We're talking about Sawada Tsunayoshi, the head of Vongola, the biggest mafia famiglia in the world, the one who took the damn control of everyone in the cool gangster kingdom. And the hitman –ops, sorry- the best invincible hitman on the topic here is Reborn, the ex-sun arcobaleno, the one who had been the boss' home-tutor for more or less one decade and apparently, the only person who succeeded to bring Tsunayoshi out to the world as the Vongola descendant that fit more than enough to inherit the Vongola resolution.

Yet, they're a couple. And by couple, yes, we're talking about a pair of human loving each other –not a boss and a hitman relationship bounded with paper-works or weapon matters. So.. been curious about how they're living their lives couldn't let go of each other?

Daily Dosage

By fancyshipper

Warning : unbetaed R27

KHR © Amano Akira

"You overdid it", Tsuna slumped his head to the pillow with a crumpled blanket covered himself. His hip's aching like hell, somehow he could still felt the throbbing pain down there.


Lying flat on his stomach, Tsuna turned his head over, narrowing and hissed by the time he saw the man in guilt casually ignite a cigarette,"Tsk.. forget it. You wouldn't care anyway"

The man inhaled the cigarette and blew off the smoke over, he then walks to the bed and sat right beside Tsuna. The brunette could only averted his eyes since the very man next to him still haven't put his shirt on and letting his leather trouser haphazardly unbuttoned without belt.

"What is it, Dame-Tsuna?"

Tsuna could hear the deep husky voice trying to pester him over,"No, forget it"

A smirk flowing through the air,"Oh, I'm afraid I can't"

"It's not important though", Tsuna sulked and facing his head to the opposite side from the man beside him, clearly showing an eluding attempt,"Just let it as my random wake-up whining"

The man stopped his moving hand when he saw the obvious act of the boss, he put his cigarette over the ashtray on the desk, let it burn by itself, and then he leaned over, closing their distance,"And what exactly your whine is?"

Tsuna stiffened a bit when he felt a familiar presence on top of his back,"N-nothing"

"Is it really nothing?" the brown sleepy hair brushed off by a cold nose sniffing over. The warmth of tobacco smelled breath swept the fragile unframed nape, sent an electricity flow through Tsuna's spine.

"Seriously, it isn't important- ufh-", the protest stopped by the time a wet tongue travelling over Tsuna's broad white shoulder, lining his shoulder blade and circling over his scapula.

Tsuna tried to turn his head to the back but he couldn't since his back had been seized by the power of a hitman,"Reborn- what are-"

Instead of answering the undone question, the said man kept leaving track on Tsuna's back for a second and then chuckled,"I just want to know, that's all"

Tsuna snapped in annoyance, he then forcibly turned himself, leaving the blanket uncovered his bare white skin, and facing the man who'd been teasing him for a while,"Fine! I just want to say that last night you overdid it!"

Reborn blinked his eyes in surprise but then laughed like the worst villain ever, seeing the brunette's face flushed in a beet-red shadow,"I see"

"Stop laughing, you jerk", Tsuna's eyes started to glitter, the amount of embarrassment is too high he couldn't hide from it.

Reborn moved closer, whispered right in Tsuna's ear,"But you like it, didn't you?"

Tsuna hastily shook his head in disagree,"I am not"

"Really?" before Tsuna couldn't even shook his head any faster, Reborn's sturdy hand caught the sharp little chin over and brought it next to his.

Tsuna couldn't help himself but to gulp when the distance between their face is merely a strand of hair,"O-of course, I-I'm not"

Reborn smirked, his lips grazed and softly licked the other's lips, teasing,"But I'm sure this pinky lips over here is the one which kept panting for more last night"

Tsuna jerked a bit, face getting redder and redder, quickly shoved the man further,"Th-that's-"

An evil grin framed the man's cold face,"My.. my.. how troublous, that reaction of yours"


Right when the brunette opened his mouth in confusion, the man came in a full charge of attack. Their lips meet, the tobacco tongue tangling the tiny one, sliding and brushing the line of the little's teeth. Scowled from the sudden kiss –more like, annoyed by the sudden change of atmosphere- Tsuna shoved the other forcefully,"-t-the heck is that, Reborn?"


Tsuna frowned, realized that something's definitely off with Reborn,"Not again! It's still dark, it's hardly any sunrise yet!"

"Doesn't matter", the other spiking his lips down, crestfallen,"It's your fault to provoke me though"

Tsuna flinched back, guarding himself with blanket,"Still a no! I already told you, last night you already overdid it!"

Reborn stayed still, peered at the cautious brunette. Tsuna knew he's still cornered, he then warily retorted,"-and how come it's my fault?"

Reborn sighed, scoffingly took his cigarette and sucked it deeply,"Because you're slow, stupid, sloppy, weak, messy, lame, troublesome, wimpy, half-witted, clumsy, goofy, ignorant-"

"Hey!" Tsuna threw a pillow right to the hitman's face, and of course the hitman easily tilted his head to avoid the silly-attack,"Most of your words are simply saying that I am an idiot!"

"And look at your self! Such a jerk, playing with others feeling, shamelessly torturing people … always resenting … breaking the rule … running away from a certain mission … suddenly …"

Ignoring Tsuna's rage, Reborn simply blew off a puff smoke and turned off his cigarette right on the ashtray even though there is still a half of it,"Yeah.. yeah.."

"You don't even paying attention to my words!" Tsuna yelled in perdition, his cheek grimmed with annoyance.

"But you really are an idiot", the steel voice of Reborn pricked Tsuna's ear.


"And it's turning me on", Reborn placed both his hands on each Tsuna's side, smirked.

Tsuna stopped his movement, getting the hang of Reborn's last sentence. He then without saying anything averted his overly blushed face, his eyes somehow glistened with happiness for being flirted.

"Flirting is not gonna work", Tsuna wryly spoke. He flinched back for an inch when Reborn is closing their distance, made Tsuna automatically clutched his blanket more.

"O, really?" Reborn chuckled meanly.

The soft brown wilted bang nudged with the thick swarthy hair. Their forehead met, but their eyes not. The little one gulped by the sound of their breath collided in the hairbreadth between their noses. Meek caramel marbles coyly peeked the curvy sideburns, immediately blushed and quickly averted his eyes back. The lynx-eyeball caught the kitty gestured from the brunette, one of his eyebrow upped an inch as if trying to persuade his victory.

Been adhered for awhile, couldn't handle the drum marching in his heart, Tsuna finally sighed in defeat. The brown-tangerine orbs and the coal-sharp eyes finally met. The inferior one dimmed with resignation while the other one conceitedly smirked. And without wasting any words, right after they've reached an invisible agreement with few glances, their lips tangled. In the next few minutes, both paralyzed by a sweet long dizzying kiss when finally they're parted their lips, looking for some air.

"I-It's not morning yet-", clung into the older's nape, Tsuna huffed, strove for living his lungs back.

Reborn grinned,"Oh, is it a problem?"

Seeing that he had no choice but to surrender, Tsuna weakly shook his hand, which is, lead him end up with a next round of another wet vehement kisses. Wandered with lust, they're groping each other fervourly.

"Godness-", Tsuna gasped powerlessly, Reborn's hands been lining over his skin –his sensitive spots, to be exact.

"Easy, principessa", the cold manly voice sent Tsuna trashed in an electric prick sensation,"We won't go all the way"

Desperately panting, gasping under the ecstasy, Tsuna mewled,"nnh-liar"

"Oh?" the older one snickered as the brunette pouted in cute puffed-cheek. They both staring each other before finally burst in laughter.

Before the sun is ready to accost they two, they're already drowned further into their usual waking-up ritual session. And when the sun started to insert its fade tinges between the lattice-window, who knows that they'll have another morning-round?

next session : Sunrise

Author's note :

I don't want to admit it but yeah, every single new chapter from Katekyou Hitman Reborn that flooded up with a great amount of R27, honestly, is igniting my sense of making-R27-fict and I couldn't help but trying to write it, no matter how pissy and messy it is.

Making a series fict been the most things I'd like to avoid to but yes, this time I've made up my mind, I'll write a R27 series. Though it'll be better if it's betaed, and so the whole world amens it, because my grammar's sucks to the point my English tutor could puke his wage –well, kidding. But still, unfortunately, till this time, I couldn't find any partner who'd willing to beta my ficts.

Soooo.. any suggestions will be belatedly received via PM or.. review? :D