hand. He suddenly felt someone's hand force his down onto the girl's thigh, and blushed as he felt how thick it was before pulling his hand away.

"Haha! See that Stocking! He just felt you up!"

"What did you do that for!" Shinji yelled, looking over at Panty, who stuck her tongue out at him. Unlike her sister, she was immature, not caring for opinions and consequences, this much he could see instantly. It was odd; however, that he found himself feeling slightly sick in her presence, as if he suddenly got punched.

"Maa, what the fuck do you care for? Didn't you want some type of thank you gift for giving her back her favorite spoon?"

"NO!" Shinji replied, developing a slight glare at the blonde. "I was expecting a thank you, nothing else. So why did you do that?" Panty looked over at Stocking, who was already using the spoon to eat some type of flan, before looking at him once again.

"You're strange, ya know that?" Shinji, on the other hand, was thinking that Panty was the weird one. He was sure he would of never met someone worse than Misato or Kaji in terms of pervertedness, yet here was someone worse than those two put together. "You remind me of Geek Boy, except you seem to have some type of backbone on you. So," Panty leaned forward, showing him a clear view of her braless chest, "how would you like to put your back into it by thrusting your hard bone inside my tight pussy, hm?" Shinji felt his blush darken, but managed to turn his head and focused on the window.

"No thanks. I don't want to catch something from you." He couldn't help but to smile at the shocked expression the blonde suddenly had on her face, since it seemed like no one ever talked to her in such a manner, similarly to Asuka. But, all of a sudden, Stocking began to laugh, slamming her fist on the arm rail of her seat at the same time, causing him to break out into a chuckle alongside her.

"Hey!" Shinji felt a pair of hands grab his shirt and saw that they belonged to Panty. "I don't HAVE anything to catch, ya fucking douche! I'm one hundred percent clean as they come buddy boy! I swear, you must be Geek Boy's cousin or something, acting so innocent and pure! No guy is pure, nor can they resist the sexy charm of Anarchy Panty~!" He felt himself twitch at her attitude, as it began to remind him more and more of Asuka, without the slutty acts that the blonde seemed proud to do. Was it true what he heard in school about American girls being much more sexual than those of Japanese lineage?

"So sure of herself, this being is. I wish to silence her." Lilith spoke, scaring him enough to pull out of Panty's grip before calming down.

'Why talk now, of all times Lilith?' Shinji asked, effectively ignoring Panty as she talked. He saw her lips move, but didn't attempt to focus on anything she was saying. Which, in truth, was most likely for the better, as his brain needed all of the brain cells he could keep until the day he dies.

"She would be one of the worst examples of a proper Lilin, except she isn't one." This stirred Shinji's attention, as he was sure that Panty had to be a human. She looked human, had breasts like a human female, and knew enough about sexual intercourse to be human. Before he could ask her what she meant by her statement, a loud buzz broke his thoughts.

"Attention passengers! Sit back down in your proper seats and buckle up, for we are several minutes away from the Daten City airport! We hope you enjoyed your flight on Erect Airlines." One of the flight attendants spoke, causing Panty and him to sit back down, both buckling themselves in. The only difference between the two was that he was silent, glancing out of his window to see what Daten City looked, while Panty began talking about how happy she was to finally be home.

Daten City, from what he saw, was a bustling city that seemed to always be improving upon itself. Old, wrecked buildings were being rebuilt into skyscrapers, the streets were bustling with people and cars of many models, and the skies above the town seemed to be mostly clear, save for a few smog clouds coming from the factories. It was then, as the plane turned towards the airport, he saw several small craters, causing him to wonder what could of made such things. Was it a bomb or missle of some sort? He knew there were no Angel attacks in the United States, so whatever made the craters could of been something unusual.

Then again, he could of been overthinking things, as it could of been small explosions from a gas leak or something more natural.

He soon found himself walking out of the plane and into the airport lobby with his bag of clothes and dead SDAT player in hand, wondering if he should go and buy a map first, or to go to the baggage area and pick out his cello. He didn't get much of a chance to think of his choices as he felt his butt being kicked rather hard, sending him flying to the baggage conveyor belt stomach first. Luckily, despite the immense pain he felt from his butt and chest, he looked up to see his cello exiting the door, and quickly grabbed it before it could go past the second door.

'Well, at least I didn't break anything from that random flight.' Shinji bought a map from one of the small tourist shops and exited the airport, watching as taxi cab after taxi cab came and left the parking zones in yellow and white blurs. When he saw a taxi that didn't shoot off for a tourist, he raised his hand, more than prepared to shout out for the taxi to come towards him. He, much to his confusion, felt the back of his hand strike against something, and turned to see a tall, pale blue, or might of been pale purple, skinned man with spiked white hair, and wore a dark gray business suit with a formal corset on the outside of the suit. "I am COMPLETELY sorry about that sir! I-"

"Well well, if it isn't Ikari Shinji!" The man exclaimed, shocking him in many ways. How did the man know him? Did news of his feats in Japan reach America, and to what extent? Due to his formal attire, did he work with a business company, or was he working for the NERV in America? Too many questions rans through his mind, and it must of showed, for the man began to laugh. "I'm not surprised you don't recognize me boy, kekeke, we met when you were a young lad, twice. Once while your mother was alive, and the second a few days after, since I was speaking to your father of important news. I am Corset." The man extended his right arm, and Shinji was quick to shake it with his own.

"Ikari Shinji, and I'm pleased to meet someone who knew of my parents." Shinji said, even though he was more curious to know if Corset knew more about his mother, rather than the usual information about his father. They pulled apart, both glancing at one another for a few moments before the man pulled on one of the straps on his corset, letting it hit his chest rather roughly.

"What brings you away from Tokyo-3, if you don't mind me asking?"

"A new start away from my father and his career." Corset smiled at him, though something in the man's blue eyes seemed to scream trouble for him. Then again, he was nervous at meeting someone related to him so suddenly, giving him the thought that Misato or his father made it for the two to meet.

"I take it you don't have a place to live at as of yet then?"

"I was thinking of looking around the city for a few days, maybe a week to see if I liked the area enough to stay. If not, then I would take the next bus out of town." Corset nodded before whistling. Shinji was confused at the action, before he saw a large hummer limousine drive behind the duo. He couldn't see past the tinted windows, but he could of sworn he saw a pair of large, yellow eyes from the driver seat.

"Then you simply must stay at my place!" Right as Shinji was about to protest, the man opened one of the back doors and pushed him. "No, its not a problem for you to stay at my residence! I'm about to have two, apprentices, if you will, stay with me sometime today, and I'm easily able to afford one more person." Shinji was able to place one puzzle piece to another, and figured that Corset was here to pick up his apprentices. Though, he was unsure as to why the man said apprentice with a slice of humor in his tone. Corset leaned in through the door and looked towards the front of the limousine. "Drive around for several minutes. Anywhere will do, but stay within a few miles of distance so I won't have to call. Understood?" A loud, high pitched noise came out from the driver's side of the vehicle, a weird way to reply if Shinji ever heard one. "I hope you don't mind waiting for a bit longer Shinji. I won't be long before my apprentices show up, so I didn't want Fastener here to drive you back to my place and waste gas."

"Its, uh, understandable sir. Gas is becoming more expensive as of late, and it doesn't seem to be going down for a long time." His words brought a grin upon Corset's face, though it looked quite demented. The man nodded and pulled away, placing his hand on the side of the door.

"You're quite smart Shinji. Maybe you'll become my third apprentice if you decide to stay that is." Corset closed the door before Shinji could comment, and he soon found himself pressed to the back of the seat as the limousine went quite fast. There was nothing in the limousine that looked anything remotely to a barf bag, so he buckled himself in and began to meditate, hoping that it would calm his body down from the unnecessary turns and rough driving.

"How do you like Daten City so far?" Rei asked. He could picture her soft, gentle smile as she awaited his answer.

'Its different. Much more busy than Tokyo 3, and more open about their scams too. The tourist traps here are ridiculous!' Shinji replied, earning a giggle from the girl. He also heard a cough, reminding him that Lilith was also listening to him. 'Do you wish to say something about the Lilin?' It was odd, how easily he was finding himself saying such a word to a being of pure power inside him. He supposed it was a sign of maturity. Well, that, or he picked up the bad habit of not caring for the general detail of things from Misato.

"Lilin aren't very truth creatures, yourself excluded. You're too honest to completely lie or pull off a visible scam like the rest of the Lilin. But no, that wasn't what I wanted to say. I'm simply astounded as to how many being seem to be converging in this city."

"Being converging into the city?" A high pitched noise from the driver made Shinji realize that he spoke that particular sentence aloud, causing him to mentally slap himself and get back to meditating. He was still fairly new to meditating, though he could do it with ease while staying still, so he wondered what broke him out of it so easily.

"Yes, though as to which beings I can not say. Their inner energies are, as you say, cloudy by their human features and mental capabilities. It might be an inner ability of theirs, or some type of DNA mutation within, but whatever it is, its all over the city Shinji. Watch yourself." When he saw Lilith disappear from his mind, Shinji didn't bother to try and contact her, instead taking the time to talk to Rei. The two talked about what they expected to enjoy about Daten City, with both holding little answer to the question, before Shinji realized that the driver of the limousine was heading back to the front of the airport. With a simple goodbye to Rei, he stopped meditating, and he picked a wonderful time to do so, as the door opened a few moments later, revealing Corset's arm and two people.

The first person stood about his height, with long, light green hair that not only reached her hips, but branched out like dancing flames that moved all across her body. Her yellow eyes had a hint of green in them, complimenting her curved eyelashes, though one of her unique features were what might of been horns on the back of her head. She wore a formal summer dress, a light brown that clung to her body, reminding him of Asuka, and even had an identical bust to the red head! There was something about the girl that screamed overconfidence, possibly in her studies?

The person behind her looked identical to her, except she wore a dark blue suit that had a short skirt and black kneesocks, rather than dress pants. This girl had bright blue hair, half of which were long, spiky bangs that danced past her jaw, leaving the huge pony tail, which curved like the spikes of a hedgehog, went down to her knees. He noticed that she had the same colored eyes as the previous person, though her eyelashes gave her a serious, sophisticated image, rather than the playful look the other person had. Her only odd trait was that she had a rather abnormal horn upon her forehead, most of which was nearly hidden by her long bangs.

As a whole, there were several things that he noticed that made him a bit uncomfortable with them. The fact that they both had dark red skin was unusual, since there was no hint of it being caused by a sun burn. Their horns were another trait, as he didn't know of any human cases where horns were grow, though in comparison to their red skin, this was less of a problem. What made him feel utterly uncomfortable was their aura, which screamed of death and decay. He was glad when Corset finally stepped into the limousine, as the feeling he got from their auras were silenced, mentally thanking the man.

"Ahh, Shinji, allow me to introduce my two apprentices. To the right of me is Scanty, and to the left is Kneesocks. Girls, this is Ikari Shinji, the son of a former business partner of mine." Both girls looked at him and said hello, though the tone behind the word was anything but welcoming.

"Hello to you too."

"Kekeke, don't be so cold to him, as he will be living with us for what could be a short while, or a long time." At that, both girls widened their eyes, their auras spiking at the same time, causing him to flinch at the sudden change.

"But you didn't tell us this half an hour ago!" Kneesocks, if he recalled correctly, looked at Corset with a stern stare. "The RUURUU that you told us and we agreed upon were that we would-"

"Well the RUURUU, as you say it, changed!" Corset's low, angered tone, when equiped with the glare he always seemed to have, made the girl flinch and look at the floor. "Things won't go as you wanted, and you must be prepared for such a circumstance to occur. That, Kneesocks, is one of the many things you'll be learning from me. Understood?" Shinji looked at Scanty, who was looking at him with a smirk upon her face. She playfully battered her eyelashes at him, making him wonder if she was preparing to insult him, or would act like Panty and try to start something.

"Yes?" He asked. He wouldn't learn anything from the situation by thinking about it. That, and even if he did feel uncomfortable, it wasn't as if he could run away. He WAS in a moving vehicle after all.

"Nothing, I'm just picturing if you're going to stay with us for long, or if you'll be leaving sooner than expected..." Was that a threat, or a foreshadowing? Shinji couldn't decide which was the right choice, and proceeded to ignore the girl and glanced at his cello case. He noticed that Scanty looked annoyed, possibly due to a lack of response, but didn't comment on it as he wanted to arrive at their destination.

Luckily, the wait wasn't long, and he found himself in front of a huge, building that reminded him of the acute angle to a triangle, or a giant V, if you weren't creative enough to think of something else. When he was able to step out of the limousine, he found the girl's luggage already out to be carried, causing him to raise an eyebrow while he carried his stuff up behind Corset. The man began to speak about the building, explaining as it was his main base of operation as he was the mayor of Daten City. The trip to their individual rooms was uneventful, unless he was to count how he found himself pressed between Scanty and Kneesocks due to the size of his cello taking up a majority of the space in the elevator.

As soon as the group got to the top of the mayor's office building, he was led to his room, which had a name plate with his name upon it already, and was pushed into room he was given reminded him of the hospital back in Tokyo 3, as its dull, white paint put him to sleep countless times, and would be the sight he usually woke up to after a battle. It was too big for the few things he had on him, but with time, if he chose to stay in Daten City, he could fill it with pictures and decorations to keep him from getting bored. He turned towards the group, only to see that Kneesocks was the only one in his room now.

"Corset-sama took Scanty-Oneechan to her room. It is next to mine, so I don't have need of assistance to be taken to it." Shinji nodded and allowed her to exit his room first.

"Oh," He looked down and noticed the ring on her finger, "Are you engaged Kneesocks-san?" Kneesocks glanced at her right hand and lightly blushed, a feat he was surprised to see. Her blushing made her dark red skin brighten, similar to holding a flashlight under a dark shirt.

"No, its a promise ring..."

"Oh. Its beautiful." That was the only thing he could say. Though, he wish he had enough money to buy a diamond ring and use it as a promise ring... He felt a pinch in his right pant pocket and pulled out his SDAT player, which reminded him of the batteries within being dead. "Kneesocks-san, could you please lead me to Corset? I need to ask him something."

-Author Note-

So, I recently looked at the crossover section for Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, and I found myself rather sad about how little stories there were for this series. A majority of these crossovers weren't all that enjoyable, and a few weren't updated, so I found myself in the mood to write some P&S crossovers! This particular one is the first of several I have thought of, as well as a new regular Panty and Stocking story in mind. Most of them star Brief in them, which isn't much of a surprise if you've read my other P&S stories, but this one has a very special Shinji Ikari as its star! I'll most likely continue writing this, at least up to the first ghost battle, and see if anyone would like for me to continue this story. Either way, though there were some challenges with writing this chapter, I enjoyed typing it out, and I hope you all enjoyed it as well.

Until next time readers, and please review!