
By: xXKatnissXx

Chp 1- Hello again

There was a box in her room. It was a familiar sight that she was happy to see, yet she was surprised. "What did the box have in store for her this time?" she wondered. Little did she know, this trip in the box would change her life miraculously.

"'Ello Natalie," he said with a grin, "How have you been?"

She sighed, "I guess things haven't been the best for me Doctor. I tried a job with the police force. I was an assistant detective. But it sucked, so I quit. I probably will go back to work at the lab."

"And it didn't work out becauseā€¦" the Doctor asked.

"They were all morons."

The Doctor laughed. "I can see you thinking that. D'ya want to take a short trip?"

"Oh gosh yes! Let me get my things," Natalie said.

"I'll go wait in the TARDIS," he said as he snapped his fingers and stepped into the mysterious box.

She grabbed a few extra pairs of clothes, her journal, laptop, her special soniced iPhone, and a few extra things into her backpack, which was already crammed with unnecessary items that she never got to take out. Besides, Natalie liked being prepared for the improbable.

Natalie got into the TARDIS and her smile widened. She was used to the strange amount of space, heck she even knew the science behind it, but she was still in awe of the 'bigger on the inside' technology.

"So doctor," she said loudly as she set down her bag, "Can you sonic my bag and make it bigger on the inside so I have more space for my stuff?" she said sarcastically because she knew he couldn't.

"You know I can't do that Natalie. you can put your extra stuff in that box," he said pointing to some random box lying around.

She walked over there and started doing as he said. "What's the details?"

"I can't tell you Natalie, we need everyone here first," the Doctor replied.

She raised an eyebrow, "Who all is 'everyone'?"

"Just an old friend. Possibly 2 depending on the time. They will help with my little predicament. The more help the better," he said as he messed around with the TARDIS controls causing them to start travelling through the vortex. "I think you'll like them both, they are absolutely brilliant people."

"Vworp, vworp, vworp," the TARDIS seemed to say. Then the sound slowly faded before stopping completely. They had landed. Oh joy.

"I don't know about this, Doctor. You know I'm not good with other people," Natalie complained.

"Neither are they. Trust me, it'll be fun!"


"Did I mention they're British?" That brought a smile to Natalie's face.

"All of your human friends are British, Doctor," she teased. "But I guess it won't hurt to meet them."

The Doctor smiled and began to open the door. Natalie did not know what to expect, and for once in her life, she was unprepared.

A/N: ^.^ I've had this idea on my mind for a while. This is a wholock fanfic, the 'lock' part will come up next chapter. It's the 11th Doctor and Natalie is an oc, and she is American. There will be lots of adventure and some romance in this story. This will be awesome, and there will be lots of sequels!

Let me know what you think!

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