A/N: I got excited? Yus, here's the sequel, or send in a series (haven't decided yet) to Come Out On Top! To preface this chapter, it's set in 2014, I love Italy and Baroque art. I study Art History for Fun, and take classes in school, and yes I know the truth Caravaggio and the game of tennis. That said, stay tuned for awesomeness! As it unfolds since I really don't know everything that's gonna happen. :D

I don't own The Avengers, Loki, Iron Man, or anything of the like. Just the thoughts inside my head. And my amazing collaborator KairacahraFlower Goddess owns his ideas that he's letting me use. :D

"It's not cheating," Tony protested, phone pressed between his ear and shoulder as slipped his wallet back into his pocket, picking up the small box from the counter of the store he was in. "I think we can all agree that if I tried this on my own, I would burn down the building."

"Well, yes," Pepper sighed over the phone. "It's supposed to be the thought that counts Tony!"

"It took thought on my part to make the call to place the special order," Tony retaliated. "He knows that I can't do stuff like that in the kitchen." Tony walked out of the little store and down the street, slipping his sunglasses down from the top of his head.

"Everyone knows that, Tony," Pepper reminded him. "This isn't just some random day-"

" I know," Tony sighed a little and walked around a large fountain surrounded by tourists in elaborate masks. "Why do you think I came here? I mean seriously, there's no way they could have this in Asgard."

"I'm pretty sure they might have something better." Now Pepper was just giving him a hard time.

"You know, I'm almost back to the albergo, where I have limited time to sweet talk my lover into wearing a ridiculously sexy costume," Tony tucked the small box under his arm as he approached one of the finest hotels in the area. "If you'll excuse me signora, I'm going to continue to enjoy my one year and ten month anniversary in Venice." He dropped the phone into his hand, disconnected the call and slipped it in his pocket.

Tony was feeling rather proud of himself, he had planned this trip for him and Loki all on his own, with no help from Pepper, or anyone else from the team. Granted they probably would have expected him to wait the last two months until April for the full two years, but that didn't fit in with Tony's plans. And Tony liked it when his plans worked.

He had noticed several months ago that Loki had taken an interest in certain books in the library, a one year anniversary gift from Tony. Loki was reading up on the history of Midgardian art, and had taken a particular liking to the art of Italy. Tony walked into the library in the New York mansion one day and saw that Loki was rearranging the entire library, books everywhere but on the shelves.

"So, I thought I felt an inappropriate amount of magic, and it turns out I was right," Tony looked around the room before slowly walking over piles of books. Loki glanced down at him from his position on the ladder across the room. "Did one of the books say the wrong thing? Do I need to threaten it with the fireplace?"

Loki rolled his eyes and turned back to the shelf he was working on, sliding some books back in. "I am merely redistributing the books according to their subjects. I have amassed enough books recently to warrant this change."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "Amassed enough books? I probably don't wanna look at my credit card statement this month do I?" Loki shook his head. "So what kind of books did you get?" He reached for one of the books on the table he had made too when suddenly a hand slapped his. He yelped when he saw Loki suddenly standing in front him and stumbled back, tripping on a pile of books and toppling to the ground with several other piles.

"I do not want you defiling the books with the grease you have on your hands from the workshop," Loki warned him. Tony wheezed when several books fell from the top of a pile and landed on his stomach. "If you must know, I have acquired several more books of the Art of Midgard." Tony glanced over past Loki's legs as he spotted several bags, large bags, sitting by the largest, and best, bookcase.

"Several?" Tony rubbed a hand over his face, smearing his face with the grease that Loki was trying to keep off of his books. "Next thing you know you're gonna want an art gallery of your own."

"Art Gallery?" Loki raised an eyebrow and bent his knees down to look at Tony. "Like a museum, but with just art in it? The originals, not some knock off reproductions?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Tomorrow, I'll take you to one, okay?" Loki smirked then stood back up.

"That will be acceptable. Now please be careful with the books as you leave, or there shall be no smoothie tonight." Tony grumbled quietly as he tried to get up without touching any books.

Loki had then started to localize his interests to Italian artist, painters, sculptors, even book makers. (illuminated manuscripts were exquisite Tony was told.) Tony listened to Loki's new favorite artist when he came down to the lab to get what Tony called his 'science fix'. And Tony actually listened to Tony, didn't just tune him out.

"Caravaggio killed a man over a game of tennis! A game! And you all got mad at me for trying to take over the world," Loki had scoffed.

"Wait, he lost a game where he hit a ball back and forth?" Tony blinked and looked over at the god.

"It was a bit different back in the 17th century, but yes," Loki nodded. "He was a violent man when he wanted to be, but used his genius for painting to influence thousands!" Tony smirked a little when he stuck his head under the hood of the car he was working on. "His paintings were dark and he used shadows and light, and even used deceased bodies as models."

"He used dead people?" Tony looked back over the edge of the car. "That's just weird."

"He was not the only, nor was he the first." Loki went on for another hour talking about the Baroque Italian artist. He then spent another five minutes remanding Tony for his use of an awful joke. ("If It ain't Baroque, don't fix it- Ow!")

As Tony fished the room key from his pocket he thought of he had perfectly timed out their trip. He needed to be in Venice by the 22nd of February, and he wanted to take Loki to as many art sites in Italy as he could. That mean that a tour of the country was in order. And it if happened to take three weeks, then he had to take the time off. Naples was first, then Rome, and Florence, then with a questioning look to Milano where Tony surprised Loki with driving an hour out to Caravaggio, Italy where the painter was born. Tony drove them out, leaving the jet in Milano, to Verona, then finally to Venice.

Just in time for Carnivale di Venezia. Now he just had to let Loki know that they had a costume fitting later than afternoon.

Tony pushed open the door silently, hoping that Loki was still sleeping. He had slipped out early, leaving a note just in case, to grab his surprise before Pepper had called. The bed was empty but the shower was running and Tony smirked a little. Setting the little white box on the table he locked the door and went towards the bathroom.

As he walked in the bathroom he slipped his jacket off and threw it out the door before closing it. "You left early," Loki's voice called through the shower door. Tony was suddenly upset by the frosted glass door.

"I had to pick something up, very important," he slipped his shirt off and kicked his shoes off. "You aren't almost done in there are you?"

"Not anymore." Tony grinned as he pulled his pants and boxers down in one go. Loki had opened the shower door just a fraction and raised an eyebrow as he leaned his head out the door. "No, I supposed I'll be in here a little longer." Tony slipped in and closed the door again before biting at Loki's lips.