A/N: So I have been working on this story for months now. As a warning it's an AU. My basic idea was where would everyone be if Brown had never started Camp? How would they meet? What would their friendships and careers be like? And this is what I came up with. I've been working really hard on this story and right now I'm on chapter 21 and still not finished. This is gonna be a long one folks. I hope you guys enjoy it!

Happy reading!


Working Girls

Chapter One

A high pitched whine sounded as an Indiana Jones alarm clock blared the well known score and a hand suddenly shot out and knocked it to the floor.

"Ugh, not even a cool alarm clock is worth this."

Pedicured feet hit the floor and the shower was started not long after that. Half an hour later the young woman stepped out of the shower with skin tinted pink from the hot water and hands that were long past pruney. She dropped the towel and quickly found a strapless bra, camisole, and a black slip to wear while she put on her makeup and dried her hair.

Her phone rang and the woman rushed to her bedside table to answer it.

"Caitlyn Gellar speaking."

"Caity, are you up?"

She rolled her eyes and grinned. "Yes, Jase. I'm up. How long are you going to keep up this wake up call tradition?"

"As long as I think you need it," He told her with an audible grin.

Jason Gray was her best friend and one of her employer's clients. Well, actually he was her employer's nephew too. He was one third of Connect Three, A band of instrument playing, song writing, incredibly attractive brothers. They were also the nephews of manager and former Wet Crows lead guitarist, Brown Cesario, who Caitlyn worked for. She was Brown Cesario's executive assistant.

"Fine, well, I'm up," Caitlyn said with a chuckle. "I'm going to stop and get the usual and then I'll be on my way to work. Any special requests?"

"You think Connie will have any funnel cakes ready yet?" Jason asked.

"Funnel cake? For breakfast? Really, Jase?" Caitlyn asked with a smirk.

"What? Connie's funnel cakes are the best."

"Fine, but I'm buying you a fruit cup to go with it, and you're splitting the funnel cake with me," Caitlyn told him.

She heard him sigh before he answered. "Deal."

"Okay, I'm going to finish getting ready now, but I'll see you in a bit."

"Do you need a ride?" Jason asked before she hung up.

"You don't have to. I have a bus pass for a reason—"

"I can come and pick you up. No problem."

"Then great! I would love a ride," Caitlyn said brightly. "I'll be ready in about half an hour."

"I'm leaving now anyway. I need to get ahead of the traffic," Jason told her. "Bye, Caity."

"Bye, Jase," Caitlyn said with a smile as she hung up. She quickly finished her hair and her makeup and threw on a pencil skirt, a white v-neck shirt, and a black vest.

She went through her shoes and jewelry. Her outfit was rather plain today so she needed accessories that stood out. Studded black heels, a robot necklace, a rope bracelet, and a couple of funky rings did the trick. She quickly dumped her purse into a bright yellow Kate Spade tote that had been a freebie at an event Brown made her go to. She checked the time on her iPhone, and just as she unlocked it Jason called. That half hour went by very fast.

She didn't bother answering instead she headed out of her apartment door and down the stairs. Jason was parallel parked by the sidewalk in front of Connie's Café and Bakery which was directly across the street from her apartment. Caitlyn looked both ways and walked briskly across. She opened up Jason's passenger side door and grinned at him.


"Hey," he said. "I would've ordered but I don't remember how Uncle Brown likes his coffee."

Caitlyn chuckled and set her bag down in the floorboard of his car. "No problem. I'll run in. Connie should be expecting me anyway."

She turned and went inside the little shop. It was mostly an order out place, but there were a few small round tables outside on a tiny patio. There were four booths on the inside and a small bar with three stools. Connie's Café and Bakery was a fairly popular lunch spot in this neighborhood, and Caitlyn was a regular. She came in every morning to order for herself, Brown, and Jason. Jason's youngest brother, Nate, didn't drink coffee, and the middle brother, Shane, only drank Starbucks coffee. So, Caitlyn never ordered anything for them.

Caitlyn approached the cash register and a middle aged brunette woman looked up happily. "Caitlyn! I've been expecting you."

Connie placed a bag and a cardboard cup holder with three cups of coffee on the counter in front of Caitlyn.

"Your usual," She said with a grin.

"Thank you, Mrs. Torres," Caitlyn said with a chuckle. "Can I get a couple of fruit cups and a funnel cake too?"

"A funnel cake? At 7:45 in the morning?" Connie asked in amusement.

"Jason has a craving."

Connie laughed. "I see, and you can't let your young man down, can you?"

Caitlyn blushed and glanced out the window at Jason's car. "He's not my young man."

"But you want him to be, and take it from a woman who knows…the quickest way to a man's heart truly is through his stomach," Connie said with a smile. "So, yes I will make you that funnel cake, and the fruit cups are in the fridge in the corner."

"How much do I owe you?" Caitlyn asked.

"Just the usual ten," Connie answered as she poured the batter in the oil for a funnel cake. "Do you want powdered sugar or jam on this funnel cake?"

"Powdered sugar. Jason's not big on jam. Are you sure I don't owe you any extra, Mrs. Torres?"

"Oh please," Connie said as she flipped the funnel cake. "You're my best customer. The fruit cups and cake are on the house. "

Caitlyn handed Connie a ten, and then went to grab the fruit cups while Connie put the funnel cake in wax paper. Caitlyn put the fruit cups in the paper bag and Connie placed the wrapped funnel cake in a pink box.

"There you go, you're all set," Connie said cheerfully.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Torres," Caitlyn said. "You're the best."

"You wouldn't want to tell my daughter that, would you?" Connie asked with a wink. "Just kidding. You work too hard, Caitlyn. Someone has to pamper you on occasion, and since you love my food so much it might as well be me."

Caitlyn smiled at her and blushed. "Thanks."

"No problem. You'll be back after work to pick up your quiche for that dinner with the Grays, won't you?" Connie asked.

Caitlyn nodded. "Yes. I raved to Mrs. Gray about your quiches. She's expecting one now, and I'll have to come back here to change."

"Alright then, I'll have it ready and waiting," Connie told her. "Now go on, don't make that boy wait too long."

Caitlyn struggled to pick up all three of her separate packages and before Connie could come around to help her Jason made his way inside. He grabbed the bag out of her hands without saying a word.

Caitlyn smirked at him. "Do you have like a Spidey-sense or something that tells you when there's a damsel in distress nearby?"

"You, Lady Caity, are no damsel," Jason told her with a smile. "You're a lady knight who refuses to accept help." He paused as Caitlyn glared at him. "Most of the time."

"Good morning, Jason," Connie said as she tossed a knowing smirk at Caitlyn.

"Morning, Mrs. Torres," Jason said with a nod.

"You had a funnel cake craving, huh?" Connie asked.

"Not just any funnel cake craving. A Connie Torres funnel cake craving. There's a difference," Jason told her brightly. Before he turned back to Caitlyn. "You ready, Caity? The guy on the radio said traffic's starting to back up. We should get going."

Caitlyn nodded. "I'm ready. Let's go. Bye, Mrs. Torres! Thank you for everything."

"See you later, Mrs. Torres," Jason said as he opened the door for Caitlyn.

"Bye, kids!" Connie called after them.

Jason opened the passenger side door for Caitlyn and handed her the paper bag once she was seated. He got in the car and drove off toward Cesario Entertainment Group's offices.

"You're still coming over to the house for dinner tonight, right?" Jason asked. "Mom's been going on non-stop about it for about a week and a half."

Caitlyn smirked. "Yes, I have to go back home and change and I need to pick up a quiche from Connie, but I will totally be there."

"Why don't I just bring you home and wait for you to get ready?" Jason asked. "I'm going like I am and your apartment is on the way."

"Sure, if you want," Caitlyn said with a smile. "You don't have to, though."

"I know I don't have to," Jason told her. "I just want to."

They finally pulled up outside the offices and parked. They walked straight up to Brown's office floor and set the food down on Caitlyn's desk. She picked up the largest coffee and the bacon, egg, and cheese bagel sandwich that was wrapped up in the bottom of the bag and barged into Brown's office. She set the sandwich and the coffee down.


"I don't have time right now, Caitlyn. I just got the latest round of press in and—"

"I don't care. Eat," Caitlyn said as she took the phone out of Brown's hands and hung it up. "You can yell at the guys' publicist later."


She rolled her eyes. "You have a meeting in fifteen minutes and then you've got an appointment to audition a new client, and then—"

"What's your point?" Brown asked with a sigh.

"If you don't eat now then you won't have time to eat until after two o'clock."

"Fine," Brown said as he reached for the sandwich and dug in.

Caitlyn smirked at him in victory and then walked back out to her desk.

Jason grinned and chuckled at her. "I don't know how you do it."

Caitlyn shrugged. "It's not that hard, really. I just don't take any crap from anyone."

"Yeah, cause that's not difficult at all," Jason said sarcastically with a smirk.

"Well," Caitlyn said with a chuckle. "It isn't for me."

Caitlyn sat down at her desk and dialed a number.

"Who are you calling?" Jason asked.

"Don't you have a meeting in the conference room downstairs, Jase?" Caitlyn asked as she held the phone to her ear. She sighed as she was put on hold and then looked down at her watch. "I'm pretty sure you're late."

Jason's eyes widened and he grabbed Caitlyn's wrist to glance at her watch. "Damn. You're right. I'll see you after work, Caity."

She nodded and waved him away. "Go, run. Nate's going to kill you as it is."

She smiled after Jason as he ran toward the elevator, and then glanced down at the wrist that held her watch warmly. Her skin felt charged where he'd touched it. She was such a sap when it came to Jason.

She was brought out of her thought's when the guys' publicist's receptionist finally answered the phone. "Yeah, hi. This is Caitlyn Gellar. Brown Cesario's assistant? From one majorly under appreciated service professional to another, can I ask a favor? Put your boss on the phone? Oh, thank you, you're such a sweetheart."

If Brown wanted to talk to Aaron Jones, the guys' publicist, then Caitlyn would set it up.

"Hi, Mr. Jones. It's Caitlyn. Can you meet Brown at the Ivy at 2 for a lunch meeting? I'm sure you are, but if you don't help me out here I'll have to tell your mother about all those martinis you had at that last after party—Are you kidding me? Of course I have her number. She's the sweetest lady. She's a big quiche fan. I suggested a little bakery I know—Oh wonderful, I knew you'd see it my way. See you at 2 o'clock, Aaron," Caitlyn said with a smirk.

She hung up and quickly hit number three on her speed dial. The Ivy was the best place for lunch meetings so, of course, she had it on speed dial. She had a pretty good friendship with one of the hostesses at the Ivy. Her name was Peggy and like everyone else in L.A. she wanted to be an entertainer. Peggy was one of Caitlyn's most valuable contacts. She could always get Caitlyn a table for Brown's meetings.

"Hi, Can I speak to Peggy, please? Thank you so much."

Good God, She loved her job.

Jason jogged down the hall and burst through the conference room doors. "Sorry! Sorry, I'm late! Traffic was backed up—"

"It's okay, Jason. Have a seat,"

Jason head shot up and his eyes widened when he spotted Axel Turner standing at the front of the room. What was he doing here?

"Um, okay," Jason said slowly as he slid into a chair next to Shane. Jason gave Nate and Shane curious looks and they both shrugged.

"Brown reluctantly set up this meeting. Honestly, if Tess's assistant weren't so persuasive and determined I don't think I'd be standing here," Axel said with a chuckle. Axel was their uncle's rival. He ran Star Management and both men were constantly going after the same clients. And if that didn't make things complicated enough, Axel's daughter was Nate's best friend. They'd been close since kindergarten.

"Wait, this is about Tess Tyler?" Shane asked.

"Yes, she's got a duet and she wanted to know if Connect Three would be interested," Axel said as he passed out three copies of the music.

"On the Line?" Nate read aloud. "I don't know…"

Shane's eyebrows rose as he continued reading the music. "It's pretty good, dude. Catchy. I've never heard of this song writer, though."

Axel cleared his throat. "Tess found this song writer. She's been using her quite a bit lately. I'd never heard of her either."

"Devonne Lovette," Jason read slowly. "That's…"

"A terrible name," Shane said with a chuckle. "Poor woman."

"Tell Tess that we'll think about it and then give her a call. We should take a serious look at this music first," Nate told him.

"Fine," Axel said with a sigh. "But Tess's album needs to be finished in two and a half weeks. Don't take too long or she'll have to find somebody else. Luke Williams is her second choice."

All three of the brothers scowled.

"Luke Williams?" Shane asked. "He's a jerk."

"A very talented jerk," Axel said with a grin. "Meeting's over, I suppose. Take a look at that music and call Tess. She's really hoping you'll decide to work on it with her. Good day, gentleman."

They all nodded and waved and said brief goodbyes.

"I still don't understand how someone as slimy as Axel raised Dana. I mean she's classy and Axel's…not," Jason said as he shook his head at the door Axel closed behind him.

Shane chuckled. "Occasionally from sleaze, a glorious apple may fall."

Nate put the music inside of his messenger bag and stood from the table. "I gotta go."

"I thought we were going to 'take a serious look at the music'?" Shane asked with a smirk.

"And we will," Nate told him. "Later. I'm supposed to meet Dana at some little dress shop."

"Wow, little brother," Jason said with a smirk. "Did Dana finally talk you into being one of her bridesmaids?"

"Shut up," Nate said with a glare. "I may be her best friend but I'm one of Andy's groomsmen."

"Whatever dude, in the wedding program she's still gonna call you her 'man of honor'," Shane said with a chuckle. "I'm totally going to frame that, by the way."

"So, where's this dress shop?" Jason asked with a grin.

"I'm not sure. It's called Audrey's Closet," Nate told them.

"Oh," Jason said with a nod. "That's next to Connie's Café."

"The bakery place across the street from Caitlyn's apartment?" Shane asked.

Jason nodded. "Yes. I remember because Caitlyn always talks about how she has no time to go in there and see what it's all about."

"Well, I'll be sure to give her my review tonight at mom's dinner," Nate said flatly. "I'm gonna be late meeting Dana. There's some mystery designer that Dana loves and this little shop is the only shop nearby that carries this designer's wedding dresses."

"What designer?" Shane asked.

"Like you'd know who it was if I told you?" Nate asked.

"Hey, you don't date gold digging, up and coming starlets without learning a thing or two, Nathaniel. Trust me on this one. Who is it?" Shane asked.

"Um," Nate said thoughtfully. "E?"

"Ah, yeah I know that name. She's sort of underground and exclusive to certain stores which means anyone who's anyone would kill for one of her dresses," Shane recited from memory. "The actress, two girlfriend's ago, was obsessed with E."

"Apparently, Audrey's Closet is the only shop that carries E's wedding dresses. Well, unless you want to drive about ten hours which I've already told Dana I won't do," Nate said with a sigh. "So, now I'm driving out there to help her pick out her wedding dress. Does she realize that I know nothing about dresses at all? Not a thing. How much help can I possibly be?"

"You're her best friend and you're a guy. She won't be able to show Andy and if it were up to Axel she wouldn't be getting married at all. You're the only male opinion she can get, man. Deal with it," Jason said with a smirk.

"Someday this is gonna be you and Caitlyn," Nate said with a stern look. "You'll be helping her pick out her wedding dress."

Jason paled dramatically. "I hope not."

"It will be, if you don't make a move," Nate said again.

"Do you ever wish you'd made a move?" Shane asked Nate. "You know, on Dana?"

Nate grimaced. "No, Dana has never been anything more than a very good friend. Dana and I would not be a good couple. She and Andy are perfect together. "

"What if Caity and I don't make a good couple?" Jason asked. "I mean I think it's pretty clear that she sees me as this big brother figure."

Shane rolled his eyes. "If you truly think that then you know nothing."

Nate's phone rang and he groaned as he answered. "Hello? Chill out, Dane. I'm coming. I'm running late, okay? Blame your dad. He had Uncle Brown schedule a last minute meeting with us. I'll tell you later. Yeah, I'm on the way. I swear. See you in a few." Nate hung up quickly. "I really have to go. Be at the studio at two. We'll take a look at the song."

"We'll be there," Shane promised.

"See you later, little brother," Jason said as Nate sprinted out the door and down the hall.