Some M rated material

Sookie POV

We cuddle beneath the covers around 4 am. We're both yawning; he didn't get enough sleep.

Our noses touch, the way grandaddy used to say was "eskimo kissing."

"I'm trying to decide if I should send you somewhere", he says.

"Absolutely not."

"Sookie, I just don't trust him or any of them with you right there in front of their faces and their noses. You're too delicious. If they knew what you are, it would be a fight the minute they walk in the door. You're not going to Paris, it's too busy, it's impossible to see if an unusual person shows up on your door. Barbados is a tourist trap. Part of me wants to send you to Öland. My farm is absolutely quiet and rural. If anyone strange shows up,it's obvious. There's nowhere to hide. There's no one there but the people I pay to keep the house up. And I would feel better with you in Sweden. If I can't have you here."

"Not going", I say, cuddling into his chest.

"You're mine. You'll obey me", he insists, but the ghost of a smile is creeping up his lips.

I burst out laughing. "Cause that's worked every other time you told me to do something."

"Woman, you are a trouble magnet."

"Not going."

"Sookie, you already live on a farm where there's nothing to do but sunbathe! So this one is on the Baltic Sea."

"I'm sure it's real warm", I grouse.

"I'll have you know it's considered the sunniest place in Sweden!"

"Who says?" I ask. I know I'm driving him crazy.

"It's a known thing!" he bellows.

"A known thing? I never even heard of the place, and I sure as heck can't spell it. It sounds like an imaginary place, like Narnia."

He tackles me and rolls me over my back. In seconds, he's on top of me.

"You're going to drive me to distraction", he says.

"I was hoping to distract you a little. I'd love to see your farm, Eric, WITH you. I'm not leaving you."

"We'll be there together, when I come get you after all this is over", he says.

"You're really afraid", I say, frowning, and pushing stray strands of blonde hair off his forehead.

"I'm not weak", he says. I've heard him say that a hundred times.

"No one said you were", I say, kissing him.

"Come here." I turn onto my side, and pull him up against me, tucking his blonde head under my chin. He seems extremely happy, moaning, with his face, his lips, between my breasts. He wraps two long, strong arms around me, and grabs my rear with a big hand.

"I couldn't go on if something happened to you, don't expect me too", he says.

"I never want to hear that from you, you have eternity. You have much more to lose than I do."

"A living hell?", he whispers, pulling me to him so tight I can't breathe.

"I couldn't go on without you either", I say, "So you just have to take care of yourself."

He pulls away and looks up at me. "Sookie, if I have to fight him, my chances of survival are so low, they're basically zero. I planned for it when I had to fight Russell, and Joseph is much older."

Terror shoots through my veins.

"Then... then...we'll go to Öland together! We'll be farmers, I'll walk through shoulder-high wheat all day, and we'll cuddle on the porch all night. I'll wear a sweater!"

I'm shaking, but he has some authority over my body now, and whispers "shhh", smoothing his hands over my body. The shaking stops.

"And leave Pam?" he asks.

"We'll bring Pam with us. Please, please, please...leave Fangtasia, my brother can fend for himself...all we need is each other."

Eric POV

I should never have told her. My Sookie is terrified, and it's my fault. I can feel her intense fear, and as much as I keep trying to tamp it down, she keeps fighting me.

Thankfully I already have a will. It will require a little tweaking. Pam's generosity would be questionable given their relationship. She may think lifelong waitress suits Sookie, so I should legally make sure she's taken care of.

I roll her over on her back and climb on top of her. She gasps and moans as I kiss down her neck, her chest, and seize a nipple. I scrape the skin with my fangs, just enough to wake her senses. "Open for me", I say and her legs spread eagerly.

She kisses me and pulls off the blanket, so she's lying naked and ready beneath me. I feel my fangs extend to their full length. I want to eat her up.

She helps put me in the right spot, and I push. The feeling of being inside her...for a vampire, there is no ecstasy so great as warmth, the warmth of life we've lost. To be buried in her is amazing.

She moans as I move and her hips buck against mine. "Deeper, closer", she gasps. She puts her hands on my bottom, my back, and pushes, like she's trying to get all of me inside her.

I can hear her quietly crying. "No, no", I whisper against her skin. How I wish I could glamour her!

"Come on baby", she says against my ear, "hard."

I increase the pace, and drive deep within her, one hand reaching around to circle her engorged sweet spot.

And when she comes, she screams out, with pleasure and pain, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"I don't know what the fuck to do", I say, falling into a chair at Fangtasia.

"You have to have a plan", Pam insists. "I'm not letting you walk into this without one. And it has to make more sense than "be nice."

"I can't think right now. My head is spinning. I need to amend my will."

"You cannot seriously be thinking about that right now!" she protests. "You have bigger things to worry about."

"In this situation, Pam, that is probably the most intelligent thing to worry about. The only way to kill a vampire that old is take him completely by surprise and he's going to see anything coming", I say.

"What about the blood suckers?"

"If that 5 year old we met in New Orleans is any indication, I'm not as worried about them. Maybe getting a group of humans together as bait, as many Sanguinistas in one room as possible. I promise to leave at least one or two for you", I wink.

"They don't support the official Authority agenda. I think if we just notify them, they'll take most of them out."

"I agree", I say. "I'll pay them a visit myself."

"Go back to New Orleans?!"

"I don't have much of a choice. I have to visit the Authority there and pay my respects."

"But that's where Joseph was!"

"They didn't know about him", I say.

"Eric...what if they did?"

"If they did...all vampires are in a helluva lot more trouble than we thought. And I doubt I'll return alive, so you must take care of Sookie."

A red tear runs down her face. "I'm not losing you."

"What's this?" I ask her, kissing her on the forehead.

"Nothin. Just the bleeds, I didn't sleep today."

I smile at my child. She's always so tough.

But if she lost me, she'd go on. She wouldn't be happy about it, she'd grieve for me forever. But I would make sure to order her before I leave. Pam is a survivor, as she proved to me all those years ago.

Sookie is a tough survivor too. But our blood bond is so intense, I worry for her if something happened to me.

"If something happened to me..."

"I'll look after her", Pam confirms.

"The loss would be so deep for her...I should never have made her mine."

"What's done is done", she says. "I'll look out for her, promise."

"Thank you, now I need to go home and get Sookie. She's staying on my farm."

"And how does she feel about this?"

"Her feelings aren't as important as her safety", I tell her.

"Uh huh."

"I'll make it up to her. If I come back."

Back at Sookie's house, I rattle open her squeaky screendoor.

She's sitting at her kitchen table, going through bills. She stands up and walks over to me, wrapping her arms around me.

"It's late, I was afraid you'd taken off somewhere dangerous and not even told me."

"That will never happen", I say. Liar. "But I need to get you out of here. You're packed?"

"Eric...I'm not leaving you."

"Please", I finally beg, "I will do nothing but worry if you're here. They'll look after you there, you're family to them. Please..."

She nods her head and looks away.

Sookie POV

"What airline am I taking?" I ask.

I never do anything I don't want to do and I don't abandon people I love. I could have stood here and fought with him about it all night. And I would have, if he had said or done anything, anything other than that heart-rending "please."

"Thank you", he says, folding me into his arms.

"What airport, what airline?"

"We're going together", he says, "I'm getting everything set up for you, introduce you to everyone, make it clear you're the lady of the house, and we can plan best how to protect you. An island is hard to protect, but then again, it's easy to escape."

"Air Anubis will go to Öland itself?"

"I took Air Anubis to Dallas because I had to. My private jet is already fueled and ready to go at Shreveport National Airport."

"Your private jet?!"

He owned a sugar plantation, why not a personal jet.

He was standing prouder and grinning though. "Don't tell me this will be your first time?"

I stick my tongue out at him. "Give me five minutes."

I'm a fast and light packer. Throw in some jeans, one or two nice things, a t-shirt, a change of shoes. Toiletries in another bag, done.

I come down the stairs and he's looking at me. "I thought five minutes was going to be a few hours. Pam takes days to pack. She has to have the right plastic bags."

"One pair of her Jimmy Choo high heels equals my earnings for the month. Guess I'd be careful with em too", I say.

"You could have as many pairs of Jimmy Choo's as you like", he insists, "All you have to do is tell me what you want."

"My legs look pretty damn good in the ones I got at Target", I say, "Good enough to turn your head. Now c'mon lets go." I smack his ass and he looks startled, and just shakes his head.

The jet is not as spacious as Air Anubis, but very impressive. A leather sofa winds its way around the cabin, with a couple of soft chairs. All the windows are light blocked.

"May I get you anything, sir?" A pretty brunette in a uniform pops up out of nowhere. I glare at him.

"I'll take a TruBlood, a coke for the lady." She scampers off.

"Your own stewardess, that's nice", I remark.

"I believe they like to be called flight attendants now", he smirks.

"Bet she's a load of fun."

"I wouldn't know", he says pronouncing every word clearly.


"She's an employee."

"So was Ivanna."

"Can we stop talking about this now?" he asks.

"Restroom?" I ask.

"That way", he jerks his thumb toward the back of the plane, and looks like he's going to laugh.

The bathroom is small but cool. There's a toilet, a tiny sink, and even a very small shower. There are tiny bottles of mouthwash in a bowl on the sink. I use one, and then throw a couple in my purse. You never know.

"Do you know you have tiny bottles of mouthwash in your bathroom?" I ask as I come back. He pulls me onto his lap.

"I occasionally hosted a party..."

He waits silently.

"Oh God." I freeze and nearly jump off his lap, but he holds me there.

"People wanted to wash the blood out of their mouths?" I ask.

"Humans don't like to kiss if a vampire has another human's mouth in his mouth. Picky", he says.

"So you hosted orgies."

If he could blush, he would be. "You said you could forgive me, even for the things you didn't know about. I only want you, Sookie. Always and forever, you."

It was hard to be angry after something like that. I laid back in his arms.

"That's it, my love, relax", he said, cuddling me close.

"It will be dawn soon, you need to get to bed."

"I just stretch out here", he says.

I open my arms.

"Come here."

And he doesn't hesitate a moment.

He sleeps soundly in my arms, deeper than I can ever remember him sleeping before.

I can feel the sun setting, even if I can't see it. I check my watch. "6:30."

He stirs slowly. I think my heart is going to explode. I have his head resting in the crook of my arm. As his eyes flutter open, I lean down and kiss him.

That smile he smiles...I start to move away, but he grabs my hand and drags me back.

He pushes me down on the sofa, kissing me. I take a glance at that TruBlood bottle. He drank about a third.

"You must be hungry", I say, brushing his hair off his face.

"Erhm...I've certainly been hungrier."

I turn my head and move my hair,to give him better access. "It's been days, I'm fine, feed."

He looks a little too excited. He sniffs my neck, behind my ears, and leaves a trail of kisses. I hear his fangs snap out and he bites. I take a deep breath; that part is a little uncomfortable. But we've almost got this down to a science. He relaxes and nurses on my neck slowly, and the pain ebbs and becomes pure erotic pleasure. I've always enjoyed making love while he's feeding, but my hips jerk, and slam into him completely without my permission. My legs twine around him.

He dislodges his fangs, and seals up the wound.

"I didn't do that..."

He chuckles. "This blood bond thing is more complicated than it seems, and it's different for everyone. Your body wants to obey me. Wants to welcome me. You want to be mine. And it seems you recognize me as your mate. That starry look in your eyes..."

"Starry eh?"

Recognize him as my mate? I couldn't deny nothing on earth smelled better than he did, no skin was softer, no smile wider, no eyes bluer. I could sense every nerve ending in his body, and somehow I knew what touch would make him happiest.

I touched his face. He closed his eyes, leaned in, and slipped my ring finger into his mouth. It seemed his body wanted to please me too.

"If you're my mate, you know the only words I want to hear are "I'm coming back, Sookie."

He seized my lips for a kiss so he wouldn't have to answer.

I woke up on his lap as the plane descended.

"Everyone put their seatbelt on", the stewardess says over a loud speaker.

"She has her seatbelt on", he says, tightening his arms around me, and he's probably right, his arms are stronger than any fabric.