Author's note: Hey reader's i have a new story! yay! I really like this idea i have thought of, hope you like it too i'll try not to neglect the other story but i just had to write this couldn't wait so please read and review and recommend

I don't own Merlin, they idea's are my own however as much as i'd like to own the boys i don't mwahaha

Chapter 1

Camelot was a peaceful and happy kingdom, the people of Camelot were well fed, treated well and protected. Men worked hard with smiles on their faces as women completed their domestic chores singing happily, the children played out in the streets and markets laughing boisterously chasing each other. All the people young and old were grateful and thankful to the royal family that ruled over them, there was not a soul that didn't respect and love the first family which consisted of three member's with another Royal on the way. Maidservants, Manservant's, Farmer's, Everyone was gossiping how radiant and glowing the Queen Igraine looked whilst pregnant with her second child. People talked of how King Uther was a brave, kind and smart ruler and how with his queen by his side they truly were formidable. So as the Pendragon family were expanding everyone was delighted and excited awaiting the new arrival which would surely bring more good fortune and strengthen Camelot.

King Uther sat in his seat at the top of the huge dining table, as he just finished his meal he smiled and sighed in contentment. He glanced to his right where his Queen sat drinking the last of her water, Igraine placed her goblet down and stroked her swelling belly with a tender look in her eye smiling at her unborn baby she looked up and smiled at Uther as their hands intertwined. Four year old Prince Arthur groaned at the mushy scene as he sat opposite his Mother on Uther's left, Uther chuckled ruffling his son's blonde hair as Arthur frowned.

"Hunith, please escort Prince Arthur to his chambers and prepare him for bed" Uther instructed the court Nanny who bowed.

"Yes, of course sire" she replied holding her hand out for the young prince to grab. As if on cue Arthur yawned and rubbed his eyes he slipped off the chair grabbing his nanny's hand and followed Hunith towards the huge doors, the guards let them pass through before closing the doors once again.

Uther squeezed Igraine's hand "My Love, you should also retire to our chambers and rest, you must be exhausted." She smiled at him nodding as Uther placed a hand on her stomach.

"Yes, i'm thinking of an early night tonight, will you be joining me soon?"

Uther nodded "Of course, I just need to read through my speech for tommorow to make sure there's no mistakes, then i'll be over"

Igraine nodded smiling once again "Don't stay up too late."

"I won't my dear" The Blonde Queen stood up pecking him on the cheek she turned around walking out, the guards allowed her through before two of them escorted her to the Chamber's by order of the king who wanted her and the baby protected at all times. When news had spread through Camelot of the pregnancy a mad man had tried to poison the Queen, he paid with his life and the King grew anxious of another attempt seems not everyone wanted the Pendragon's to expand.

The court physician Gauis knocked on the door of the King and Queen's chambers, when he heard a "Come in" he stepped inside and bowed.

"My lady, how are you feeling?" She smiled under her bed duvet.

"I'm very well Gauis, it's just the baby has been kicking alot, i'm a bit worried Arthur was never this active"

Gauis came closer and examined her pulling away he smiled "Worry not my lady, everything is normal its only a matter of weeks of the arrival, he or she may be alittle restless its to be expected. I've brought a supplement it should keep your strength up and calm you." Igraine smiled reassured and drank the vial "Thank you Gauis, goodnight" "Goodnight My lady."

Uther finished reading the last sentence of the speech, reassured he was about to retire to his chambers when the door's opened revealing Sir Gorlois Uther's most trusted and closest friend. The King stood up and grinned "Gorlois, is all well?" Gorlois nodded with a small sad smile.

"Yes My friend, forgive me for disturbing you at this hour but i wanted to ask for permission, Tomorrow is the anniversary of when i first met Vivienne thus i wanted to visit where she rest's by the lake to pay my respects" Gorlois smiled with a sad expression as Uther clapped his shoulder in sympathy.

"Of course my friend, you should take a few men with you for protection and don't worry about Morgana, Arthur's Nanny will look after her." Gorlois smiled at his friend. Two years ago Gorlois and Vivienne were married and Vivienne was pregnant with Morgana, When Morgana was born unfortunately Vivienne died from complications. Gorlois had mourned with grief as the King and Queen supported him and helped raise Morgana, Igraine becoming like a second mother to the two year old girl.

Life could be so cruel sometimes, it made Uther value his family even more.

"Thank you, I must retire to my chambers, Goodnight Sire" Uther smiled tapping his friend's shoulder.

"Goodnight my Friend, I wish you a safe journey tomorrow."

Author's Note: did ya like? not a very eventful chapter but i promise it'll get action packed later mwaha, is this the calm before the storm? who will be the unborn baby? what will happen next? review and share your theories