I do not own anything Twilight related...everything including characters and places belongs to Stephanie Meyer.

Thunder rumbles loudly as lightning paints the night in gilded silver. The Swan house is silent, save for the ragged breaths of a young woman tossing and turning in her bed. She whimpers slightly lost in her own mind.

"Bella! I'm sorry please don't do this!" Alice screamed loudly as she listened from the other end of the phone running as fast as she can through the night. Her vision of Bella doing something so horrible etched in her mind.

"It's too late for that now Alice" Bella hissed back, her eyes full of anguish and buried anger. "You left ME remember? You told me we needed to talk. You didn't even warn me! You gave me no explanation...You just...just left!"

Alice growled loudly into the phone, "Damn it! Yes I did...I didn't mean for it to happen that way. But I still love you. Please, I am begging you. Do not do this Isabella. I'm sorry. I still need you. Please"

Bella scoffed loudly into the phone ignoring the way her heart leaped when Alice spoke her full name. "For what Alice? Huh? For what? So I can pretend to be okay? I won't be okay, ever again." Bella spun around smashing her fist into the wall next to her loosing control of her anger.

"I...Bella...I am...Sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. Please, let me fix this." Alice begged frantically streaking through the night faster than humanly possible.

"Hurt me? You didn't hurt me Alice. You shattered me." Bella whispered painfully. "It's too late Alice, I'm sorry" she sobbed before clicking the phone shut, trying to ignore the pained yells from the other end of the line.

With a growl, she threw the phone across the roof watching dispassionately as it smashed into pieces against the ground. Flexing her hand she felt blood trickling down her fist and wrist but paid it no notice.

Sighing, Bella ran a hand through her disheveled hair breathing hard.

"Damn it!" She cursed loudly and balled her fists. "Why?"

Blinded by fear and pain, Bella had lost what little hold on reality she had left. Her mind broke, and her raw emotions overtook her. Her hoarse screams filled the night. Running as fast as she could, Bella ran towards the edge of the roof and jumps off in a perfectly executed swan dive.

"Alice..." she whispered into the air as she fell dreaming of those beautiful golden eyes. "Save me."

Bella bolted awake screaming at the top of her lungs tangled up in her sheets. Her clothes were damp with sweat, her breaths coming in loud gasps.

"Bella? Are you alright?" Charlie yelled bursting open the door brandishing a kitchen knife menacingly despite his sleep-ridden disheveled appearance.

Bella looked up at him and swallowed another scream, her mind still replaying the moment. .

She nodded slightly at him "Yeah dad. I'm fine. Thanks. I just had a...nightmare I guess."

But it wasn't a nightmare. It was the fierce coldness of reality. But Charlie didn't need to know that. He didn't need to know just how close he came to losing his only daughter had Alice not intervened.

"A nightmare huh? It's just a bad dream Bella Bear. It's not real. Do you uh...need anything?" he asked awkwardly rubbing the stubble on his chin absentmindedly. Charlie wasn't very confident in the whole parenting thing.

Despite her inner turmoil, Bella forced a smile for her dad and lay back down on the bed.

"No thanks dad. I'm alright. Thanks for looking out for me though."

The chief of police studied his daughter for a long moment before nodding and sighing deeply.

"No problem Bells, but you try to get some sleep now okay? You have school in the morning."

Bella nodded at him and turned over feigning going back to sleep. She felt Charlie watching her for another long couple of moments before he gave a satisfied grunt and left whispering. "I love you Izzy"

Her eyes burned with tears at his childhood nickname for her. Another wave of pain overtook her as she closed her eyes tightly, unable to stop the flow of memories.

Alice's first hesitant kiss quickly becoming more confident at Bella's groan.


A day at a private beach. Bella fascinated by Alice's immunity to sunlight and her unique...skills.


Spending the cold night of the new year in Alice's arms watching the festivities happily.


Running together through the woods, Alice's tinkering laugh filling the night.


Bodies intertwined as pleasure filled pants filled the air.


Alice's radiant smile and excited squeal as she asked Bella for her hand and received a yes.

Faster and faster the memories brought themselves to the forefront of her mind, before finally...

"Bella!" Alice s scream was terrified as she made a frantic leap towards the falling girl holding her to her body and controlling the fall. Despite the fact that Alice could shed no tears, the anguish and despair on her face was easily recognizable.

Disbelief was etched across Bella's features as she stared up into Alice s face once they were on the ground. "You...you...came."

"Of course I came Bella. I...I...was...almost too late though." the short pixie spoke through gritted teeth.

"But you weren't" Bella said simply.

"No...I wasn't. But I could have been! Never...EVER...do that to me again! I mean it Isabella. You...don t know what would happen to me if you left." Alice growled out holding the human close to her.

"But you...you have someone else now. You don't need me." Bella choked out with tears streaming down her face.

"I-Isabella Swan...I...damn it. I love you. The future is not set in stone. Anything can happen...so please...just...promise me...you will live...for me?" Alice practically begged the girl in her arms.

"I...I will try" she whispered back through her tears before the adrenaline wore off and exhaustion overtook her. With a small whimper Bella curled up in the vampire's arms fast asleep.

Alice looked down, a myriad of emotions running across her face. She pressed her lips to Bella's temple with a long suffering sigh and carried the girl home.

Letting a tear fall down her cheek, Bella finally fell back into a fitful sleep. She wasn't aware however of the rain drenched woman watching her from the tree outside of her house. Once she was sure the human was asleep, Alice quietly crept into the room and into Bella's bed pulling her into a tight embrace.

"I'll keep you safe. I'll fix this. Even it's the last thing I do. I promise Isabella." she whispered. "I love you."

Her words choked off as the girl snuggled into her embrace, as even in sleep she subconsciously needed to be near the vampire. Alice closed her eyes listening to the dying storm become nothing more than the slow steady dripping of rain on the leaves. It was going to be okay. Somehow.

At least...there is a future that we can look forward to. Alice thought to herself stroking the sleeping girl's hair. She would make sure her Bella didn't suffer more than she already has.

The End.

Authors Note: Okay, so that's it. This was intended to be a one shot. It might become more, it might not. It depends, do you think it should be more? Also, sorry if there s any grammatical or spelling errors. I don't have a beta at the moment. Anyone interested, feel free to pm me.