Bonus information about a lot of the other characters if anyone cares. I just had all this extra information lying around and I figured that I shouldn't keep it to myself.

Also, as a sidenote, I've uploaded the first chapter of Reaching Through Time, the sequel to this story, which you can find on my profile. I think it's better than this one, personally.

Thanks for surviving this terrible fanfiction long enough to get to the sequel!

(Also, please keep in mind that these notes are going to be brief, not like a whole story. Sometimes they'll just be a word or two. ;D)

Why Certain Cats Went Over to the Dark Forest

Spiderleg—power appealed to him.

Cinderheart—wanted to teach Lionblaze a lesson. She still loved Lionblaze even after she rejected him, and even when she hooked up with Mousewhisker, it was mostly to mess with Lionblaze. Mousewhisker, however, honestly loved Cinderheart, but the latter was shocked and desperate when the supposedly short affair ended in kits and a long-term relationship. She isn't really a bad cat, she's just jealous. This increased as Lionblaze took a new mate, and she went over to the Dark Forest mostly in the hope that he still loved her and dallied with Gingerstar in the same way as she did with Mousewhisker. She hoped that by switching sides, this would either crush Lionblaze, fulfilling her desire for revenge, or convince him to do the same out of devotion to her. Needless to say, she was wrong.

Icecloud—wanted respect from her brother, Foxleap. She thought that being on what she expected the winning side of the war would help her achieve that.

Storkleg—he had a crush on Foxheart. However, since he was a medicine cat, this was impossible. He was preyed upon by the Dark Forest and was promised that if the Dark Forest won, this rule would be repealed.

Ratscar—power. (This will be a recurring phenomenon.)


Redwillow—he had a crush on Dawnpelt. Dawnpelt, however, barely noticed him. When he found out that she had already switched sides, he did so as well to attract her attention.

Dawnpelt—she was good friends with her brother Tigerheart. Tigerheart invited her to join back when the Dark Forest was simply fooling cats into thinking them that they were teaching them extra battle moves. When she discovered the Dark Forest's true intentions, she was too entangled in the web of treachery to escape. She also had some resentments that came into play.

Tigerheart—he was the kin of Tigerstar, one of the first recruits.

Pigface—he had a resentment to most of ThunderClan, especially the human-cats there. He was also one of the initial recruits. His jealousies, ambitions, and other weaknesses were exploited by his close mentor, Mapleshade.

Thistlepaw—ambition was the original reason. She was fooled into joining, like most of the early recruits, although she was a later one. When she discovered the true purpose of the Dark Forest, she had no choice but to just go along with it.

Nightcloud—jealousy toward Leafpool was exploited. She was obviously on the side of StarClan, and anything that harmed Leafpool was a good thing for Nightcloud.


Heathertail—mostly revenge on Lionblaze for breaking her heart as an apprentice. Do I really have to go on? Her motives were slightly different than Cinderheart's, it would be wise to note, however. She had no intentions of getting Lionblaze to love her again, as she was satisfied with Breezepelt, she just wanted him to feel what she felt when she got dumped.

Breezepelt—do I even need to explain this? There's plenty of evidence in the actual books.

Boulderfur—Breezepelt's apprentice. His mentor influenced many of his decisions while he was a new warrior, and it was Breezepelt who introduced Boulderfur to the ways of the Dark Forest.

Rufflepaw—his father, Breezepelt, his mother, Heathertail, and his mentor, Boulderfur, were both DFCs. This paved the way for him to join the Dark Forest. However, it should be noted that his brother Thornpaw did not switch sides, so Rufflepaw was obviously not innocent.


Sunstrike—power, ambition.


Beetlewhisker—power, influence from his mother.

Grasspelt—see Beetlewhisker.

Hollowfur—revenge for being bullied.

Petalfur—see Grasspelt and Beetlewhisker. Also, her mate, Hollowfur, was a DFC, and she was pressured to join as well.

Extra Info About the Human-Cats

Max Anderson, alias Skitterfoot of RiverClan. He acts nervous and is very annoying to almost everyone who knows him. He has bright orange hair that is extremely frizzy and unkempt. As a cat, he was grouchy and unapproachable. He died in the mass greencough epidemic that occurred the leaf-bare before Gingerstar joined StarClan.

Alison Benson, known as Ally, alias Horsegaze of WindClan. She is a rather tall human, with long brown hair and a small nose. She is headstrong and sure of herself. She has Ukranian ancestry and a slight accent from speaking some of her mother's native language at home. She would be grouped in with the 'popular' girls at school. As a cat, she continued to be popular with her Clan once she gained their trust. She was good friends with Moonfrost and Wildstar in WindClan, although she treated Wildstar with disdain in the human world. She was disgusted when she realized that Moonfrost had taken a mate in another Clan but eventually forgave her friend. She eventually became mates with Pouncestar after he became leader. She died when a hunting patrol she was leading ran afoul of a fox two greenleafs after Gingerstar died.

Hannah Cavonal, alias Aspenheart of RiverClan. Hannah is a skinny Asian girl with glasses. She is one of Annie's best friends. In RiverClan, she became a warrior under the name Aspenheart. Her pelt was a thin black color. She had green eyes. Surprisingly to everyone involved, she became the RiverClan medicine cat apprentice shortly after Mothwing died and Willowshine became medicine cat due to a sign from StarClan. When her mentor died in the Dark Forest War, she became RiverClan's sole medicine cat. She took Lakepaw, later Lakeheart, as her apprentice. Aspenheart died of hunger the leaf-bare after Gingerstar died.

Callie Da'laney, alias Wildhead of WindClan, later Wildstar. Callie is the shortest girl in the sixth grade. She has abnormally fluffy hair and pale skin. As a cat, she had a fluffy pale gray pelt amber eyes. She became deputy after Crowfeather was killed in the first Dark Forest attack, then soon after became leader when Onestar lost his last life to Breezepelt in the War. She died fighting a badger three years after Gingerstar died.

Annie Eyre, alias Gingerclaw of ThunderClan, then Gingerstar. Do I even need to write anything here?

Spencer Finn, alias Storkleg of ShadowClan. Spencer is the tallest boy in his class. He has white-blonde hair. He is close friends with Zach. As a cat, he has thin, pale gray fur and blue eyes. He fell in love with his Clanmate Foxheart, which wouldn't have been much of a problem if he had not previously accepted the calling of medicine cat. He joined the Dark Forest after Tigerstar promised him that if they won, medicine cats could take mates. He died during the War.

Dan Green, alias Pigface of ShadowClan. Dan is short, grumpy, rude and pretty much an all-around jerk. He has a resentment toward Annie and her adopted Clan and easily was persuaded to join the Dark Forest. As a human, he had brown hair, but his pelt was a reddish color as a cat.

Kendra Hunt, alias Moonfrost of WindClan. Kendra has black hair and brown eyes. Her mother is Chinese. She is of middling height and widely regarded as pretty. As a cat, she had a black and white pelt and blue eyes. She mated with Mothface, a ThunderClan tom, and had two half-Clan kits, Dappledwillow and Snowshadow. She died in an attack on RiverClan.

Gennie Ingalls alias Darkwhisker of RiverClan, later Darkstar. Gennie is tall, with long brown hair usually kept in a ponytail. She had a black pelt and blue eyes as a cat. She became deputy after Reedwhisker died in a fight with a fox, then leader when Mistystar shortly after lost her last life during the mass greencough epidemic. She died in battle, fighting ShadowClan invaders.

Vanessa Jenson, alias Dawnstreak of WindClan. Vanessa is short with waist-length blonde hair and blue-green eyes. When she was a cat, she had pale gray fur with reddish streaks. As soon as she joined WindClan as a warrior apprentice, she was interested in medicine. After less than a moon of training, she became Kestrelflight's apprentice. She died of a cough that would not go away.

Malia Keller, alias Splashfur of RiverClan. Malia has shoulder-length brown hair and braces. She is terrified of snakes and tsunamis. She is very enthusiastic about learning and is a good student. As a cat, Splashfur was the first of the human-cats to die, in the Dark Forest War. She had a silvery-gray pelt and took to water easily.

John Lee, alias Orangeface of RiverClan. John is a brown-haired boy of middling height. He is easily annoyed. As a cat, he was a large ginger tom with a white muzzle. He died fighting a family of foxes.

Lucas Martin, alias Turtlefoot of RiverClan, later Turtlestar. Lucas is short, with brown hair and eyes. He was the class clown, widely known for his famous equation of "Lime + Stone = limestone". He regarded himself as some sort of ninja, much to everyone's amusement. As a cat, he had a mottled pelt with brown and white patches. He became leader after Darkstar, and was the last of the human-cat to die. He lost his last life of starvation during a harsh leaf-bare, when food was short.

Ken Nelson, alias Dogface of ShadowClan. Ken has shoulder-length yellow-orange hair. He is obsessed with computers and the latest technology, and widely infamous for being a pervert. He had a shaggy gold pelt as a cat and he died in a fight with ThunderClan.

Zach Olsen, alias Fishface of RiverClan. Zach has a narrow face and large ears, so his face slightly resembled a fish, earning him the nickname "fishface". He was introduced to RiverClan as Fishface, and he grudgingly kept it all his life as a cat. He is annoying, self-centered, and obnoxious, but has a few loyal friends. He died of a rare case of the deadly greenleaf greencough shortly after Gingerstar joined StarClan.

Colton Parker, alias Pounceclaw, later Pouncestar. He is a tall, athletic, arrogant, irritating boy. As a cat, he traded blonde hair for a black pelt. He gradually became less of a jerk through his years as a warrior, eventually earning sensible Wildstar's trust enough to become the WindClan leader after her. He lost his last life when he drank from a tainted pool.

Mya Roberts, alias Dayshine of ThunderClan. Mya is fraternal twins with Mia. Mya is the blonde-haired one of the duo, she is also shorter than her twin. She is more headstrong than her twin, but they are the best of friends. As a cat, she had white fur. She died fighting ShadowClan, shortly after her sister met her end.

Mia Roberts, alias Nightshade of ThunderClan. Mia is fraternal twins with Mya. She is taller than her sister, and has brown hair to Mya's blonde. As Nightshade, her pelt was black. She died of a snakebite shortly before her sister was killed in a fight.

Lily Sanders, alias Breezewhisper of RiverClan. Lily is a short, Vietnamese girl who is obsessed with k-pop. She had dark gray fur as a cat. She took a mate in RiverClan, Tanglewhisker, and had two kits, Snowfall and Lakeheart. She died as an elder when she fell off the log trying to cross to the gathering and drowned.

Josh Turner, alias Dashwind of WindClan. Josh is a hyperactive, tall, blonde-haired boy. As a cat, he had a thin gray pelt and yellow eyes. He had a crush on Gingerstar, but she rejected him for Lionblaze. After she died, he disappeared for a while, then reappeared when it was time for the human-cats to return.

Kylie Utz, alias Foxheart of ShadowClan. Kylie is a bossy redhead. She is friends with Kendra and Malia. As a cat, she was a ginger she-cat. She died of greencough during the mass epidemic, while she occupied the position of deputy.

Alex Vuu, alias Mousefoot of ThunderClan. While he was annoying as a human, he became a wise medicine cat in ThunderClan. He had brown hair and looked vaguely like a mouse as a human, and his nickname, Mouse-man, transferred to his Clan life. He had brown hair while human and a brown-and-white pelt as a cat. He died of greencough the leafbare after Gingerstar joined StarClan.

David Walker, alias Brownfur of ShadowClan. David had brown hair as a human. He was pretty much Ken's only friend and similar interests as him. As a cat, as his name suggests, he had brown fur. He died of a snakebite.

Sam Xavier, alias Wolfclaw of ShadowClan, later Wolfstar. Sam was close frenemies with Annie as a human. She is obsessed with Star Wars and is a complete tomboy. She has brown hair, kept in a ponytail and partially hidden under a hat. As a cat, little changed about her personality. She became leader before any other human-cat and was sure to rub this into Annie's face. She had thick gray fur and yellow eyes, and was killed in battle by Gingerstar after inflicting deadly wounds on her opponent.

Kyle York, alias Mothface of ThunderClan. Kyle, nicknamed Moth-boy by Annie, is Alex's best friend. He has similar interests. He ironically became one of Gingerstar's closest friends after being her longtime rival in ThunderClan. He mated with a WindClan she-cat and fellow human-cat, Moonfrost. He sired two children, Dappledwillow, who lived with him in ThunderClan, and Snowshadow, who resided with her mother in WindClan. He became Gingerstar's deputy after Lionblaze resigned from the position to become a normal warrior, and was killed by greencough in the epidemic.

Causes of Death

Note: I actually wrote out a list of cats I was going to kill while writing this. I put a little check mark next to their name when they died. XD
Also, you will notice a lot of cats toward the end dying of greencough. This is because of a massive greencough epidemic that spread throughout the Clans and killed a good number of them.
And these deaths aren't in any particular order... just as I wrote them down. Sorry. XD

Dead cat—cause of death



Brackenfur—Dark Forest cat (DFC)

Mousefur—old age

Blossomfall—execution for treachery

Hollyleaf— StarClan Cat (SCC)/Gingerstar

Pouncetail (RiverClan)—old age



Rowanclaw—ThunderClan cat



Ceaderheart—old age

Tallpoppy—old age


Webfoot—old age

Tornear—old age


Cloudtail—DFC (Thistleclaw)


Leafpool and Squirrelflight—fox

Spiderleg—SCC (Toadstep)





Icecloud—SCC (Gingerstar)

Rosepetal—DFC (Spiderleg)










Owlclaw—SCC (Gingerstar)

Tigerheart—DFC (Tigerstar)

Pigface—SCC (Turtlefoot and Gingerstar)




Whitewater—old age

Onestar—DFC (Breezepelt)


Nightcloud—SCC (Leafpool)



Heathertail—SCC (Lionblaze)

Breezepelt—SCC (Lionblaze)





Willowshine—DFC (Icewing)








Dapplenose—DFC (Heathertail)


Farpaw—ShadowClan cat



Allegiances After the Dark Forest War (with info about characters)

Note: This is right before Gingerstar and Wolfstar die, not right after the Dark Forest War.


Leader: Gingerstar—ginger she-cat with blue eyes. Human-cat. Mate of Lionblaze.

Deputy: Ivypool—tabby-and-white she-cat with dark blue eyes. Mate of Bumbleflight. On maternity leave. Mother of Beekit, Acornkit, and Whisperkit. (Apprentice, Haypaw)

Medicine cat: Mousefoot—brown-and-white tom. Human-cat.

Warriors: Berrynose—cream-colored tom with only a stump for a tail. Mate of Honeyfern (deceased), then Poppyfrost (deceased). Father of Cherryblaze and Molefoot.
Hazeltail—small gray-and-white she-cat. Former mate of Thornclaw (deceased). Mother of Lynxleap, Rockfoot, and Echothunder.
Mousewhisker—gray-and-white tom. Former mate of Cinderheart. Father of Lichenblossom (deceased) and Rabbitleap.
Cinderheart—gray- tabby she-cat. Former mate of Mousewhisker. Mother of Lichenblossom (deceased) and Rabbitleap. Former DFC.
Lionblaze—golden tom. One of the Three, invincible. Mate of Gingerstar.
Toadstep—black-and-white tom. Mate of Icecloud. Father of Bearclaw, Elkfur, and Rainheart.
Bumblestripe—very pale gray tom with black stripes. Mate of Ivypool. Father Beekit, Acornkit, and Whisperkit. (Apprentice, Ravenpaw)
Briarlight—dark brown she-cat. Formerly deathly injured, healed by StarClan's power with Lichenblossom's dying wish. (Apprentice, Skypaw)
Dovewing—fluffy gray she-cat with blue eyes. Mate of Foxleap (deceased). Mother of Skypaw, Haypaw, and Ravenpaw. One of the Three, has supersenses.
Dayshine—white she-cat. Human-cat.
Nightshade—black-furred she-cat. Human-cat.
Molefoot—cream-and-brown tom with green eyes. Son of Berrynose and Poppyfrost.
Rabbitleap—gray-and-white tom. Son of Cinderheart and Mousewhisker. Mate of Cherryblaze.
Bearclaw—dark brown tom. Son of Icecloud and Toadstep.
Elkfur—brownish-gray tom. Son of Icecloud and Toadstep.
Rainheart—gray-and-black she-cat. Born blind in one eye. Daughter of Icecloud and Toadstep. Best friends with Dappledwillow as they were raised together.
Dappledwillow—gray-and-brown she-cat with one mottled paw. Daughter of Mothface and Moonfrost. Best friends with Rainheart.
Lynxleap—dark brown she-cat. Daughter of Hazeltail and Thornclaw.
Rockfoot—gray tom. Son of Hazeltail and Thornclaw.
Echothunder—gray tabby she-cat. Daughter of Hazeltail and Thornclaw.

Apprentices: Haypaw—golden-brown tom. Son of Dovewing and Foxleap.
Skypaw—gray-and-white she-cat. Daughter of Dovewing and Foxleap.
Ravenpaw—black she-cat. Daughter of Dovewing and Foxleap.

Queens: Ivypool—(see above information in deputy slot)
Cherryblaze—ginger she-cat with blue eyes. Daughter of Berrynose and Poppyfrost. Mate of Rabbitleap. Expecting kits.

Kits: Beekit—gray tom with black stripes. Son of Ivypool and Bumbleflight.
Acornkit—brown she-cat. Daughter of Ivypool and Bumbleflight.
Whisperkit—gray she-cat. Daughter of Ivypool and Bumbleflight.

Elders: Ferncloud—pale gray (with darker flecks) she-cat with green eyes. Lost sight at an early age and moved from the nursery to the elder's den while still young enough to be a warrior. Mate of Dustpelt.
Dustpelt—dark brown tabby tom. Mate of Ferncloud.
Sandstorm—pale ginger she-cat with green eyes. Mate of Firestar (deceased).
Graystripe—long-haired gray tom. Mate of Silverstream (deceased) and Millie (deceased).
Brightheart—white she-cat with ginger patches. Mate of Cloudtail (deceased). Blind in one eye and deaf in one ear after a dog attack as an apprentice.


Leader: Wolfstar—thick-furred gray she-cat with amber eyes. Human-cat. (Apprentice, Badgerpaw)

Deputy: Mistfur—gray she-cat. Daughter of Kinkfur.

Medicine cat: Vineleaf—small black she-cat with gray paws, muzzle, and tail tip. Green eyes. Daughter of Olivenose and Scorchfoot.

Warriors: Kinkfur—tabby she-cat with long fur that sticks out at all angles. Mother of Mistfur, Sparrowpaw (deceased), and Dewheart.
Olivenose—tortoiseshell she-cat. Mate of Scorchfoot. Mother of Waterheart, Vineleaf, and Shimmerheart.
Shrewfoot—gray she-cat with black paws
Scorchfoot—dark gray tom. Mate of Olivenose. Father of Waterheart, Vineleaf, and Shimmerheart.
Redwillow—mottled brown-and-ginger tom. Mate of Dawnpelt. Former DFC. Father of Longshadow.
Dawnpelt—cream-furred she-cat. Mate of Redwillow. Former DFC. Mother of Longshadow.
Ferretnose—cream-and-gray tom. Mate of Pinefall. Father of Badgerpaw, Lightpaw, and Deerpaw.
Starlingflight—ginger tom.
Pinefall—black she-cat. Mate of Ferretnose. Mother of Badgerpaw, Lightpaw, and Deerpaw.
Brownfur—brown tom. Human-cat.
Dogface—long-furred golden tom. Human-cat.
Dewheart—gray she-cat. Daughter of Kinkfur. (Apprentice, Lightpaw)
Thistlefang—long-furred brown tabby she-cat. Former DFC. (Apprentice, Deerpaw)
Lilybloom—tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with green eyes. Daughter of Tawnypelt and Toadfoot.
Frogfoot—dark brown tom. Son of Tawnypelt and Toadfoot.
Waterheart—gray-blue she-cat. Daughter of Olivenose and Scorchfoot.
Shimmerclaw—silvery she-cat. Daughter of Olivenose and Scorchfoot.
Longshadow—golden tom with black stripes. Son of Dawnpelt and Redwillow.

Apprentices: Badgerpaw—stocky black-and-white tom. Son of Pinefall and Ferretnose. (Warrior name: Badgerclaw)
Lightpaw—pale golden she-cat. Daughter of Pinefall and Ferretnose. (Warrior name: Lightfur)
Deerpaw—light brown tabby she-cat. Daughter of Pinefall and Ferretnose. (Warrior name: Deerpelt)

Queens: Stormclaw—dark gray she-cat. Expecting Frogfoot's kits. (She has one kit later, Jackelfang)

Elders: Oakfur—small brown tom.
Toadfoot—dark brown tom. Mate of Tawnypelt. Father of Lilybloom and Frogfoot.
Applefur—mottled brown she-cat.
Tawnypelt—tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with green eyes. Mate of Rowanclaw (deceased) and Toadfoot.


Leader: Wildstar—fluffy gray she-cat with amber eyes. Human-cat.

Deputy: Pounceclaw—black tom. Human-cat. Mate of Horsegaze. Father of Larchfur, Larkfeather, and Hollysong.

Medicine cat: Dawnstreak—pale gray she-cat with reddish streaks. Human-cat. (Apprentice, Daybird)

Warriors: Leaftail—dark brown tabby tom. Mate of Sedgewhisker. Father of Shinefur and Oakfall.
Emberfoot—gray tom with dark paws. Former DFC.
Sedgewhisker—light brown tabby she-cat. Mate of Leaftail. Mother of Shinefur and Oaktail.
Swallowtail—dark gray she-cat
Sunstrike—tortoiseshell she-cat with a white mark on her forehead. Former DFC. Mate of Whiskergaze. Mother of Daybird and Ambergaze.
Whiskergaze—light brown tom. Mate of Sunstrike. Father of Daybird and Ambergaze. Former "mate" of Moonfrost; they had nothing but platonic affection for each other and only became makeshift mates to cover up the fact that Moonfrost's kits were actually half-Clan. This strategy was ineffective, as the Clans found out as soon as the kits were born. He is good friends with Moonfrost, and very forgiving, as he became mates with Sunstrike, a former DFC, after the Dark Forest War.
Furzewhisker—gray-and-white she-cat. Former DFC.
Moonfrost—black-and-white she-cat. Mate of Mothface (ThunderClan; deceased) and Whiskergaze (formerly; see Whiskergaze for details). Mother of Dappledwillow (ThunderClan) and Snowshadow. Human-cat.
Dashwind—gray tom. Human-cat.
Horsegaze—cream-and-brown she-cat. Human-cat. Mate of Pounceclaw. Mother of Larchfur, Larkfeather, and Hollysong.
Thornfoot—dark brown tabby tom. Son of Breezepelt (deceased) and Heathertail (deceased). (Apprentice, Jaypaw)
Rufflefur—black tom with amber eyes. Former DFC. Son of Breezepelt (deceased) and Heathertail (deceased). Mate of Snowshadow. Father of Jaypaw.
Snowshadow—black-and-white she-cat. Daughter of Moonfrost and Mothface (ThunderClan; deceased). Mate of Rufflefur. Mother of Jaypaw.
Shinefur—silvery she-cat. Daughter of Sedgewhisker and Leaftail.
Oakfall—light brown tabby tom. Son of Sedgewhisker and Leaftail.
Ambergaze—cream-colored she-cat with amber eyes. Daughter of Horsegaze and Pounceclaw.
Larchfur—gray tom. Son of Horsegaze and Pounceclaw.
Hollysong—fluffy gray she-cat with green eyes. Daughter of Horsegaze and Pounceclaw.

Apprentices: Jaypaw—pale brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes. Daughter of Snowshadow and Rufflefur. (Warrior name: Jaycall)

Elders: Owlwhisker—light brown tabby tom.


Leader: Darkstar—black she-cat with blue eyes. Human-cat.

Deputy: Turtlefoot—gray-and-white tom with green eyes. Human-cat. (Apprentice, Snowpaw)

Medicine cat: Aspenheart—black she-cat with green eyes. Human-cat. (Apprentice, Lakepaw)

Warriors: Mallownose—light brown tabby tom
Robinwing—tortoiseshell tom. Mate of Troutleap. Father of Farpaw (deceased) and Wingflight.
Beetlewhisker—brown-and-white tom. Former DFC.
Petalfur—gray-and-white she-cat. Former DFC.
Troutleap—pale gray she-cat. Mate of Robinwing. Mother of Farpaw (deceased) and Wingflight.
Mossyfoot—brown-and-white she-cat. Mate of Rushleaf. Mother of Bluewhisper and Stealthstrike.
Rushleaf—light brown tabby tom. Mate of Mossyfoot. Father of Bluewhisper and Stealthstrike.
Fishface—gray tom. Human-cat.
Orangeface—bright ginger tom with a white muzzle. Human-cat.
Breezewhisper—dark gray she-cat. Human-cat. Mate of Tanglewhisker. Mother of Snowpaw and Lakepaw.
Tanglewhisker—brown tabby tom. Son of Duskfur. Mate of Breezewhisper. Father of Snowpaw and Lakepaw.
Pebblefur—pale gray tom
Sootclaw—dark gray tom
Wingflight—gray tom. Son of Troutleap and Robinwing. Mate of Waveheart. Father of Firekit.
Swiftriver—black she-cat with a stump for a tail. Kit of unknown loners, raised in RiverClan.
Bluewhisper—blue-gray she-cat. Daughter of Mossyfoot and Rushleaf.
Stealthstrike—brown tabby she-cat

Apprentices: Snowpaw—white tom with amber eyes. Son of Breezewhisper and Tanglewhisker. (Warrior name: Snowfall)
Lakepaw—brown she-cat with blue eyes. Daughter of Breezewhisper and Tanglewhisker. (Medicine cat name: Lakeheart)

Queens: Waveheart—silver-and-white she-cat. Mate of Wingflight. Mother of Firekit.

Kits: Firekit—ginger tom (Warrior name: Fireclaw)

Elders: Graymist—pale gray tabby she-cat
Mintfur—light gray tabby she-cat
Minnowtail—dark gray she-cat

The Fate of the ThunderClan Cats After Gingerstar's Death

Leader: Gingerstar—no spoilers, read RTT!

Deputy: Ivypool—becomes Ivystar, leader of ThunderClan.

Medicine cat: Mousefoot—dies of greencough next leaf-bare.

Warriors: Berrynose—dies in a fight with WindClan.

Hazeltail—becomes an elder.

Mousewhisker—becomes an elder.

Cinderheart—dies from a tainted rabbit.

Lionblaze—dies mysteriously in a fight with a badger, despite his invincibility. All will be explained when you read RTT.

Toadstep—becomes a foster father to Dovewing's kits in Foxleap's absence.

Bumblestripe—dies of greencough.

Briarlight—becomes an elder.

Dovewing—lives until the eventual end of the Clans. She becomes close friends with StarClan and eventually leaves ThunderClan to become something similar to an oracle, living in alone in near the Moonpool. She eventually fades to a legend, only reappearing again every few generations when the Clans are in dire trouble. She expresses regret near the end of the Clans that she did not just chose to stay a normal warrior. When the Clans finally dwindle, then their remains become wiped out by a mass greencough epidemic, she dies peacefully, joining StarClan for a few moons before they fade out of remembrance.

Dayshine—dies in a battle with ShadowClan.

Nightshade—dies of a snakebite.

Molefoot—mates Acornheart.

Rabbitleap—fathers three kits with Cherryblaze, Silverleaf, Gingerfoot, and Sunpelt. Cherryblaze's second litter has two kits, Lichenfoot and Kitescreech.

Bearclaw—dies in a fight with ShadowClan.

Elkfur—is crushed by a falling tree and dies.

Rainheart—mates Hayfur and has three kits: Snowfoot, Owlwing, and Hawktalon.

Dappledwillow—follows in her father's footsteps and mates a WindClan cat, Thornfoot (later Thornstar). However, only her sister, Snowshadow (also WindClan), Thornfoot's brother, Rufflefur (coincidentally Snowshadow's mate; and while pretty much lacking morals, is fond of his brother), Rainheart (Dappledwillow's best friend) and Elkfur (who acts as a proxy mate for Dapplewillow) find out about this affair. It results in one kit, a tom known as Leafstorm, who does not discover his ancestry until he joins StarClan.

Lynxleap—becomes an elder.

Rockfoot—mates Skywhisker and fathers two kits, Strongclaw and Skunkfoot.

Echothunder—vanishes one night never to be seen again.

Apprentices: Haypaw—becomes Hayfur, and later Haystar. He mates Rainheart and sires three kits, Snowfoot, Owlwing, and Hawktalon.

Skypaw—becomes Skywhisker. mates Rockfoot and has two kits, Strongclaw and Skunkfoot.

Ravenpaw—mates Sunpelt and has one kit, Icefur.

Queens: Ivypool—(see above information in deputy slot)

Cherryblaze—mothers three kits, Silverclaw, Gingerfoot, and Sunpelt. Later, she and Rabbitleap have a second litter, Lichenfoot and Kitescreech.

Kits: Beekit—becomes Beeclaw. Becomes and elder.

Acornkit—becomes Acornheart. Dies fighting a fox.

Whisperkit—becomes Whisperfoot. Becomes the next medicine cat.

Elders: Ferncloud—dies of greencough.

Dustpelt—dies of hunger.

Sandstorm—dies of a fox attack.

Graystripe—dies of greencough.

Brightheart—she was the one who mentored Rainheart, her first permanent apprentice.

Gingerstar's Nine Lives and How She Lost Them

Life number: Cat who gave life—virtue of life. Cause of death.

First life: Longtail—hope. Breezepelt.

Second life: Blackstar—courage. Hawkfrost.

Third life: Ashfur—mentoring. Fox.

Fourth life: Bluestar—pride. Rufflefur.

Fifth life: Spottedleaf—patience. Badger.

Sixth life: Yellowfang—protection. Wildstar.

Seventh life: Ashfoot—tireless energy. Falling tree in the hollow.

Eighth life: Mousefur—humor. Greencough.

Ninth life: Firestar—faith. Wolfstar.