Loved the idea for this one!

Prompt: Someone has been leaving extravagant gifts in the middle of Tony's lobby. It goes on for months until he finally tracks down his secret is completely embarrassed and in complete denial

Gifts from a Stalker

It had been weeks, no months, since Tony had started to receive strange, yet endearing, gifts. If had started off with small things. Flowers, chocolate, normal things. Of course he flaunted it saying he had a secret admirer. Slowly it got more extreme. At one point there was a full grown horse in the middle of Tony's office. That was an interesting day. It had gotten to extreme so Tony had put it upon himself to find this admirer.

After months of searching he had found an address. He went up to the door and knocked. He then heard some noises behind the door until it opened. There standing in a t-shirt and blue jeans was the one and only god of mischief. Loki looked surprised to find Tony standing there.

A second later the door was slammed shut. Tony was shocked to say the least. He must have gotten the wrong address. There is no possible way Loki was the admirer.

The door slowly opened again.

"Why are you here Stark." Loki growled out.

"Uh…" For once Tony was lost for words.

"I am waiting." Loki said impatiently.

"It is rude to have company stand outside." Tony retorted after finding himself again.

"You are no company of mine." Loki said trying to hide the inside of his apartment.

"Oh come on! Let me in. I don't want to talk out here. After all you are my stalker are you not?" Tony stated in a matter of fact tone, still believe he had the wrong address.

Loki stood there a few seconds, "What are you talking about mortal?"

Tony rolled his eyes before pushing his way into the apartment. It was small, but big enough for one person. It seemed very clean.

"Nice house. How do you pay rent? I bet it is by insults. What crazy person would allow you to live here." Tony joked as he continued to walk around the house.

"How dare you say that. Mrs. Hudson is a nice old women and you would be well to not say such things like that about her." Loki growled still trying to get Tony out of the door. "Would you please exit the vicinity. You are grating my nervous."

It was then Tony found what he had been looking for. A small package was poking out of the closet. Tony being nosy went an picked it up and found his name plastered on it. Before he could read any more Loki snatched it away from him.

Tony looked up at the god only to find him bright red. Tony couldn't help himself. He started to laugh really loud. Loki's glare only made him laugh harder.

"Do you find this funny Stark?" Loki said with a lot less venom then Tony was expecting.

"Why you of all people?" He asked trying to catch his breath.

"Maybe you are more welcoming then most." Loki mumbled still bright as a cherry.

"Sorry. It is just you were not what I was expecting as my stalker." Tony said finally able to breath again.

Loki looked at Tony before saying "Now that you have ruined what ever dignity I had left will you please leave."

"But I wanna stay!" Tony pouted, "I just found out the god of mischief is my stalker and he lives in an apartment not to far away from Avengers Tower." He had a hard time keeping a straight face.

"Well. You will have to leave soon because I have to go to work in 20 minutes so leave now and I wont kill you where you stand." Loki said heading for the door.

"You have a job to?" Oh I have to know where you work now!" Tony started to follow Loki and planed to follow him to where ever he worked as well. Lets just say, Loki will make sure Tony never knows where his new job is ever.

Well it was fun making Tony annoy Loki ;D