AN: Okay, so, due to several requests this one-shot has been rewritten and turned into a multi-chaptered story. The start is pretty much the same but I've changed some parts and added other parts. I hope you enjoy this.

John could tell Sherlock was in a bad mood, he was crabby and a lot harsher than normal. His face remained as impassive as ever but his eyes were a lot darker than normal, they were angry, not only angry but they looked sad as well. Of course, John wasn't an expert, he couldn't say anything on that matter, especially as there was not a chance in the world that Sherlock would open up to him. Never. Sherlock would rather die than open up; believing it's a sign of weakness.

Sherlock was sitting in the kitchen, looking intently down at his blood sample, what he was testing John didn't know, and he didn't particularly want to know, he'd learnt a long time ago not to ask Sherlock what his experiments were about, some of them made him want to be physically sick, especially the one with the foot and the acid. That one was revolting.

John had only just finished his breakfast when Sherlock phone rang. Sherlock answered but he certainly didn't sound happy. It was clear Sherlock hadn't slept; when he was irritated like this it usually meant he couldn't sleep the night before when he wanted sleep. This then meant John had to put up with the attitude Sherlock would have, which would be made worse than normal because Sherlock hasn't slept in four days, if he couldn't sleep last night, despite wanting to sleep, he will be beyond irritable today. As John put his plate in the sink he could hear Sherlock calling out to him.

"We have a case, John! Go get your coat!"

John sighed, he didn't want to go out to a crime scene, but it was only because of the mood Sherlock was in that he's choosing to go. Nobody is going to be able to stop him if he was to lash out, Lestrade might be able to, but sometimes the only person able to calm Sherlock down was John.

The taxi ride to the crime scene was silent, nothing unusual about that, the dark look in Sherlock's eyes still remained, bad news for everyone if Anderson is there and his face was still impassive. As the taxi came to a stop, John groaned, he could quite clearly see Donovan and Anderson standing by the police tape. He looked over at Sherlock; he was currently on his phone and said,

"Sherlock, promise me you will behave today."

A little hmm was the only response.

"No, Sherlock, I mean it! Donovan and Anderson are outside, I know you haven't slept and I know you're irritable but you need to behave!" John said in his commanding tone.

"I'll try to, John."

"No, Sherlock, you will not try to, you will behave."

"Fine." Sherlock replied while rolling his eyes.

The crime scene was of a man sprawled across the middle of the road, he was a young man, possibly in his early 30's, witnesses stated that he was simply running across the street when he fell down, and he's too young to have a heart attack, no wounds, no signs of an attack. Nothing. Just a perfectly healthy young man dropping down dead in the middle of the road.

The first few minutes went fine, Sherlock silently observed the scene, not saying a word to anyone but Lestrade, until Anderson threw an insult.

"Do you think the Freak's been laid yet?" John heard Donovan whisper to Anderson.

"Please. Not even a prostitute would bed with him."

John felt his anger rising, but remained calm. He looked towards Sherlock. Oh god. Sherlock's right eye was twitching as he fought to remain calm; his eyebrows were furrowed together in concentration to remain focused on the scene. He was looking at the victim's mobile phone, possibly his texts.

"I feel sorry for the parents. Raising a freak like that."

Sherlock immediately spun around. He has had it with Anderson's insults. He was beyond angry! He immediately took in the information about Anderson and Donovan and repeated it out loud.

"Oh look, Donovan's been scrubbing Anderson's floors yet again, took longer than before. Just hire yourself a maid, Anderson, or do you not want her to tell your wife what you've been doing? It would be so simple to get a divorce, Anderson! Now, what can I see about you?" Sherlock tapped his fingers across his chin as if thinking about it, "Charlotte's gone to visit her parents, and she's taken little Joanne with her, no wonder you and Donovan were at it all night. How long is she gone for? Just the weekend? Or the rest of the week? Weekend seems more likely." Sherlock's voice was filled with anger, "You, Anderson, disgust me." He spat out the word as if he had a bad taste in his mouth, "You've got a lovely wife and a wonderful little girl and you're willing to cheat on her with Donovan?"

"Sherlock, stop it now!" John demanded holding an arm out across Sherlock's chest to hold him back.

"How would you know? You've never met them!" Anderson shouted back.

Sherlock didn't listen, a wild glint was in his eyes and he seemed determined to prove something.

"Believe me, Anderson, I have. 3 months ago I was working on a private case, Harry and Stan wanted to find out what had happened to their older brother Tom. Do you know them? Charlotte certainly does, she helped me solve the case, and then she invited me into her home and allowed me to interact with Joanne. Personally, I never cared much about children, but Joanne is wonderful as is her mother. It's a shame I can't say that about her father." Sherlock replied, disgust written in his voice and his face. "People like you disgust me, Anderson. I despise adulterers, Anderson; they tear families apart and destroy people. How you can be so willing and so without guilt to cheat on a wonderful woman such as Charlotte is beyond my comprehension, which is why I am not allowing Charlotte to be so ignorant anymore." Sherlock spat.

Anderson paled, "W… What?" He stammered

"You heard me, Anderson."

"Sherlock, that's enough now." John ordered, trying to get into Sherlock line of sight but failing.

Sherlock acknowledged John's presence this time, "No, John, I will not stop. He needs to know this." Turning to Anderson he then replied, "Charlotte will no longer remain ignorant to you and Donovan, I will ensure that she is aware before she returns."

Anderson's jaw dropped, "S…. She'll take Joanne with her." He said weakly.

"And whose fault is that?" Sherlock said mockingly, "If you really cared about them you never would have got with Donovan." Sherlock turned to walk away; but he stopped and turned to Donovan, "I don't know who disgusts me more, Anderson for cheating on Charlotte, or you for being so willing to do so knowing he has a wife and child." Sherlock sneered at them one last time before walking to he could say anything though, Anderson spoke up once more.

"You won't do that, Freak! She'll take my little girl with her! I'll never see her again!" Anderson shouted, his voice was shaky and scared.

Sherlock chose to ignore Anderson. It was his own fault.

"Inspector, you will find that this murderer is someone within the Yard and that the reason is Adultery. The victim here had a wife, but their relationship was at the end of its tether, if he were cheating on her, his ring would be clean underneath and he'd have two perfumes on him, no. She's cheating on him; the murderer is either his wife or his wife's boyfriend, wife seems likely but I wouldn't rule either of them out. Love has always been a vicious motivator."

When Sherlock was finished, he walked away leaving John to fire out the apologies to Anderson, Donovan and Lestrade, explaining how Sherlock hadn't slept in 4 days and that he's extremely irritable because of it. By the time he was done, Sherlock was gone. John sighed, he'd have to get his own cab, and hope that Sherlock hadn't burned down the flat. As he hailed for one he heard his name get called out.

"John! John, wait!"

John turned and saw Lestrade rushing over, "Don't be so harsh on Sherlock when you get back. There's a good reason why he's so irritable today and it's not because he's tired. And don't go asking Mycroft either."

John stood there in confusion as Lestrade ran back to his crime scene.

AN: What do you think? Is Sherlock out of character again? I don't know, I hope he isn't. Next update, possibly Saturday?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, have a nice day :)
