TCz: So i decided to write up another chapter while in a fuckin' 8 hour drive for NOTHING. Yeah. This one has a bit more SMUT than the last one... this is what happens when i pull an all nighter.

Those few weeks after your day with Renji, nothing had really physically changed about you. You were the same old you the 11th had known before. People heard rumors of what happened between the captain and Abarai, but seeing how you held no proof to show, the gossip was over as fast as it had begun.

Ikkaku and Kenpachi kept it that way too. The next day, you walked into the barracks and did your duties, as normal, sparred with others, as normal, and threatened people, as normal. When the lieutenant came over to bring a notice that Byakuya was asking Zaraki to stop beating up his members, you and Renji gave simple hellos.

No lovey-dovey greetings or intimate looks, no winks or flirtatious manner, nothing. The two had believed that you denied feelings for him, and thus had no more worry. Kenpachi had no need to harass him any longer and Ikkaku wasn't mad anymore either. All was well in the 11th Division.

A few days after that poker game, Abarai had left for earth on a mission, so for those few weeks, you had no one to play poker with on Saturday. Instead, you spent it with Matsumoto and went on walks, maybe shopped a bit.

"It's so weird Rangiku..." you sighed, a bag in your hand filled with lunch for that evening. "You'd think after something like that that things would be different between two people."

Showing worry or confusion was a sign of weakness in your division, so hiding your thoughts and emotions about stuff was your specialty. Only you and Rangiku knew of your troubling thoughts of doubt.

"Maybe he's just as confused about things as you are. I mean, you have to remember this is Renji we're talking about. He used to be in the 11th Division himself. He's probably worried about things just as you are, but he's hiding it." she waved her hand casually as she eyed her little bag of sweets and sake. You nodded, as if understanding what she said, but that didn't stop you from still pondering it over.

That next day after he slept over, Renji had woken up gently to see you curled up at his side, the few cracks of light from the window making your hair glimmer. He watched you silently as you peacefully slumbered. Rubbing your shoulder lightly, he kissed your temple, making a faint whimper of his name escape your lips. Renji's heart fluttered, the fact you were dreaming of him flattered the shinigami so. You awoke soon after, bidding him good morning before checking on his wounds. They had healed exceptionally well, and no longer hurt him. You offered to prepare breakfast, but he denied, as he should be on his way back to his division. It saddened you he had to go, but you didn't argue. Saying farewell, you two went your separate ways outside the door.

Nothing had happened between you two since.

The next day came along, and it was a special day. Renji was arriving home from his mission, and you were going to prepare a lunch for him. The box lunch consisted of Taiyaki and some rice balls, all made by a trusted chef you knew in the rukongai. You sucked badly at cooking, and this chef you had nearly trusted all your life for food always made the best. He even beat the fancy expensive ones that lived in the soul society.

"I never knew you liked fish." the aged man heaved a chuckle.

"I don't." you said dryly as you rested your chin in your palms, mind pulled away from it's business on Renji.

"So then why am I wasting all these ingredients!" the elder gasped. Being in the rukongai, food like this was usually made for nobles, but the pieces used to make it was very expensive. However, being a soul reaper, the cash wasn't hard to pull up, along with all the help of Abarai's loss at poker.

"It's for a friend." you mumbled, spinning in your stool. You remembered as a child that you would always kick your feet when you sat in it and brag how close you were to reaching the floor. You did now, but the excitement wasn't as pleasing as you thought it would be.

"Oh? Is that so? Must be special if you went out of your own way to do this for them." he smiled as he continued to cook.

"He is..." you muttered as the corner of your lips curled up.

"Oh, so it's a man!" the chef grinned.

"S-Shut up! It's not like that!" you squeaked, trying to sound tough.

The old man laughed. "You know, the quickest way to a man's heart is his stomach." he smirked. "Though it should be the woman who cooked it."

"I don't know how to cook. My hands are too busy beating up people." you smirked, pulling up a hand to your eye sight. Despite the fact you hit almost everything in your path, Rangiku made sure to take you to a spa every once and a while to get a manicure and take care of your skin. You may have been a fighter for the big bad 11th division, but you were a woman too.

The chef brushed away the sweat from his temple with his sleeve before coming around from the back, two beautiful black boxes tied together with thin string. You took the boxes, but raised a brow.

"It's more romantic when you have lunch with the man also." he smirked. You silently smiled and placed the money on the table, as well as a big tip for bonus.

"Thanks old man. You always make the best." you muttered before kissing his cheek and scurried out.

It was almost noon, which meant Renji should've been back by now and was probably in his office. Quickly prancing through the soul society, a few shinigami past, immediately moving aside as they feared the worst. Surprisingly though, you were in a very gleeful mood, and bid them the most friendly hellos with a wide grin over your face. It somewhat startled them, but you didn't take the time to explain and went along your merry way.

Finally reaching the 6th division, people were shocked to see you there as you made your ways through the hall ways. Each barrack was built the same way, so you wouldn't get lost while wondering about. Reaching the main office, you fidgeted a bit to see how you could open the door, but the weight and balance of the bento boxes was rather troublesome. Your cheeks puffed in annoyence, but when the door slid open, you were ready to thank the person, only to find the red head staring right down at you.

"Renji!" you yipped.

"What are you doing here?" he blinked, brow raised a tad.

"Ah! Well, I, uh. I have lunch for you!" your cheeks became stained in pink as the Red head glanced between you and the food.

"Great timing. I was just about to go grab a bite. Here, let's go over to my place." he smiled as his hand pressed against the small of your back and led you through the halls. Your face remained flushed, but you were able to hide it while looking down at the food.

Renji led the way over to his place which wasn't too far. As he opened the door, you were rather surprised to see how big it was. Each Captain and Lietenant lived in much better homes than the other Shinigami did. Pushing you in gently, he close the door behind you.

"Table's over here." he said as he walked over to the right where the kitchen was. You were looking at everything though; the couch, carpet, plants and various decor. Even the few uniforms Renji had left behind that seemed dirty and a few days old. Abarai noticed your state and blushed with a gulp.

"Sorry about the mess! I usually don't have guests." he gasped as he rushed over, snatching up the trash and junk. You giggled at how silly he was, which was enough to make him stop and listen. You sounded so adorable.

Just as he finished his cleaning rush, you placed his boxed lunch on the table, yours still in hand. Renji glanced at his lunch, then you, then finally your lunch as he sat down.

"You going to join me?"

"Oh! Well, you see-" you weren't sure what to say as you never really had intentions of joining him, though the fantasy still lingered in your mind.

Renji shook his head while lazily waving a hand. "I insist! Please, sit."

You did as you were told and placed the lunch gently in front of you. You both opened your lunches, but Renji's grin made your day. Taiyaki was his favorite, and knowing you made him happy was all you needed.

"Thank you! This looks delicious!" Renji bowed his head before chowing down the fish. You ate your strips of steak and rice quietly, savoring the taste. Once again, the old man pulled wonders with his cooking.

"So how was the mission?" you asked after swallowing the meat.

"It was pretty easy. Few shinigami just getting the basics of killing hollows is all." he shrugged before taking in some rice. You nodded and continued to eat, but as your plate began to grow empty, you wondered on what you should say. Conversation was another thing you lacked, and bringing up a topic always felt awkward. You had nothing to say, and anything you wanted to ask was about that Saturday evening which was embarrassing to even think of.

Swallowing the last piece of steak, you closed up the box and stood.

"Thanks for the lunch Renji. I think I should be going though." you shrugged before bowing and darted for the door. As you grabbed the handle though, a hand swooped over your shoulder and held the door down. You didn't bother trying to pull it open either.

You could feel his chest press against your back, lips lowered to your ear so you heard his every breath, other hand against the door to cage you under him. You felt your skin tingle from his warm breath blowing down the bare of your neck.

"Why did you come here?" he asked, voice deep and in a whisper. You stared at the wood pattern on the door, his shadow covering you.

"You invited me in." you said softly, not moving a single muscle, hand still on the knob.

"You could've denied." he quickly replied. "Why did you come here, really?"

You couldn't reply. Your cheeks were beginning to flush as you could no longer ignore his presence. After a long silent moment, his hand touched your shoulder and spun you around slowly to face him. You didn't fight it. Staring up into the red head's brown eyes, you noticed his gorgeous features, the detail sticking out so obviously now. When your gaze brushed over his lips, his hand brushed away some hair from your temple before grazing down the side, fingers tracing you jaw line till finally, your chin was pinched between his thumb and index finger. You didn't pull away from his touch, you let him explore you and move you.

"That night. I told you how I felt, but you never told me." he muttered, almost sadly. It pained you a bit in your chest to hear it, and parted your lips to speak, but no words came out. Renji waited for an answer, but could notice you choke and sigh silently. He wanted an answer, but wouldn't demand you say it. Instead, he seeked it out in another way.

Slowly leaning in, his lips inched towards yours, but just as they parted and were so close to yours, he stopped. Both of your gazed, half lidded, at the other. No one spoke, no one moved, you two just stared. Your breaths blew across the other's face, your scents intoxication one another. The both of you almost became drunk in intimacy just for the close connection.

You felt your chest tighten and lungs shrink, heart bashing against your rib cage like a wild animal. Your muscled coiled tightly and skin tingling with excitement. The excitement was almost painful and unbearable. The way he tilted your head up, the way his body arched over yours as he pinned you against the cold door with simple ease. You were his prisoner, and a very special one.

After so long of feeling like your life was being drained away and you could be his slave forever, you finally felt your blood pump through your veins calmly, your body became warm and relaxed. With simplest tilt of your head, you closed your eyes as he did and pressed your lips against his the the most silent manner possible.

You only held the kiss for a second or two before returning to the pose you were in before, eyes opened and locked on his.

"Again." he ordered in a whisper. You obeyed his command and kissed him again for just a moment, then pulled away.

"Again." he breathed, and so you did. Just before he guessed you'd pull away, he snaked his fingers back beneath your jaw, around your neck, and into your hair, holding you tightly against him. You took this as a signal for more, and began to curl your lips around his. He followed and dug his fingers further into your soft locks, nails digging into the wood.

Pressure seemed to press down on you, and the hands you had at your sides found way to his uniform, wanting to push him away, but Renji took this another way and pressed more against you, drowning you deeper in intimacy. Your lips parted to release a soft innocent moan just before his tongue thrusted into your mouth, warm breath rolling down your throat which created more moaning cries.

You practically made the man drunk in love with your erotic whimpers and used his other hand that was against the door to trace down your gentle figure and down your hips, groping that butt of yours that he found so attractive. The thick ball of muscle fitted perfectly in his hand, and hearing your gasp from his touch, the lieutenant grinned.

He never knew having you so vulnerable was so exciting and addicting. He now had something to beat you with, and would most definitely be using this more often on you in payback from all the money you stole from his wallet.

Pulling away for a moment, you desperately took in well needed air. Your lips never stopped touching, but an evil devilish smirk curled up wide over his face after he noticed your flushed pleasure filled expression.

Renji was a dominant type of guy, and a big one. You knew this now, and could tell it wasn't over.

With your mouth gaped and gasping for air, Renji was able to thrust his tongue in your mouth with ease and clamp down his lips to yours. His rough gropes made your body ride up against his, which of course he was very much enjoying. He released his grip though and reached for your thigh, pulling it up till your knee was at his side. Pushing you farther up the wall, your hands cupped his cheeks before pushing him away.

"We can't, not here." you gasped, but his lips were relentless and returned to your like magnets. With you guys against the front door and so close to the 6th division, someone was bound to pass by and hear you two.

"I don't care." he whispered between kisses.

"I do." you growled, your own dominance now rising. Renji hissed a sigh before flash stepping to his bedroom, your back now on the bed. Only one of Renji's knees got on the mattress, as he still stood on one last foot. His kisses were rough, his tongue exploring every where in your mouth before embracing yours. You yourself were now intoxicated with his affection and were desiring him as much as he did you. Your fingers greedily dug into his hair, undoing the tie that held it up.

Renji dragged his lips over your cheek and down the side of your neck, biting and sucking down on the softest patch he found. You cried out an erotic whimper as he left his little brand on you, then kissed it, as if trying to make it better, before slowly crawling down lower, now tugging down on the collar of your hakama to show the skin on your shoulder and vast majority of your chest just above your breasts. He kissed and nipped, tongue rolling over every inch of you he could.

Your head rested back against the mattress, eyes closed, smiling more as he continued to explore the innocence of your skin, him being the first to have the privilege of touching it. His room smelled so much like him, almost too much as you became drunk with his scent. Nuzzling the thick cushion to your cheek, you purred heavenly, almost driving the lover insane as his lips rolled down your sternum. Just as his chin touched the fabric of your uniform, his finger slipped between the folded part of your clothes and trailed downward, peeling apart the top slowly the lower he kissed. You tightened up beneath him, choking on your plead for him to stop. Pulling the black clothing over to the side slowly, he got a sneak peek at the soft grey velvet bra that held your breasts up oh so perky. You yipped, face heating up as his fingers gently rolled over them. You wanted him to stop but wanted more so badly, you choked on your tongue as he groped it softly as he kissed the side of your breast. He nuzzled his way between them as the first time, but he wasn't doing it to sleep.

Just as he begun to Snake his fingers beneath your bra, a distant loud knock came to the door. You weren't sure if the sigh you made was of annoyance or relief, but Renji was obviously angered judging by the growl he made a he pulled away to glare at the door.

"What is it?" he barked. Who ever was behind the door squeaked as they feared the angry lieutenant.

"C-Captain Kuchiki has summoned you! He says y-you need to report right away!" they gulped. Renji grumbled a stream of curses before he planted a strong wet kiss on your cheek and rose off the bed and walked away, fixing his Hakama.

"R-Renji!" you cried out, cheeks a bright ruby hue. Abarai glanced over his shoulder, frozen as he awaited what you had to say. You were a bit surprised you spoke up yourself. Flashing him a sheepish smile, you tilted your head down a bit.

"I-I do like you... I really do." you muttered. Your heavenly voice reached his ear, and the words he had wanted to hear for so long only took a second to make sense in his head. Quickly walking back over, he nearly laid back on top of you as he placed a strong kiss on your lips.

"I'll take that for now." he winked, warm breath blowing over your lips as a slight tease before he went back to the door while tying up his hair.

You let out a little chuckle as you began to fix your Hakama, but before you rose off the bed, Renji's fingers snapped at you from across the room.

"Don't leave that bed. That's an order." he smirked. You puffed your cheeks and pursed your lips in annoyance, but all he did was return that same cocky smirk and walked out the door.

With a sigh, you would crawl up the bed and hug the thick sheets and pillows to your body, taking in his musk with deep inhales.

The substitute would do. For now