A/N: Sorry it has been so long since I last updated; my family and I are going through a bit of a rough patch and I just haven't been able to post. Updates may be sporadic from now on… But enjoy!

"His name is Aaron Brody, and he's new, but I'd say he's the best we've got."

"He's perfect."

While all of this was going on, in the next room Sophie was doing a little digging. The head grifter sat at the desk and plugged in a flash drive to Rottfield's computer and while that was running, she aimed her button cam around the room. Parker's voice in her ear made her stop.

"Got a wall safe. Move the picture." As Sophie swung the picture out, Parker made her I love puppies noise. "Aww, it's a Glenn-Rieder dial lock behind a painting on hinges. So cute!" Sophie just shook her head and kept glancing at the computer screen. Then Sophie spoke into her earbud.

"Hardison, are you getting all this?"

The voice on the other end held bad news.

"Yes, but I'm afraid this ain't good. You guys need to clear out of there, and fast. This guy is way more crooked than we thought."


The team showed up in ones and twos. Eliot was the first to arrive, having been waiting in the bar for the all clear to be called. Parker and Nate walked in a few minutes later, discussing the best techniques for cutting glass. Apparently there was another way to get back into Jeff Rottfield's office, but it involved a ten story drop from the outside. Marissa and Sophie were the last to get there, and they arrived laughing at something about Venice. Hardison was pacing back and forth in front of the wall screens. Everyone grew silent as they felt his fear permeating the room. Nate broke the silence first.

"Hardison, what's going on?" The hacker stopped short and glared at Nate.

"What's going on? What's going on?!" He yelled, gesturing wildly at the screen as hundreds of files flew up on them. "This is what's going on." Hardison opened one at random. "This right here is a diagram of the hotel room where one of the clients of Premium Security is staying. It includes detailed descriptions of routes in and out of the room and how to kill the person in it." He opened another. "This is one describing the layout of the stage a different client will be playing on in two days, with instructions on how to kill everyone on it and how to get away clean. All the files are the same." Hardison turned back to the group. "But that's not even the best part." He clicked behind him and a web page came up. "I decrypted that off Rottfield's hard drive. It's a site he's created telling people who he's protecting and how to contact him if they want to purchase one of the files." He sat down hard in his chair at the end of the light table. "That is what's going on."

Everyone stared at the screens. None of them could believe what was going on. As one, they jumped as footsteps came down the stairs. Sasha's voice sounded tired.

"What's going on? Why is everyone yelling?" Marissa stiffened almost imperceptibly. Sophie looked at her funny as Eliot got up and walked over to his sister.

"It's nothing Sash. Just some stuff from Rottfield." Sasha's voice was no longer sleepy; it was incredibly sharp.

"Then I definitely need to know what it is."

"No, you definitely don't. Just go back upstairs and try to-"

"Eliot Spencer," Sasha's voice had dropped south by about ten degrees. "I swear to God if you try and tell me to 'get some more sleep' I will whup your ass so hard you ain't gonna be able to see straight for days! Now tell me what the hell is going on!" Eliot looked at his sister in surprise. He'd never been on the receiving end of her full rage before.

He didn't want to admit it, but it was kind of terrifying.

Sasha froze at the look on his face, closed her eyes, and breathed deeply through her nose. "I'm sorry. That was uncalled for." Her voice was back to normal, a little bit of southern twang, but way more Boston filtering in. "My accent only tends to crop up when I'm extremely tired or pissed." She opened her eyes. "Or scared. Now would someone please tell me what is going on?"

Eliot stepped away from the stairs, letting Sasha finish her descent. Sophie began to explain as she took her brother's vacated seat, letting him stand behind her.

"Those are files we pulled off of your former boss's computer. They're on all his extremely high profile clients. They're all the same as the one you originally found." Sasha sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, letting her hair fall forward. Except for the fact she was blonde, she looked exactly like Eliot did when he was upset at someone.

"Wow, you and Eliot really are related!" Parker spoke up, causing Sasha to look at her funny.

"There's something wrong with you."

Eliot sighed and hung his head. "I've been saying that for years." The tension in the room lifted enough for Nate to begin working on his plan aloud.

"Ok, so we know that Rottfield is selling information that could kill a lot of people. Do we know why?" Hardison shook his head.

"I've been over the guy's finances with a fine tooth comb. Lives within his means, and is by no means middle class. No signs of unreported income, no wire transfers linked to him, and I looked. Hell, I've been looking for the last hour and a half, waiting for y'all to get here."

Nate nodded, as if this didn't surprise him one bit.

"Alright. That's our in." Every eye in the room stared at him. "Well, he doesn't do it for the money, right? He does it for the thrill. We give him that thrill." He stood and walked around to the front of the table. "We get someone to buy the file on Calliope Verant." His gaze paused on Marissa for the briefest of moments, then settled on Parker. "Someone he hasn't met before." Now the rest of the team, plus Sasha was looking at her.

The thief, however, was focused on Nate.

"Someone who really wants to steal the spotlight from her."

A slow smile spread across Parker's face. This was going to be fun.