Hey hey! I wrote this in a shaky car, so bear with me. It's just a silly fluffy drabble.

I don't own LoK.

Mako awoke early one morning to the faint smell of cooking eggs. He sat up in bed slowly, groaning. The smell seemed to be coming from the main temple's direction. He put his feet in his slippers and shuffled over to the Air Temple's main kitchen.

Korra and baby Rohan were the only people there. Korra stood poised over the stove, while Rohan gurgled in his high chair. Mako watched from his post in the doorway, Korra completely oblivious to his presence.

He inched closer to her, realizing where the egg smell was coming from. Korra was making omelettes. At the moment, she was making a rather small one, perfectly suited for Rohan. She stared at the baby constantly, making sure he was calm and happy. She was singing a song about a girl who lost her heart to a firebender in Republic City.

He found himself smiling. Korra was being motherly.

Mako walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her forehead. She started, and then relaxed when she realized who it was.

"Hey," she whispered cheerfully.

"Hey," he murmured back.

"I was just making omelettes for Rohan and me. I was meditating and was the only person who was awake when he woke up." She added a layer of cheese to the pan and her mocha skin flushed slightly. "Tenzin and Pema have given to much to me, the least I can for is give them a few extra hours of sleep."

Mako kissed the top of her head. "That's sweet of you. Let me help." He grabbed the small omelet Korra expertly flipped on to a plate. He cut it up so Rohan wouldn't shove it all in his mouth and choke. Mako then placed it in front of him, with a small fork. As Rohan began to eat, he smoothed back his hair, like he did when Bolin was young.

She found herself smiling. Mako was being fatherly.

Mako went back to over to Korra and resumed his position.

"So…he's fed. What now?"

She thinks for a moment. The heat of the stove and Mako's natural warmth were rather pleasant to her.

"Let's keep cooking for the whole family."

He feels a flush of joy in his stomach when she says 'family'.

So they continue to cook enough to feed everyone twice. Their system (aside a few bumps) was like a perfectly choreographed dance; rhythmic and fluid.

Soon, the whole family was in the dining room, dining on delicious omelettes. Tenzin watched Korra and Mako make an extra one for Bolin. He smiled fondly.

"Those two are going to make such good parents together someday."


So what did you think? Enough fluff for ya? I just love it when people are unintentionally/intentionally motherly/fatherly. It's a weakness of mine. Like Daddy Zuko...that just melts me into a puddle of fangirl goo.

Please review!