Ch: 2

"Um, what..." Natani questioned. Kieth stared her down with a look of assuredness, he got what he was looking for. Keith seemed positive he would have gotten a different answer it seemed, in his expression there was some confusion.
"Kieth, um... can you let go of me now?" Natani demanded. Saying that seemed to dissapoint Kieth, he'd not gotten the answer he wanted after all. He released Natani, who in return, got back on her feet and slapped him, with some force. Kieth awaiting this took it, and watched Natani storm off back towards camp. He'd finally gotten the answer to the question he wanted to ask before. Let down by his own high hopes he wandered back to camp, picking up pieces of wood for the fire. Natani went straight to her tent when she arrived back at camp, blowing off Flora's greeting. Kieth soon followed, he looked the perfect image of gloom, and this, like most things, peaked Flora's interest.
"So Kieth, what where you two doing out there?", she investigated.
"Huh, oh, nothing."
"Really, because he looked mad and you look sad, why are you sad?", she continued.
"I'm not." Kieth lied.
"Okay.", she would have persisted if she hadn't noticed he'd probably rather be left alone.
Keith dropped the bundle of wood and retreated to his tent, where he could try think of a way to fix what he just broke, more like shattered to me. He untied the belt holding his sword and sheath and laid it on the ground, his helm, and pauldrans followed. He collapsed onto his beddings, done with this day that seemed to get worse and worse by the hour. Outside he could hear the commotion of Flora and Trace trying to figure out what had happened, Natani being no help in their venture. Flora tried harder and harder to pry the information out of Natani, but it was to no avail. Trace warned Flora that she should no longer continue pestering Natani. She didn't care, she wanted to know what had happened. Natani had always kept a hush tone with Flora, but with her constant asking of questions, she was forced to raise her voice.
"Flora, I don't appriciate you being so nosy, I just want to lay down is that to much to ask?" She asked in a sharp tone.
"Yes it is to much to ask, if you two are having problems I don't want that to affect the group!"
"Well what if there are somethings I want to be kept private, huh?"
"At this point, nothing is a secret, Just tell me what happened. Tell me why you two smell like a woman!" Hearing this surprised both Keith and Natani. There was no way they could explain this. "Tell me what secret you are hiding from us, NOW!"
"Flora, please, calm down if she doesn't want to talk about it then sh-"
"No-" Flora cut in, "I don't know what it is but I'm fed up. I want to know what HAPPENED, NOW!"
"If you must know I was comforting Natani-" Kieth jumped in, "in remembering the loss of his brother. We were talking about it when a stray found us, but we scared her away. I was giving Natani a shoulder to cry on, being the only one since her brother died. Forgive me for that."
Flora looked down at the ground in shame, thinking she had just yelled at Natani for no reason. She began to cry when Trace started off to escort her back to their tent. She mumbled sorrys, and other apologetic things on the way there. Spilling out her tears into the night, leaving Natani and Kieth fell low, since they had brought her to tears with thier lie. They shot each other glances, and saw that the other felt as bad. Somehow everything was bringing them together. Although, this was not the best thing to bond over.
They could hear Trace attempting to brighten up the sad feline, not making this any better. They still hadn't moved, thinking deeply about what they had done, and what they had done just before. Kieth was still thinking about the kiss, Natani was thinking about Zen. Who definantly was not dead.
Natani spoke first, "Thank you, Kieth."
"It was nothing."
"Yes, it was. They almost found out, and you- you helped me."
"Like I said, it was nothing."
"How is that nothing?"
"You would have done the same for me."
And that's when it really hit her. She would, and that, she did care. She cared about Kieth, and would never let anything happen to him. She had feelings. This epiphany left a look on her face that Kieth easily spotted.
"Natani, are you okay?"
Natani did not speak. She did what she'd been hiding from. What she really wanted to do. And without a word, started for Kieth. Seeing this, Kieth got very nervous. He noticed her raising a hand. 'Is she really going to hit me?!' Kieth thought, 'I mean I did kiss her and all.' She raised her hand higher. 'But she hit me then!' His heart is pounding, not knowing what to do. 'Oh god I don't want to hit her back but I c-' Just then Natani's hand landed gently on his shoulder. She seemingly looked into his soul with her dark, burning eyes, leaned in, and kissed him. Stunned by this odd retaliation, he did nothing. During, it seemed they where there, in that instance, for a lifetime.
Natani Leaned back, satisfied with the length of her kiss, smiled and said, "I would have never done that for you. But thank you." Then she released his shoulder, turned around and walked back to her tent. Kieth had to keep himself from saying what he thought, 'WHAT THE FUCK!?' But what could he do but wonder. So acknowledging that he too, turned around and retreated to his tent.
'Goddamn woman, keeping me up all night, kissing me, making me like her! Who does she think she is?'
Note: I am not done with this chapter, just wanted to get it up till then.