So I've figured out how to get this story going… TIME SKIP! It's only a couple of weeks, so don't worry. But, I'm listening to Death Cab right now, meaning this is going to be some deep shit. Also, if you're into Max Ride, I advise you go check out Playing With Fire, I think it's in my favorites. It's amazing, and the newest chapter is literally Alex's best work. I'm proud of her :)

Anyway, this may be confusing. Every line is a time skip. Think… two or three days to a week (Except in Nico's, it's like... 30 minutes maybe) Because I'm trying to portray the fact that things are getting better. Cause they are!

Chapter 14: In the Now

It's been a week since I've been released.

I think, when I left the building, I finally realized just how big the world was. I'd always thought of New York, being the biggest city in the U.S, as one of the biggest accomplishments… ever. I thought that if I could survive Manhattan, with all its inflated prices, mean people, and disgusting streets, I could hold my own anywhere I ever went.

But that was before I'd ever sat and listened to the madness that was in my head.

It was like the craziest track of screamo, jazz, and classical music all combined and thrown on to amuse itself. It's like listening to your mother sing to you at night, and watching her cry. It's literally, listening to the sun rise and the moon fall out of the sky.

Your mind can be a scary, even terrifying place, but it's all in where you chose to go.

Your mind is a lot like the world.

My mind, right about now, is more like the Underworld.

I mean, everyone has those moments, when they don't feel too good, so they throw on some music, and immediately, their heart is a warm place again. But with me… I've realized that every once in a while, the little home where I kept my memory of Annabeth and everything else that is happy, it going to burn down. It's going to burn, and rot, and wash away, and it's nobody's job but my own to rebuild it.

I've also realized that Annabeth doesn't have to be the bane of my existence. She doesn't have to be this bittersweet, beautiful work of art hanging in the hallways of my mind. She doesn't have to be the subject of every angry, drunken night, she doesn't have to be what my life revolves around anymore, because I'm not what her life revolves around. She's moved on, and I should be able to do so too, y'know?

Because I deserve happiness.

If there's one thing I deserve- anyone deserves- it's a life full of beauty and happiness and warmth.

I guess, what I'm trying to tell you, is that I've made a full recovery by now. I still have the urges, and every so often, when I'm alone, I'll use that little lighter in my car and let the heat devour away every toxic, evil thing that's running through my mind. It's not the best coping mechanism, I know, but it's all I've got right now. I want to be the same person, the same Percy, and that's all I've got for the time being.

And then there's school.

I haven't actually gone back yet, and I'm glad. Nico's been telling me about all the fights he's been in, all the confrontations with Luke he's had, and while he isn't very good with the details of it, I'm still glad to hear about it. I've always been kind of… in charge, I guess, looked up to- more so- at school, and I know when I get back, all the idiots retarded enough to fuck with Nico are going to calm down. We've always been a dynamic duo, and it's good to be back in business.

Rachel has been telling me all about her new boyfriend, a boy whose name she refuses to divulge, but I'm happy for her. She'd been really stressed out, so stressed, in fact, that Riley and Hazel couldn't even get her to go to an art gallery. She stuck to being anti-social and fanfictioning 24/7a, and I'm thrilled she's come out of her shell again.

This sounds like the end of a story, really it does, and in a way… it kind of is.

I'm changing I can feel it.

"It's going to be absolutely brilliant Perce, and you're going." Nico smirked at me from my bedroom floor. I'm over that crush I had on him. It was weird, and I feel as though I just needed the conflict, I needed the attention, and he definitely gave it to me. I haven't talked to Bianca in a while, and I have a feeling the next time I see her it's going to be awkward because-

"And so is Caly." I said smartly. Since getting out (I make it sound like prison) I've been calling and visiting Calypso almost every day. I'm quite obsessed with her.

"I've never even met this girl, she could be a total mental patient."

"She technically is."

"Shut up, you know what I mean."

"Nico that's offensive." I said in mock seriousness. We both laughed, happiness filling the air in short breaths.

"Hey babe." I smiled down at her. She's still the most beautiful thing, she literally lights up my world, and it's so corny… I'm quoting One Direction. I can't believe that I thought they were gay before, because just about every song (especially on Take Me Home), that they've ever made is incredibly true. I've tried to deny it, many times, and I'd still get caught singing Truly Madly Deeply or Heart Attack.

"Hiya." She smirks, the look, the quirk of it playing at her soft, shy lips. It's times like these that make me realize that I don't ever want to let her go. It's time like these that make me realize that no one will ever know- literally, ever- how much she means to me. No one will ever get to feel what I feel when Calypso wraps her tiny fingers around my big ones. No one will ever know how… dizzy I get when her grown up perfume is wafting over to me when she's fresh out of the shower. No one will ever know how heavy anad laden my heart feels when tears roll down her soft cheeks.

And it's crazy.

But I like it.

I like knowing that I've never felt this way, and she's never felt this way, and no one on Earth will ever feel the way we do when out lips move in sync, or when her bare skin just barely brushes against mine. Or when her breath mixes with my sweat on the nights when we need to feel each other, if we're going to feel anything. She's my new coping mechanism.

"I can't even put into words how much this means to me. I couldn't have ever gotten here, really, if it weren't for everyone in my life who has ever supported me. From my husband, to my girlfriends back at Sweet on America, to my special little boy, Percy. Thank you so much. I love you all." My mom said. Her big blue eyes were watery, and her brown hair was falling in chocolaty waves down her back. She looked like a naiad, one of those pretty girls who live under the sea. And as she held the beautiful silvery award in her hand, beaming down at me from the stage, I become conscious of the fact that she loved me. She loved me, and I was her baby, and she would never forget me. Even with that small bump growing in her belly.

I laughed, a giddy, gone with the wind, wild sound, as applause filled my ears and her smile filled my eyes.


"I'm actually going to miss you Paul." I chuckle as he pats me on the shoulder. It's been a month, and I haven't even seen the inside of my school. I'm glad to not have the stress of homework and jerkass football players and flirting sluts and just the general irate feeling I get around teachers. Of course I've felt a little bad for leaving Nico to deal with it all, but he's tough. Plus… we're finally vacationing.

(Remember, italics is Nico!)

He's been out for a while now. And it's been absolutely amazing! He looks like a normal human fucking being and he's laughing. It isn't forced, and he isn't stoic. He's alive, and he's got a girl, and he isn't drinking, and I'm not worrying, and I'm sleeping and Riley…

Well Riley's a real housewife.

We kiss, and we hug, and we share secret smiles, and giggles. Yes, me, Nico di Angelo, giggling. She helps me with homework, and I help with hers and she shows up to baseball games, and I show up to her poetry readings and give opinions on the school's newspaper, even though I didn't even care 3 months ago.

"This is going to be… orgasmic." Riley breathes. Her voice is as wispy as her hair, and all of her poetic words have started rubbing off on me, so please excuse the ladylike-ness.

"Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, are we?" I ask cockily. She's riding shotgun, and Hazel's sitting in the back, pretending to gag. I laugh. I'm sure Riley's right, but we don't need to talk about it in front of the children.

"Shut up and drive," she mutters, and then suddenly slaps my hand away from the volume control, "Without screeching buffoons please." She sighs. Slipknot has yet to grow on her, though I am still diligently trying to convert her.

"Whatever babe. You can just sing for me." I look over at her, giving her the good old puppy eyes. Did you know poetry can be songs also? And Riley's got a beautiful voice, breathy, a little panicked you could say, and raspy and just all together heartfelt and sexy. (Think Jillian Jensen if you've watched X Factor USA)

And she sings until we reach the airport. She sings about birds and she sings about sadness and she sings about the string in her heart, the beat of her heart, and everything she says make me feel completely spellbound, because Slipknot can't do that.

As we pull up, I see Sally and Paul walking out. I don't smile or wave, but riley does so enthusiastically, making up for my general anti-social ways towards people. I know Sally doesn't mind, she's used to it, but Paul sometimes feels a little offended by it. Not that I care… pfft.

I park my truck, texting the twins, who aren't coming, to tell them they can come get my truck. I just hope that they don't drive her off into the East River.

Riley jumps on my back as I'm grabbing luggage, and I hand her both of our carry-ons. Hazel is surprisingly quiet grabbing her own things, maybe because Frank didn't show up to wish her farewell, but I know by the time we're on the plane, she won't even care.

We walk into the airport, getting strange stares, but it's okay, I'm actually enjoying it, smirking at guys, scowling at guys, smiling at little kids and adults. I think my happiness and excitement is obvious, tangible in the air even.

I feel light. I feel like air.

And when I see Percy, when I feel Hazel squeeze my hand, hear Rachel's squeal of joy, and taste the delicious lips of my princess on mine… I feel like time. Steady, constant, strong.

I hope you all liked it. I'm tearing up, so I'm gonna stop this chapter….