"I've never hated conjugating more than anything right now." Maya groaned as she opened her textbook.
Cam looked up at his girlfriend and smiled. Sure, she was focused on her French but she was so beautiful. Her eyes were trained on her page, her hair was in a ponytail, and all she had on was a grey shirt and sweat pants but she could never look more beautiful than what she looked like right now.
Cam took the hand that wasn't writing in his and placed a kiss on her fingertips. Her pink lips curved into a teeny smile, a familiar one that he cherished. He began kissing up her arm while she tried swatting him away, but the smile on her face betrayed her actions. He chuckled as he kissed her shoulder lightly. Maya bit her lip as Cam began his new favorite pastime, biting her neck.
"Cam, noooooo." she tried to stop him, not even halfheartedly. "I have French to do." she said weakly, kind of hoping he did that thing where he didn't listen to her, which he does often. He turned her away from the book and kissed her on the lips once before going back to adoring her neck, gently biting here and there. Maya's hands found their way into his hair.
"Cam...oh god...please, I can't..." she was really enjoying this, against her will and it if confusion had a taste, that would be all she could taste in her mouth. Her eyes fluttered shut as he reached her ear. Maya sighed in a resigned manner and wrapped her arms around him.
"I'll stop if you really want." He informed her, kissing the place behind her ear that made her squirm. She rolled her eyes. "Seriously, I will."
"You know what, you should just shut up and kiss me."
"Are you sure you should just burst in like that?" Marisol asked Katie over the phone.
"It's a surprise Katie. They didn't expect me home for two days. I really want to see them." Katie whined, parking her car across the street so she wouldn't alert them of her arrival. "Once, my older brother came in a whole week early while we were eating dinner and almost gave my mom a heart attack."
"And you're going to continue the tradition?" Marisol shook her head, even though her best friend couldn't see her.
"You bet." Katie assured, quietly placing her key in the lock and turning it. After saying goodbye to Marisol, she walked inside, gently gripping and shutting the door. She smiled widely. But then something odd happened. She heard giggling... she heard the smack of lips and then more giggling. Katie scrunched her nose. Was that Maya? She took off her shoes and quickly tiptoed to the source of the sound.
"Oh my god! Ew!" Katie screeched as her parents pulled apart. "Mom! Dad!"
Maya and he had ended up lying down on her bed, somewhere along the way. He was hovering over her and he had that look in his eye that Maya could only describe as a feral one. She leaned up to kiss him, to which he responded to with ease. Pulling back, Maya bit down on his lip and he sort of hissed back at her. Maya gave him a smile as she released his bottom lip, as she pulled down Maya his jacket for him.
He grabbed her hands and pinned them to her mattress, intertwining their fingers. He kissed her, and he loved doing that. He loved when their lips met... he could do it all day if someone let him. Her tongue darted out and she pulled it back, teasing him. His throat released something of a growl, which made Maya's skin tingle. His hands trailed down her arms, down her chest, down her torso, reaching the ends of her shirt. He had completed the process of peeling off her t-shirt when-
"Not now, Mom! Maya, you're not going to believe what I just- oh my god!"
Katie barged in. Cam pushed himself off of Maya quicker than lightening and she put her shirt on quickly, fumbling with the fabric.
"This whole house is a hotbed for hormones!" Katie screeched. "You know what, Maya... we'll talk later. Just... as you were." Katie shook her head and walked away. Maya bit her lip and glanced at Cam, who stood up and almost tripped.
"I thought you said she was coming home in two days." he whispered.
"Don't I look as surprised as you do?"
"Well, you have a hickey so I should go before your brother shows up or something." Cam stuttered, tripping over himself as he left the room.
"Wait! No goodbye?"
He sighed, reaching forward to kiss her cheek goodbye. Maya rolled her eyes as he quickly rushed out of her room and flopped back on her bed.
"Now that you two are decent and breathing normally, we need to talk about that what happened today in here." Katie announced as she entered the kitchen. Maya had just poured milk in a bowl, getting ready for bed, hoping she had escaped a Katie lecture. Her mother had been watering her favorite plant. She gave Maya a look and wheeled herself away as quickly as she could.
"Mom! That is so not fair!" Maya yelled as the door to her parents room clicked to her in response.
Katie shrugged. "Okay, just you then."
"Why do you even care so much about what I was doing with him?" Maya sighed, placing the milk back in the fridge. "We weren't going to do anything tonight. Nothing. Especially with Mom and Dad downstairs, Katie."
"Was it really nothing Maya? Are you sure that if I hadn't come in, you would tell him...or yourself when to stop." Maya bit her lip and was quiet for that one. "I just want you to know everything you need to for when it comes time for you two to...do...it."
Maya shook her head and groaned. "It doesn't even matter, Katie. We already know."
Katie stopped her rant and looked down at the face of her little sister. She sighed. She was so young... she remembered the little girl who she tea partied with all the time. Who begged her older brother to carry her on his broad shoulders. Who couldn't remember the number six when it came to counting.
Katie swallowed."You two already...?"
Maya shook her head matter of factly. That was the truth. They hadn't. Sure, they did... stuff but they never really preformed the act of it. They talked about doing it before and it turns out that it wasn't their biggest priority at the moment.
"That's weird. I thought you guys would be going at it like monkeys the minute you guys were out of my sight."
"He's not like that, Katie, god." Maya shrugged, pouring her cereal in the bowl. "He was so flustered that he left pretty much immediately and almost didn't say goodbye." Maya sighed.
Katie's eyes narrowed. "And you weren't going to do it with him? You sound disappointed."
Maya dign't answer, swirling her Honey Nut Bunches of Oats around in her bowl slowly, and avoiding her sister's eye contact. Katie sat down next to her and gave her a shocked look. Maya rolled her eyes.
"I love him, Katie. Even if we don't work out in the end, I would never regret doing it with him." Maya gave her sister a sly smile. "You were right. Hockey players are something else."
"Ew! Gross. Okay, so in the future when I say I tried to warn you, don't yell at me. But basically, I'm going to be your own special magazine, the exclusive and pricey Katiepolitan. Tell me everything."
"God Katie, he is amazing. I... I just want to kiss him all the time. And he's just such... he's just so different when we're like that." Katie's eyebrows rose into her bangs. Maya shook her head in fond memory. "Not that it's bad and all... I like it..."
"I noticed that. I thought he was different too. Guys like that are so weird. They seem so sweet standing up and then when they're lying down, they turn into animals. What happened?"
Maya almost protested. "Katie-" The look on Katie's face left no room for negotiation, and the resigned and defeated sigh from her lips led Maya into telling her sister everything.
"Okay so..."
this is for hunter. happy leif erikson day.