Seeing Myself

"I wouldn't kill him, because he looked as frightened as I was. I looked at him... and I saw myself."

I saw him.



Wide green and black eyes.

Lithe. Agile.

Scared. Frightened.

I couldn't kill him. I wouldn't kill him. I might be of Viking blood but I wouldn't kill him. His staring eyes penetrated through mine, dilated fear spread through them. I looked closer...

His wing was cut off. He couldn't escape. That was my fault. Guilt was scraping at me from the inside. I glanced around the area, he was stuck. He couldn't fly out, the barriers wouldn't let him. He could die of starvation here. I saw no food sources.

Was I supposed to be proud of my achievement?

Was I meant satisfied...overjoyed at killing a dragon

A normal Viking would be. A normal Viking wouldn't have hesitated to kill the Nightfury. A normal Viking would have been celebrating at the Nightfury being incapable of flight. A normal Viking would be proud.

I snorted, I wasn't a normal Viking. And I unquestionably wasn't proud.

I was Hiccup the Useless. The rut of the Vikings. The screw-up, but the only one who managed to find the mysterious Nightfury.

I felt nauseous, the urge to throw-up gripped my body.

The only Nightfury in land...maybe the world and I immobilised him. And I was supposed to kill it, just because it was a dragon. Because it was what Vikings did. A tradition. A unwritten law. A social convention.

I wasn't a killer. I couldn't do the thing that all other Vikings could. I couldn't kill a dragon in cold-blood. That wasn't me.

From legend, Nightfury were lonesome creatures, other dragons too afraid to be close to one. Isolated by their own kind.

It was different, a loner, an outsider, the 'black sheep' of the dragons...

It was me, the reject of the village.

It didn't harm me. He was scared.

I looked him.

I stared closely into his eyes...I saw my reflection...I saw myself gazing back at me.

I wasn't going to kill it, it was me.

An idea struck me. An utterly and completely stupid idea.

I was going to help him...whether he wanted it or not.


Thank you for reading!

Hey guys tell me what you thought and any other 'How To Train Your Dragon' oneshots you would like to see!
