Santana was sitting in her office going over some last minute paperwork. She had come a long way since her little guitar shop "that could" had flourished into a household name in the music industry. She was still very much involved with the day-to-day goings on of her business. She couldn't let go. She was still young and had so many ideas for her company. She didn't want some overzealous money machine disrupting everything she worked for; besides, all she really wanted to do was design guitars. It was her best friend Noah Puckerman who decided they should branch out. Against her better judgment, they did and they have been nothing but successful.

She doesn't have any regrets, but she'd rather stay behind the scenes. She let Puck be the face of the company because, frankly, she'd rather not deal with it all. She'd just sign the dotted line and move on. She'd have say in everything of course and she'd make final decisions, but she trusted Puck to ensure that her visions came into fruition.

"Lopez." Puck said as he busted into Santana's office without knocking. "get off your ass and let's go. The game starts in two hours."

"Damn, Puckerman, you don't know how to knock?"

"Not like you were doing anything."

"That's not the point." Santana said gathering all of her paperwork and putting it into a folder. "I don't like you busting into my office like that."

Puck rolled his eyes. "Get over it, Lopez. Not like you had anyone in here."

"Yeah, because somehow you keep busting into my office at the most random and inconvenient times." She said putting the folder into a biometric safe.

"Whatever. Let's go. I can't wait until the Dodgers pummel those silly Phillies."

"In your dreams, Puckerman."

"Care to bet on it?"

"Bet on what?"

"That the Dodgers are going to Phillies look like a pre-2005 hot mess."

"Not likely to happen."

"So you say."

Santana rolled her eyes. She really hated betting against Puck—she rarely won. "Fine. What's the bet?"

"The Dodger's win, I get to design the next guitar."

"Keep dreaming, Puckerman."

"Anyway, if they lose you have to go with me to that movie premiere you were invited to."

"I don't see how I'm benefitting from either of these."

"If I design the next guitar, it'll give you time to work on opening of our new location. We're reaching our goal, San: 10 shops."

"Good point."

Puck knew that Santana wasn't sold on his reasoning just yet. "Also, you could use the premiere to get laid."


"Well, you've been a little bitchy lately and it's been a while since I've seen any ladies around."

"Puckerman, don't go there."

Sure it had been a few weeks since she had been laid, but she had been busy. She was so into the new collection of her guitars that she hadn't considered getting laid; which wasn't abnormal for this time of the year.

"I'm serious. You need to release some of that tension. It's not cool dude. You've also been yelling at me. My feelings are hurt." Puck pouted.

Santana knew that he was just jerking her around. Puck knew how anal she could be about having perfect designs available for her customers. She thought about it for a moment. She hated social functions. This is why she insisted that Puck handle that aspect of their business. It had been a while since she had been laid, so there'd really be no harm in that. Also, Puck did have really cool design ideas. She could give up creative control—this one time; not matter what.


"I knew you'd see things my way." Puck smirked. "This is going to be so awesome."

Santana and Puck were stuck in LA traffic on their way to Dodger Stadium.

"I hate LA." Santana said searching through her iPod's main playlist. "Traffic is fucking annoying."

"You love LA." Puck nudged her shoulder. "But yeah this traffic if for the fucking birds. Dude, you'd think they'd do something about this shit."

"I think they get off on this."

"We should've left earlier."

"You think?" Santana finally found a song she could bear: "Little Red Corvette" by Prince. "What were you doing anyway?"


"Wow. You're late because of a chick? Dude, you're pussy whipped." Santana looked over at Puck who was sporting a goofy ass smile. "This girl's got you by the ball sack."

"San, this girl's like the best I've ever had."

"I'm sure."

"She is." Puck said chuckling. "She lets me do whatever I want to her. She has no limitations."

"You would find a girl who would let you take total control."

"Who says I have total control?" Puck said wiggling his eye brows. "Besides there's nothing sexier than an aggressive woman."

"An aggressive dude, maybe?"

"Come on, San. I was just curious. And although I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Adam, I don't see that happening again. I am very comfortable with my sexuality. Yeah, I like dudes, but I prefer chicks. Just the way it is."

Santana found this hard to believe. She knew Puck well enough to know that he thought love was love. He'd give men and women an equal opportunity. It was just that timing was off for him and Adam.

"Finally." Santana said as she switched gears when traffic moved. "This shit is really ridiculous."

When they arrived at the stadium they were directed to VIP parking lot. Santana was glad they had an in and were so close to the entrance. Santana found sports incredibly relaxing, so whenever she had time to attend a game she pushed everything aside.

"Are we sitting in the box or by the dugout today?" Puck asked as they approached the entrance.

"It's too fucking hot to sit outside, so the box would be great."

"That's exactly what I was thinking." Said a familiar sexy nasally voice.

Santana smiled at the woman. "You would, Fabray."She said pulling the taller woman in for a hug. "Where's the wifey?"

"She's upstairs waiting. What took you guys so long?"

"Traffic." Santana and Puck said in unison.

"Of course."

"How you been, Quinn?" Puck asked hugging Quinn. "What's new?"

"I've been well, thanks. Not too much is new, just finishing my fall collection."

"Cool. I can't wait to see what you've been working on."

"I'm really excited about it. I'm introducing a men's line."


"Yeah, maybe you'd be interested in modeling for me?"

"I'm not sure about that. I'm not really into boho hipster dude wear."

"What?" Quinn swatted Puck's arm. "My clothes are not 'boho hipster wear.' They are fun, sophisticated and sexy. But what do you know about fashion."

"Obviously not much." Santana said.

"What?" Puck scuffed. "Well sell guitars. I don't need to get all 'sophisticated and sexy.'"

"Maybe our numbers would be much higher if you did." Santana said jokingly. "How often can you rotate three suits?"

"What? Our numbers are awesome. And those three suits have gotten me best dressed at like five red carpet events." He pointed out. "So get off it."

"Yeah, you did, but you'd look awesome in my new men's line."

"Something to think about Puckerman."

"Sure, I'll think about it." Puck smirked. "But can we get upstairs I want to see the stats before the game starts."

"Or, you want to see tight asses in Rawlings." Santana said chuckling.

Puck rolled his eyes.

"Guys listen, I'm going to head to the box. Mercedes had been up there by herself for like 20 minutes."

"You're so whipped, Q."

"Am not, Lo." Quinn huffed. "I told her I'd be back in 10 minutes."

"Whatever. When are you going to pop the question?" Santana wiggled her eye brows. "Ring still burning a hole in your pocket?"

"Soon. I just want everything to be perfect."

"She's gonna say yes."

"I don't know that for sure." Santana glared. "Ok. So maybe she will, but it has to be perfect. My girl deserves the best."

"Yeah, Cedes deserves everything." Puck said. "I still don't know how you got her to fall for you Q. I mean you two are like totally different."

"Q had to jump through loops to get her attention. She thought our little princess her was just another spoiled brat."

"Well, you are kind of a spoiled brat." Puck said.

"Am not." Quinn said hitting Puck in the stomach. "My parents just give me what their resources allow. Anyway, you're one to talk. Who gave you guys the money to start up 'Axe?' Puck and Santana didn't say anything. "Exactly you have nothing to say because your parents helped you guys out."

"I had to pay back every dollar." Santana said. "When I asked my parents for the money and told them I wasn't joining the firm, my dad was pissed. He said since he was cutting me off once I joined the firm, he'd loan me the money I needed."

"Why didn't you just use the money from your trust fund?"

"Because I didn't get that money until I was 25."

"So you just paid him back from that?"

Santana shook her head. "I've only had it a couple years. I haven't touched it. I paid him back from my share of the profits like six months before my birthday."

"You guys are seriously making that much money?"

"And some Q."

"Damn, who knew that selling guitars could be profitable?"

"We don't just sell guitars. Anyway, didn't you say your wifey was waiting for you?"

"Oh shit. I'll see you guys up there."

Santana and Puck walked over to the Dodger's dugout. Puck went to speak with Steve, the first base coach. Santana rolled her eyes at the situation. He and Adam really needed to get over themselves. To anyone looking at them they were just two bros catching up, but Santana knew the truth; they were annoying.

"Hey San." Ken Strut the shortstop said as he lifted Santana off the ground.

"Strut, put me down." Santana said wiggling in his arms. It was kind of difficult with his 6'2 200 lbs. frame against her 5'5 110 lbs. "I'm going to give you to the count of three to—"

"What are you going to do, Lopez? Bite me?"

Santana didn't think that was a bad idea, so when she got to three and he hadn't let her go, she bit his arm.

"What the hell, San?" He said holding his arm. "I'm up first."

"I warned you. Good idea."

"You play dirty, Lopez."

"I do what I can." She smirked.

Strut nudged San. "You're a goof."

"Hello Kenneth." Said an angelic voice from behind Santana.

Kenneth's eyed widened. His smirk turned into a million dollar smile.

Santana turned around to see who had captured Ken's attention. Santana's heart fluttered. The world stopped spinning. Time stood still. This was easily the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She was quite possibly the smallest as well.

"Don't just stand there, Kenneth. Where's my hug?" Ken walked over to Rachel lifted her off the ground and spun her around. "It's good to see you too."

"Rach, what're you doing here?"

"Watching Adam play of course."

"We're gonna destroy the Phillies."

Rachel rolled her eyes. She diverted her attention to Santana. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Shit. I—"

"Kenneth; language." Rachel said.

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness." He said bowing to Rachel. "This is Santana Lopez. San, this is Rachel Berry."

"Strut. Stop flirting and get your ass over here. I don't think Emily would take too kindly to you flirting." The batting coach yelled. "Hey Rach."

"Hey Nick." Rachel said.

"Damn coach." He kissed Rachel and Santana on the cheek. "I'll see you ladies after the game."

They both nodded.

Rachel looked down at her watch. "The game's starting soon; I have to talk to Adam. It was nice meeting you, Santana."

"Same." Santana's eyes followed as she walked away.

"Ready Lo?" Puck asked as he walked over and put his arm over Santana's shoulder. "She's hot. Who was that?"


"Cool. You should totally bone."

"I don't think that's gonna happen." She said pointing over to Adam and Rachel. Adam had picked up Rachel. When he put her down she reached up and touched his face; her hand grazing across a bruise below his left eye. "Look like she's taken."

Puck's smirk turned into a half smile. "Looks like she is. Let's head up."

"Took you guys long enough." Quinn said as they entered the box suite. "We don't have much time to get shitfaced before the game starts."

"There's more than enough time Q." Santana said walking over to Mercedes. "Hey Cedes." Santana hugged her. "How've you been lady?"

"Pretty good. How've you been beautiful?"

"Watch is Lo." Quinn said jokingly walking over to Mercedes. She put her arm around her waist.

Mercedes rolled her eyes. "Baby, don't be silly." She said kissing Quinn. "You're the only one for me." She whispered something in Quinn's ear. Quinn blushed.

"You're so whipped Fabray." Santana said.

"You're crazy, San." Mereced said. "Hey Puck."

"Hey Cedes." Noah scuffed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just want to watch the game."

"Well, don't take it out on me. Where's my hug?"

"Sorry." Puck walked over and enveloped Mercedes in a hug.

"Better." She said. "Oh. Before I forget, my roommate from college will be joining us."

"Cool." Puck perked up. "Is she hot?"

"Beautiful, but that's nothing you should worry about?" She said. "Let's take a couple of shots."

"Mercedes Jones." A familiar voice said. Santana looked up and saw the angel from a little while ago.

"Rachel Berry." Mercedes said stumbling over to her friend. "Girl, you look amazing. Quinn, baby, come say hi to Rach."

"Hey Rach." Quinn said wrapping her arm around Mercedes waist.

"Hello, Quinn."

"Rach, these are my lifelong friends Santana Lopez and Noah Puckerman."

"Santana, lovely to see you again. Noah, nice to meet you." She said reaching out her hand to Puck.

Puck looked down at her hand and rolled his eyes.

"Hey." Santana slapped him in the back of his head. "Don't be rude Puckerman."

"Damnit, San." Puck rubbed the back of his head. "Nice to meet you Rachel."

"Ignore Puck." Mercedes said. "He wasn't born with manners."

Rachel nodded.

"Would you like a drink? Quinn's the unofficial bartender."

"Sure." She looked to Quinn. "Something light to start."

Quinn ignore Rachel's request. "You have to take a shot first, Rach."


"I'll give you a shot of patron and then I'll make you something special."

Rachel nodded.

"How long will you be in town?" Mercedes asked.

"Until Monday."

"Cool. We'll have to catch up when we're sober." Rachel nodded. "How's New York?"

"Really good." Quinn walked over and gave Rachel her drink. "Thanks Quinn. The show's going well; I just needed a few days off."

"I understand that." Mercedes said focusing on the TV screen. "Guys the game's starting."

"Didn't I tell you that the Phils were going to destroy the Dodgers?" Santana said as they watched Adam through his final strike of the game.

"Whatever, Lo." Puck huffed.

"Someone's in a huffy mood."

Rachel chuckled. "He's just showing off."

"I bet." Puck mumbled.

Rachel side-eyed Puck. "Yeah, he does that sometime."

"So." Puck said. "How long have you two been dating?"

Rachel spit out her drink. Mercedes and Quinn laughed.

"Excuse me?"

"You and Adam. How long have you been—"

"I heard what you asked. We're definitely not dating."

Puck sighed in relief. "Why not? He's a decent guy." He said.

"Well, I don't think the idea of our parents would like us dating."

"What you two different religions or something? You parents don't want you two together?"

Santana rolled her eyes. "Puckerman you're an idiot." She said.

"Um, No, we're both Jewish." Rachel Said. "I just don't think our mother would take too kindly to me dating my brother; or my fathers for that matter."

"Your, your. Oh. Um. Brother?" Puck was embarrassed. He attempted to redeem himself. "You two have different last names. He's more than a foot taller than you." Puck rambled.

Rachel chuckled. "Yes. Corcoran is our Mother's last name. Berry is my father's last name. We have the same mother; different fathers."

"I see."

"Rachel." Santana interrupted. "That's none of Puck's business. You really don't have to explain anything to him. As Mercedes said, he wasn't born with manners."

Rachel nodded.

"You ladies and Puckerman ready to get out of here?" Santana asked as she put on her jacket. Puck and Rachel nodded. "Let's get out of here then."

"You guys go ahead." Quinn said. "We'll meet you down there."

"Don't take too long." Santana winked.

"I'm gonna head to the locker room." Puck said. "I'll catch up with you in a bit."

"So, Rachel." Santana said holding the door open for her. "Who do you do in New York?"

"I'm an actress."

"Oh yeah? Are you on like CSI or something?" Santana joked.

Rachel chuckled. "No. I do musical theater. I work on Broadway."

"I figured." Santana said. "You seem very theatrical."

"I do?"


"You're very expressive." Santana said as she pressed the elevator for the parking lot.

"You have no idea." Rachel mumbled. "So what do you do, Santana?"

"I sell guitars." She said. "Puck and I own a guitar shop in West Hollywood."

"Guitars, huh? Well, that's interesting."

"It pays the bills." Santana gestured for Rachel to enter the elevator first.

"I'm sure it does."

"You're beautiful." Santana said looking at Rachel.

"You're sexy." Rachel said pushing Santana against the wall. "Very sexy."

Santana reached over and stopped the elevator. She wasn't used to be dominated, but she wanted to see how far Rachel would go. Rachel stood on her tip toes to Santana's height and pulled her in for a kiss. It was soft at first. A gentle kiss. Rachel licked Santana's bottom lip asking for entrance. Santana immediately granted her request. There was no fight for dominance; Rachel was in control. She kissed Santana liked she'd never kissed anyone before. After a while Santana could no longer fight her nature. She lifted Rachel. Rachel wrapped her legs around Santana's waist. Santana turned them and pinned Rachel against the wall. She grinded into Rachel. Rachel responded. Her cell phone alerted that she had a text message.

"Damnit." Santana growled. She gently put Rachel down. She took her phone from her jacket pocket; it was Puck asking where they were. Santana adjusted herself. Rachel did the same. "You want to go to my place?" Santana pressed a button for the elevator to go.

"I would love to." Rachel said adjusting her dress. "But our friends are waiting for us."

Santana growled again; when the elevator reached the parking lot Puck was waiting for them.

"What took you guys so long? We've been waiting for like ever."

Santana mumbled something no one understood.

Puck smirked. "Keep it in your pants, Lo." He said.

"Shut it Puckerman." She said. "Where are we going?"

"There's an exclusive party in the Hills. Family only." Quinn said.

"Cool." Adam said. "Ken, Em, you guys mind?"

"Not at all." Ken said.

"Oh shit."

"Adam, language." Rachel said.

"My bad Rach." He said. "You already know everyone, but Puck and Santana; this is Ken's girlfriend, Emily. Em, Puck and Santana."

"Nice to meet you two." Emily said.

Puck nodded.

"Nice to meet you too." Santana said.

Now that introductions were made, they had to figure out the driving situation. Adam, Emily and Ken were the only sober of the group.

"Guys, I've already taken care of that." Adam said. "I got us a stretched hummer, so no one would have to drive."

"Awesome." Puck said. "Dude, you're so awesome."

Adam blushed. "Is everyone ok with that?"

"My driver is waiting." Rachel said. "Santana and I will meet you guys there."

"Cool. I'll text you the address."

Rachel nodded. She grabbed Santana's hand and walked to the black escalade.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do, Lo." Puck yelled.

The driver held the door open. Rachel entered first. Rachel didn't waste any time; once Santana was in the SUV and the door was shut she straddled her hips. She kissed and sucked Santana's neck.

Santana moaned. "Damn, Rachel."

Rachel giggled. "You taste so good." She said kissing up her neck line across her jaw and to her lips. "So delicious." She said deepening the kiss. "I want you; now."

Santana moaned. No one had ever dominated her in this way. Rachel had done it twice in less than 30 minutes. "Your lips are so sweet." She said. "Oh. My god. They're amazing"

"You're amazing." Rachel said unbuckling Santana's belt.

Santana hitched Rachel's dress above her hips. She pulled her in closer with one arm while the other found its way beneath her dress. She ran her finger up Rachel's underwear. She was soaked. "Is that for me?"

"All for you."

Santana pushed Rachel's underwear to the side and ran her finger from her entrance to her clit. Rachel whimpered. Santana removed her fingered. Rachel growled. Santana brought her finger to her mouth and licked Rachel's essence. "Mmm. That's the best thing I've ever tasted. I knew you'd be delicious.

Rachel moaned. She pulled Santana's head and kissed her senseless. She enjoyed tasting herself in Santana's mouth. It was a delectable combination.

"What are you doing to me?"

Rachel giggled. She continued kissing Santana.

Santana ran her hand down Rachel's back; over her hips. She circled her thigh,; slowly moved her fingered toward Rachel's entrance. She stroked her clicked for a while. She loved Rachel's moan. She entered Rachel with one finger to gauge her reaction.

"More." Rachel said grinding on Santana's finger. Santana added another finger.

"You feel so good." Santana said. "You're so fucking soft and wet."


Santana grunted.

"Deeper." Rachel moaned.

Santana gave Rachel so much. She would've given the woman all she had, but she didn't want to do that in the back of an escalade.

Rachel buried her head in Santana's neck to keep her screaming to a minimum. She finally stilled and release in Santana's hand. Her body limped on Santana's. Santana removed her hand and, again, she licked all of Rachel's essence. Rachel found that incredibly sexy. She looked Santana in her eyes and her stomach fluttered. Her body was on fire. She didn't know what to do with this feeling, so she kissed her.

"Damn, Rachel."

"Santana that was-it- wow."

Santana smirked.

"I don't usually, um, do things like this."

Santana chuckled. "I'm not judging you." She said.

The SUV came to a stop. Rachel pressed the intercom and told the driver to give them a few minutes.

"You look like you've been thoroughly fucked." Santana said.

"I have been." Rachel said. "When we get inside we should find a bathroom and try to clean ourselves up a bit."

"Good idea."

The party hosted the upper echelon of Hollywood's gays and lesbians. Santana was well aware of many of the gays and lesbians in the music industry, but there were some major surprises of the actors.

Santana was sitting by the bar observing. She couldn't observe much because tipsy leaning toward being ridiculously tipsy.

"Can I get you a drink?" A beautiful brunette asked.

Santana looked to see where Rachel had gone. They had separated at some point during the night. She didn't see her, so she took the woman up on her offer.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Santana." She said. "Yours?"


"Nice to meet you Natalie."

"You're beautiful."

"Thank you. So are you."

"Really beautiful."

Santana blushed.

"What would you like?"

"Whatever you're having."

Natalie ordered two shots of Patron. Santana liked her already.

After a few more rounds, Natalie suggested that they go somewhere a little quieter. Santana followed.

"Santana." Rachel called out. "I've been looking for you. Where are you headed?"

"We're going to have some fun." Rachel hadn't noticed the other woman until then.


"Huh? Oh. Hey, um," She snapped her fingers trying to remember Rachel's name. "um, um, mmm—rrruumm, rraa."

"Rachel." She said. She almost pissed that Santana couldn't remember her name until she realize that she was wasted.

"Right. Rrrachel. What's up?"

"I'm about to leave." Rachel said uncertain. "Do you want to come with me?"

Santana seemed to be in deep thought, but she wasn't. She was really just that drunk. "Natalie and I arreeee going for a walk. You could totally join us."

"No thank you." She said.

"Sanny?" Natalie asked.


"I'm going to get my jacket. I'll be back."

"Ok." She said as she walked away.

Rachel glared.

Santana turned back to Rachel. "Wow." Santana said. "You're gorgeous."

Rachel blushed. "Thanks."

"You should come with us."

"Or you could come with me." Rachel said. "I'll take care of you. Make you breakfast in the morning."

"Mmmm. I like breakfast." Santana said with a dopey smile on her face. "Bacon."

"Whatever you want."

Santana chuckled. "Sex."

"I'll give you bacon and sex if you come with me."

Santana laughed.

"Santana are you ready?" Natalie asked as she rejoined the two women.

"Ok." She said.

"Hey Rach." Quinn said as she and Mercedes joined the small group. "We've been looking all over for you. Adam and Puck left; can you give us a ride?"

"Sure." She said. "I'm just waiting for Santana."

"Cool." Quinn said. "You coming San? Who's your friend?"

Santana started laughing again; not that she really stopped. "Ummm. Naaaaat."

"Nat-Na. I'm Natalie Reese." She said laughing.

Apparently Santana and Natalie found something funny that the rest of the group hadn't.

"Nice to meet you." Quinn said. "You guys coming with us?"

"Baby, can we go? I'm tired." Mercedes whined.

"We're about to leave Merce."

"Q? Q? Come here." Santana asked. Quinn obliged. "I love you, Q."

"I love you too, San." Quinn chuckled. "You all right?"

"Mhmm. Good." She whispered.

"Come on, San. You're a little wasted." She said. "Let's go home."

"I'm going home with Natalie." She slurred.

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked.

Santana nodded.


"What?" Rachel asked.

Quinn quirked her eyebrow.

"Bacon and sex tomorrow. Mm-Raaaacheellll. Byeeee."

"No. Santana." Rachel said. "You're coming with me tonight. Bacon and sex tomorrow."

Quinn chuckled. She wanted to see how this would play out. Whenever they went out, there were always girls fighting over Santana. When Santana was wasted all she wanted was sex. She didn't really care about feelings. Quinn, however, had feelings; she just wanted to get her girl home.

"Rachel is deelish-shuh." Santana said. "Best taaaste."

Quinn looked over to Rachel. Rachel blushed. "Rach. Did you and San um? Did you two?"

Rachel nodded.

Quinn sighed. She couldn't very well let Santana leave with this new piece of information. She also couldn't deny Santana what she wanted to do. "Santana." She said. "Do you want to go with Rachel or Natalie?"


"Ok." Quinn sighed. "Do you want sex with Natalie or Rachel?"

"Had sex with Rachel already." She slurred. "Awesome."

"Look." Rachel said. "Santana is coming with me. Nice meeting you Natalie. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

Natalie glared at Rachel.

"And if I ever see you again." She said. "You'll regret it. I know you put something in her drink. So take your old ass and find someone else to fuck with because Santana's off limits."

Santana just wouldn't stop laughing.

"Let's go, Santana." Rachel pulled Santana close.

"Rach, maybe we should get her some water." Quinn said.

"I have water in the car." She said. "San, you're coming home with me."

"Rachel." She said pulling Rachel in for a kiss. "Mmmm. Bacon."

A/N: I'm not abandoning "Before the Fame."

A/N: A lot going on here, but I have some awesome ideas for this story if enough people. Like it.