A/N: This is a mix of true stories. So, last night I lost a tooth and last month my Step-mom waxed the floor outside my room and didn't tell me, so all night me and my sisters were face planting the floor.

Loose teeth. Everyone gets them, even super heroes do. Yes, even thirteen year old Robin's who spend most of their days fighting crime with their best friends get them, and yes, even thirteen year old Robin's feel MIND NUMBING PAIN during this. Or at least to him it was mind numbing and painful.

An angered Robin bit into yet another apple, maybe his seventh one that day (He lost count after two), and yet again it missed his loose tooth completely and only succeeded at pushing at the sensitive tooth, filling the boy's mouth with both pain and the sweet piece of apple. He was on the verge of giving up, when he heard the kitchen door slide open behind him. When no footsteps followed, he knew the girl he was looking for had just entered the room.

"MEGAN!" Robin called, not bothering to turn around.

"Yes Robin? You need something?" Megan asked, giggling at the sound of her own name being muffled slightly by a kitchen cloth and an apple.

"My tooph is looth and I can'n get it ow!" Robin explained. pointing to the tooth.

Megan frowned as she turned around and gently floated over to the boy. After gently cupping his chin in her soft, green hands, she examined the very loose and slightly bloodied tooth and then nodded her head after a few minutes.

"OK, I think I can help you." She said, and with that she placed both of her hands on the boy's head, then moved her head up, trying to pull out the tooth using telepathy.

However, even after several tries at pulling, the tooth still wouldn't budge. With a gentle frown, she finally stopped and simply glared at the tooth with a look of spite and frustration. At last, she gave a gentle sigh and gave up finally.

"Hm..." She huffed at last, finally taking her hands away. "Maybe Conner can help?"

Before Robin could protest, the martian girl had already flown out of the room and disappeared down the hall. At that moment, Wally scooted into the room as chill and idle as he could scoot, followed by Artemis, who was rolling her eyes at him.

"Hey lil bird, whats wrong with you?" Wally asked, poking Robin's tummy a few times when he saw his friend's look of discomfort and annoyance.

"Looph tooph." Robin mumbled, pointing to the stubborn thing. "It won come ow."

Wally smirked at the funny voice, and then he sat beside his friend and thought for a moment. Then, he suddenly snapped his fingers as an idea had suddenly stuck him, and got up from the couch to announce it.

"I got it! I'll use my powers of speed to vibrate the molecules in your tooth! Then it should run right through your mouth!" He said happily, not waiting for a response as he opened the boys mouth and got to work.

"I gotta admit, that actually makes sense." Artemis laughed, but after two seconds of this, they all discovered it was a horrible idea that ended in Wally getting a nose bleed and Robin in even more pain then when they started.

"Well, its stuck, and that was my only good idea." Wally said, shrugging as Artemis rolled her eyes and pushed Wally out of the way to look at the tooth.

"Hm, let's try an old trick my sister taught me. It worked for me every time, but first I'm gonna need a shoe." Artemis said as she smiled, and right away a black converse was thrown at her.

Artemis pulled out the long lace and tied one end to the tooth, and the other to a door knob. Without warning, she put her hand on the back of the door and slammed the door shut, bringing not only the tooth, but also the boy wonder still attached to it as well.

"Wow, that tooth is really stuck in there." She mumbled, frowning as she shook her head.

It was a very odd scene for Kaldur indeed: Wally on the couch with a bloody nose, Robin with a shoe lace in his mouth, and Artemis staring at him sheepishly. Kaldur only laughed a little at first, but then grew very concerned as he rose an eyebrow and turned to Artemis for an explanation to the situation at hand.

"Robinhadaloosetoothsowe'retryingtopullitout!" The blonde archer explained quickly, maybe even faster than Wally could run.

"If it is that big a deal, may I try something?" Kaldur asked, stepping further into the room.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, and with that, the Atlantian teen left the room quickly, only to return shortly after with something in his pocket. Once close enough to Robin, he took out a tin, opened it carefully, and spread some sort of green goop on Robin's tooth.

"Whats that?" Wally asked, pointing at the tin.

"It's an ancient remedy Atlantians use in this type of situation." Kaldur explained, but then frowned suddenly when the tooth still didn't come out.

"What?" The others asked quickly.

"Why didn't it- Uh oh." Kaldur whispered looking at the tin. "Uh oh, this is Atlantian bir- Never mind, but Robin please go rinse your mouth out, thoroughly."

Robin jumped off of the couch quickly, rushed to the kitchen, and practically steam cleaned his mouth with the sink nozzle until all traces of the goop was gone. By the time he had done this and returned to the couch, Megan had returned with Conner.

"Oh, thank God." Robin said, looking at the two as Conner walked over to the little bird and looked at the tooth.

He nodded his head and tried very gently to pull it out, but just as it was beginning to loosen, he stopped suddenly, causing a collective groan to emit from the others who wanted to help Robin get it out.

"I don't think that tooth is ready to come out yet." He said as he dropped his hands and turned to walk away. "Its not very loose."

"Maybe you're right." Robin mumbled as he got off the couch, and was about to walk through the kitchen again when Megan suddenly called out.

"Wait Robin! I just waxed the-." Megan began, but was cut off by a loud thud as Robin hit the ground.

Everyone gasped in surprise and ran over to him to help him up, though the youngest member had already pulled himself off of the floor and was now rubbing his jaw in discomfort, but his eyes suddenly widened as he dropped to his knees on the floor and began to look around quickly again.

"Oh my gosh! Robin, are you Okay?" Megan whimpered in an apologetic way, "Oh, Canary was right, I should have put up a wet floor sign!"

Robin only got up and and turned to her quickly. Instead of looking mad, he was smiling like he had just won the lottery, and in his hand; his tooth.