*Kagome is sitting in the field picking herbs with Kaede and Jinenji*

"Today makes a week since I've been back in Feudal Japan after destroying Naraku and the Shikon Jewel, forcing me to stay in the present time for three years. Three whole years, I wasn't able to see Inuyasha, or the rest of my friends." Kagome looked over at Kaede and smiled softly.

Lady Kaede felt Kagome's eyes, so she looked at her and questioned, "Is something troubling ye child?"

Kagome looked down and shook her head. "It's nothing." She responded. "I was just thinking to myself."

Kaede gathered goji berries and placed them in Jinenji's hand. "Come Jinenji, let us go heal the ill villagers."

Jinenji nodded and followed Kaede to the huts of their village. Kagome watched as they left, put her herbs down and stood up. She began to head to a nearby cliff. "I could really use some thinking time" She thought.

Kagome finally reached the cliff and sat away from the edge, looking at the sky. "The scenery is the same, but everything else has changed. Sango and Miroku have three children, Kohaku is alive and well, Shippo is usually away at training, Rin is in Kaede's custody, Koga is married, and Inuyasha is..." Kagome heard a twig break behind her. She looked past her shoulder and saw nothing, but she knew who it was, and where it was. "Inuyasha is the same..." She smiled.

Kagome looked down and spoke in a dangerously soft tone "Inuyasha, sit." His body came falling from the tree branch and into the dirt, making a crater in the shape of his body.

"GAH!" He yelled, "What'd you do that for?" He looked up from the spot he still laid in with an extremely irritaited look on his face.

"You don't have to be all sneaky! If you want to come sit by me, just do it already." Replied Kagome.

Inuyasha got up and walked over to a spot beside her and sat down, crossing his arms in his kimono. He was obviously still upset she sat him. Kagome could see his glare from her peripheral view, and feel it too. She closed her eyes and sighed with a small smile. Inuyasha's glare loosened; he looked at her with soft eyes. The sun going into the horizon was hitting her perfectly. The light breeze swooped her hair delicately east. She opened her eyes and looked at him. He turned red and looked away immediately.

"I missed this a lot." She spoke.

"Pft. Because they obviously don't have a sunset in your era, right?" He asked sarcastically.

Kagome looked down again and squeezed her palms while growling a little before she said, "I meant I missed the moments sitting here with you, stupid!"

Inuyasha scooted away from her a little, taken back by her anger. "Ya know, I thought you'd change after being gone three years." He scoffed.

"Change in what way?"

"I thought you'd become a bit more mature!"

"Oh you're one to talk, Inuyasha! Hiding in trees thinking you're all sneaky. You still love to pick fights! Grow up." Shouted Kagome.

Inuyasha gave a simple "Whatever" and looked away pouting. His eyes opened in surprise when he felt Kagome move closer to him so they were leaning on each other. She gently rested her head on his arm. He looked down at her as her eyes closed and he smiled.

"I'm glad you didn't change, Kagome."

Author's note: Lame, I know. But this is just an exercise chapter okay? -.- Well this is my first story after 5 years. I wasn't satisfied with the way Inuyasha ended in The Final Act, so I'm going to give it my own ending. I do not own any of the Inuyasha series or movies, unfortunately. v.v