The Bravest Bond

Wow, once again I have been blown away by the response of the last chapter! Thank you so much guys! To be honest I didn't really think anyone would be interested in a sequel, and in fact I avoided mentioning it in case people were like "ugh, why do you have to go ahead and do a sequel? I just wanted to read the one story!"...but it seems I was wrong! And I was hoping to do a sequel, so what else can I do but get writing again? ;)

And as a thanks to all those who responded and you readers who managed to stick with this story to the very end, I am going to give you a little something in return :) I had a few small 'extra' ideas to have in the sequel, but I was unsure whether to put them in, so I thought I'd let you decide! There's a poll on my profile page so you can look at the options of what could be seen in the sequel, and decide which ones you'd like! You don't have to vote for any if none appeal to you, and I can't guarantee how much the particular aspect will be in the story, i.e if you only see it in one or two chapters or a lot more, but check out my profile if you're interested in having a look at the options! :)

In the meantime, here is a little more of a synopsis about The Bravest Bond...

Things are not going well in the great Kingdom Camelot. The King is in mourning despite no one being dead, and won't confide in his confused and frustrated son, who can't work out why his manservant has mysteriously vanished. Things are made all the worse however when a mysterious woman arrives in Camelot, dark eyes filled with determination, claiming she's looking for someone who Arthur thought had been dead for ten years...

In the meantime, Morgana is thrilled by this new taste of freedom, and what makes it all the better is that Merlin is at her side, and she doesn't have the King to hold her back any more, could things get any better? Merlin too is happy that they had taken the chance to run away, but it's not long until doubt starts creeping into his mind. What if he's made a mistake, what if Camelot's in trouble, and where can a young couple who share a wonderful but terrible gift hide in a world like this?

Things are not going to be easy, with the whole wide world ahead of them and new, dangerous faces appearing, can Merlin and Morgana's precious bond cope with what the future is preparing to throw at them?

Well, that's it, I hope it sounds like something worth reading! If it is, the FIRST CHAPTER IS OFFICIALLY UP so you can go and have a read and let me know what you think! :D

Thanks again!
