Title: My High School Crush

Pairings: England/Canada, America/England, Germany/Italy, France/Canada, England/Japan, France/Italy, Germany/Canada, America/France, Greece/Canada, Greece/Japan, Spain/Romano (possibly more)

What's worse than your brother reading your diary and finding out that you have a crush on someone in your class? Your brother reading your diary and then telling the entire class about said crush! America just can't keep his mouth shut, but Canada's not the only one about to have a high school romance...

"Kiku are you sure you don't want to dance with us? Italy asked, holding out his other hand to the Asian that wasn't clinging to his boyfriend's; he and Germany had just left the dance floor to join him at the table where he was still sat by himself.

Japan smiled but shook his head. "No I'm fine by myself, I wouldn't want to intrude on your time together." he said softly.

Germany sighed as another plastic fork was flung into the back of his head. "Trust me, you wouldn't be the only one." he muttered, glaring over his shoulder at Italy's older brother who was slow dancing with Spain, armed with a collection of plastic cutlery in his back pocket he'd stolen from the buffet.

Italy laughed at his brother, oblivious to the hateful stare he was giving his boyfriend. "Lovino is so funny."


"Heracles!" Japan jumped up from his seat, almost lunging himself into the Grecian as he appeared behind him. Italy burst into giggles and even Germany was smirking slightly at Japan's sudden ecstatic reaction. The Asian blushed at his eagerness, awkwardly taking a step back from Greece.

Greece looked quite surprised but gently enveloped Japan into a hug. "Hey Kiku, I'm sorry I'm so late...I had to stay at my mother's longer than expected." he said softly.

Japan nodded into his chest, still trying to hide himself from the grinning faces of his friends. "Hai, it's okay...it's good to see you." he muttered, still unbelievably embarrassed that he'd been so excited by Greece's arrival.

"Awwww you guys are so cute!" Italy squealed, still all giggly and jumpy.

Germany smiled apologetically at Japan's red face, carefully manoeuvring Italy away. "Come on Feli you're embarrassing them, we'll see you two later." he tried to edge round the dance floor to get to the other side of the hall but Italy was desperately trying to yank him back into the middle of the room to dance.

"Let's dance some more Luddi!" Italy cried, swinging on his arm.

Germany sighed, trying to pull away. "Nein, Feli, I've had enough of dancing, let's sit down und get some drinks." he said, smiling slightly.

Italy pouted cutely, "No! If you don't dance with me I'll stop loving you." he sang jokingly, grinning up at him.

Germany faltered slightly, his heart clenching uneasily. Italy had said 'I'll stop loving you' hundreds of time in the past during their lengthy friendship, but now that they were romantically involved that little jape sounded as if it had a much deeper meaning, and the German wasn't sure if Italy was aware of that. "Feli..." he murmured softly, squeezing his hand.

Italy smiled softly, cuddling up to his chest. "Sì?"

"Um, you just...I mean you said..." the German trailed off, clearing his throat. "Nein never mind, I'll get us some drinks." he muttered, trying to pull away.

Italy kept a tight hold of the blonds' hand. "Ludwig..." he sang, beaming up at him.

Germany blushed slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ja?"

Italy smiled, leaning up on his tiptoes to gently peck the German's lips. "...you know I'd never really stop loving you." he murmured softly, squeezing his hand.

Germany stared at him, his heart skipping a painful beat as he slowly laced their fingers together. "...I love you too Feli." he said softly, a smile slowly forming on his lips.

Italy grinned happily, cuddling him close. "Ve...so we can dance now?" he asked hopefully, half dragging the German towards the dense crowd of students.

Germany smirked slightly, letting himself be pulled along. "Ja, I guess so."

Japan fiddled anxiously with his blazer sleeves, glancing up he caught Greece's eyes and averted his gaze hurriedly, going red in the face. He coughed awkwardly, staring down at the floor. "So...how is your mother?"

Greece shrugged slightly, leaning casually against the wall. "She's fine, but I couldn't think of a good excuse to leave earlier to be here...she doesn't really understand." he said softly, brushing his unkempt hair out of his face.

Japan looked up at him curiously. "I didn't think you were so anxious to be here, prom doesn't seem that appealing to me..." he muttered, gazing around the hall for a few moments. The only real sight to see was the Grecian himself, in a beige coloured suit with a dark shirt which was untucked from his pants with a few buttons left undone at the top. The Asian blushed slightly when he realised he was staring and looked away quickly before he was spotted.

Greece watched him for a few moments, tilting his head to the side curiously. "It's not prom I wanted to get to in a hurry."

Japan looked confused. "It wasn't?"

Greece shook his head. "No." he murmured softly, leaning down to pull the shorter teen close. "...it was you." he smiled at the shade of red he'd just caused Japan's face to go.

Japan felt like his face was on fire, that if he kept eye contact for even a second longer he'd burn to a crisp. "I see...thank you." he mumbled into Greece's chest as he burrowed into it in an attempt to hide his face.

Greece smirked slightly, resting his chin on top of Japan's head. "No need to thank me...you're my boyfriend right?" he asked, his voice full of hope.

Japan stared up at him with wide eyes. "R-Really? You'd want to?" he gasped.

"Yeah." Greece said with a smile, gently stroking the back of Japan's neck. "Unless you're still hung up over Arthur."

Japan blushed, shaking his head. "N-No, I'm not...I mean I've really enjoyed our time together Heracles." he said softly, fiddling with one of the buttons of Greece's beige jacket.

"I have too." Greece breathed, gently tracing his fingers across the Asian's glowing cheek. "...so that's a yes then?"

Japan nodded slowly, smiling up at him. "Hai, I would love to..."

Greece smiled, bending down slightly to reach him. "Good." he muttered softly before catching the Asian's lips with his own, kissing him gently. Japan's blush flared up again, their lips were only skimming lightly but it was enough to set his heart alight. Greece pulled away after a few seconds, gently stroking his thumbs down his cheeks. "You're so cute Kiku..."

Japan swallowed slightly, his hands were actually shaking slightly, he was grateful for the Grecian holding him otherwise he feared he'd faint from shock and embarrassment. "T-Thank you..."

"AWW! You guys are so adorable!"

"Feli stop watching them! You'll freak them out."

Japan's head dropped into his hands and he sighed. "Heracles, could we maybe go into the corridor for a while?" he muttered awkwardly, taking the Grecian's hand.

Greece smirked slightly as Japan began hurriedly shuffling away, tugging him along after him to get away from the embarrassment of his friends. He could still hear Italy calling after them about how sweet they were together; Greece didn't mind at all, however Japan looked as though he'd just walked into a room full of people after forgetting to put clothes on.


England slowly unlatched his front door and silently pushed it open, ushering America inside. "Well here we are." he breathed quietly as he shut it gently closed behind them.

America gazed around the dark, still corridor for a moment, slowly removing his blazer. "Where should I put my jacket?" he asked, holding it out to the Brit.

"Shh." England hushed him, looking anxiously towards the stairs. "Just hang it up behind the door."

"Sorry." America muttered in a much quieter register as he hung his jacket up. "...your parents asleep?"

"They might be, but Peter definitely will be and he'll freak if we wake him." England said softly, hanging up his own blazer behind the American's.

America nodded, feeling slightly awkward as they stood together in the silent house, they'd barely said a word to each other since they got into the Brit's car and left the school. "So...what should we do now?" he asked quietly.

England shrugged slightly. "I think there's some pizzas in the freezer, I could heat one up and set up a DVD in my room." he suggested, padding quietly down the corridor towards his kitchen.

America followed him, having to duck slightly beneath the low doorframe. "Won't that make a lot a noise?" he asked, carefully hitching himself up onto a kitchen stool, cursing himself as stumbled over the legs of it in the dark.

"Shh!" England glared at him as he went to the large refrigerator.

"Sorry..." America muttered with a slight blush as he perched himself awkwardly on the wooden stool.

England smirked slightly, taking out a large cheese pizza from the freezer. "It's okay...so, prom was a bit rubbish wasn't it?" he said, turning on one of the lights so that he could see what he was doing with the oven.

"I wasn't really there long enough to judge." America said with a shrug. "Mattie seemed like he was having a good time..." he added darkly.

England held back a laugh. "Yes, Francis will make sure of that." he said with a smirk as he began unwrapping the pizza.

"God damnit...I should have stopped them." the American muttered, leaning tiredly onto the kitchen table.

The Brit pushed the pizza into the oven, looking back at him curiously. "Why's that? It's going to happen eventually."

"Yeah but...he's sixteen so, you know..." America muttered vaguely, shrugging.

England smirked, leaning back against the counter beside the oven. "If I didn't know any better Alfred I'd say you were jealous that your little brother may very well lose his virginity before you." he said, chuckling at the look of horror the American gave.

"I am not! But...aww man that sucks!" America moaned in disbelief, slamming his head down on the table. "...great, thanks for telling me that."

England placed a hand to his mouth, trying to muffle his laughter. "It's not that bad, he's only one year younger than you." he said with a smile, not being able to help the hint of amusement that found its way into his voice.

"Yeah but still! He's my little brother and he's getting laid before me! I mean even though it is with Francis..." America grumbled, gripping the back of his head.

England rolled his eyes fondly as he wandered over to him. "It's not that bad, I mean I'm probably the only guy in my year whose a virgin and I don't care." he said quietly, sitting himself down on a stool beside America's own.

America sat up slightly, glancing up at him. "Really?" he asked in surprise.

England blushed ever so slightly, crossing his arms. "Yes, why is that so unbelievable?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I dunno, cause you're hot?" America suggested with a shrug; it was his turn to smirk when he noticed the way England's cheeks went pink.

"Ridiculous." the Brit muttered, attempting to hide his reddening face.

America smiled, resting his head on his hand. "Don't give me that, people are always crushing on you."

"Maybe so..." England said softly, biting his lip. "...no one I'd be willing to shag however." he added, leaning down next to America on the table.

America quirked an eyebrow, inching closer to him. "Not even me?" he asked quietly, a slight note of anxiousness in his voice.

England gazed next to him at the American through the dim kitchen light, green eyes wide with wonder. "...we've...we've never even kissed let alone..." he murmured softly, swallowing slightly.

America bit his lip, moving ever so steadily closer. "...well maybe we should fix that." he whispered softly against England's lips, leaning in so close across the table it's a wonder he didn't fall right off his stool. Then it happened. England had leant towards him suddenly and pressed their lips firmly together, his breath catching in his chest at the warm contact. America grunted softly in surprise, slipping his arms around the Brit's slim waist, pulling him closer. England clung onto America's shoulders as he felt himself topple off the stool, he was about to pull away from the kiss to straighten himself when the American suddenly hitched him up, sliding the Brit firmly onto his lap.

England chuckled deeply against the American's lips, threading his fingers into his hair as he wound his legs around his hips. America fisted his hands into the back of the Brit's white shirt, moaning softly into the kiss as their lips opened slightly and their tongues finally met, tangling together hotly. England growled deep in his throat, playfully nipping at America's bottom lip as his fingers clawed through his hair; the American shivered, his hips thrusting involuntarily upwards against him in an attempt to create some friction. He hurriedly untucked England's shirt and thrust his hands up into it, feeling the warm, toned skin of his chest against his fingers. England grunted softly as America's hands grazed his nipples, and he had to forcibly push him away when his fingers began moving south towards his belt.

America whimpered at the lack of contact, desperately trying to tug England closer, pressing soft haste kisses against his neck and cheeks. The Brit smirked slightly, gently gripping the hair at the back of America's neck he pulled him away firmly. "Hey, hey...easy tiger." he growled softly, tugging America's hands away from his lower regions. America used this to his advantage and shifted the Brit further onto his lap, pressing their groins together. England shivered slightly, biting back a grin as he felt the hardness against his own. "...is that your phone in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?" he said with a smirk, glancing down at the American's crotch.

America laughed, going slightly red. "Both." he said, beaming up at him, settling his hands firmly on the Brit's backside.

England snorted slightly, leaning their foreheads gently together. "Hmmm..." he smiled down at the American, gently trailing his fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. "...maybe your brother won't be the only one to lose his virginity tonight." he murmured softly, biting down gently on the American's bottom lip.

America stared at him with wide eyes, swallowing heavily. "...is that right?" he muttered, a grin slowly forming on his face.

England smiled, blushing slightly as he climbed down from America's lap. "Bedroom?" he suggested with a wink, hurrying to the oven to switch it off.

America got up from the stool, hunched over slightly from the raging boner in his pants. "We're not having a pizza now?" he said jokingly as the Brit took his hand.

England smirked slightly, "If you're a good boy we'll have pizza after." he muttered, slowly tugging him out into the corridor. "...but seriously we have to be unbelievably quiet when we're in my room." he breathed as they reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Aww I was hoping you're a screamer." America whispered with a grin as he started following him up. England stopped halfway, turning to fix the American with a dark stare. He beamed innocently at him. "That's a no then?"

"No..." England drawled, leading them back down. "...it means we'll take the living room instead." he muttered with a seductive smile, pushing open the door next to the kitchen at the bottom of the stairs.

America blinked slowly behind his specs, his extreme horniness was preventing him from properly processing thoughts; England chuckled, beckoning him into the living room with his finger. The American took a further few seconds of vacant gaping before he came back to earth, he surged forwards into the doorway, grabbing England around the waist and dragging him backwards into the living room. The door was shut loudly behind them and both teens prayed to God that the Brit's parents and his little brother had slept through it and would continue to sleep soundly the rest of the night...


"Ve I'm so proud of you Luddi." Italy beamed, hugging his boyfriend close.

Germany smiled, cuddling him back. "Danke Feli, I'm proud of you too."

"You did better than me though." Italy said with a pout, holding up his exam results. Graduation for the students in their final year had just ended and everyone had gotten their end of year exam results. Most of the students were outside the school comparing results with their friends and discussing their plans for next year.

Greece regarded his briefly, he hadn't done too well but he didn't seem that bothered. "At least I tried, I wasn't going to college anyway." he said softly, shoving the papers into his bag.

Japan looked at him sadly, gently taking his hand. "You'd probably have done really well if you spent more time studying and less time sleeping."

Greece smiled, squeezing his hand. "Well now I have even more time to spend with you." he muttered, kissing the top of his head.

Japan blushed slightly, "So how about you Ludwig, did you apply for college?" he asked quickly.

"Nein I'm taking a year out to go travelling." the German said, sighing when Italy groaned in despair.

"I don't want you to go!" the Italian whined, swinging back and forth on his hand. "I'll miss you too much..."

Germany pulled him close, gently kissing his lips. "Feli it won't be that bad, I'll only go a month or so at a time, I'll keep coming back to see you." he reassured him.

Italy continued to pout, snuggling into his chest. "I'll still miss you...I'll be all alone at school."

"You have Kiku." Germany reminded him, ruffling his hair.

"Hola!" Spain beamed, racing over to Italy as he spotted him from the school entrance, closely followed by Romano. "How'd you all do?"

"Not too bad." Germany said with a shrug, handing the Spaniard his results. "How about you Antonio?"

Spain scanned through the German's results. "Oh wow you did great! I didn't do that good really..."

Romano rolled his eyes as he appeared beside him. "Your own fault idiot, he's got to do another year at school now." he muttered disapprovingly.

"At least you get to have your boyfriend for another year..." Italy mumbled, curling up against Germany.

Germany sighed, cuddling him close. "I'm never going to hear the end of this am I?"

"Bonjour mon ami..." France called, skipping over to his friends with Canada under one arm. America hurriedly followed, England rolled his eyes and went after him; America sure had been touchy about leaving his brother alone with France ever since prom night last week.

Spain grinned, waving. "Hey Francis! How'd you do?"

"Good enough, I'm off to college with my little Englishman." France said with a smirk, winking at the Brit.

England rolled his eyes, sighing slightly. "Yes, I can't wait." he muttered.

"I'm so pleased for you." Canada said softly, circling his arms around France's waist.

Beside him England saw America frown. The Brit chuckled slightly, doing the same to America. "For God sake Alfred would you let it go already?"

America sighed irritably. "I'm sorry but I really can't, I didn't expect to get home the morning after prom to see Francis in my brother's bed!" he snapped, glaring at the Frenchman.

France smirked slightly whilst Canada blushed. "Mon ami I promise you we just cuddled." he said with a grin.

"...anyway you spent the night at Arthur's so I don't know why I couldn't have Francis over." Canada mumbled with embarrassment, hiding himself in France's chest.

"Well sounds like you four were busy on prom night." Greece said with a raised eyebrow.

"You could say that." France said with a wink, laughing at the shade of red England and Canada went.

"Ew." Romano spat rudely. "At least me and my brother had more sense than you lot."

"No point in lying Lovino, we all know how often you and Antonio 'ave done it." France said, tongue in cheek.

Romano flushed bright red, "What!?"

"Even I knew that." Germany muttered with amusement.

"I knew too!" Italy piped up. "Anyway last night Ludwig and I-"

The German hurriedly clamped a hand over his boyfriend's mouth, going bright red. "Right well Feli und I have to go now." he ushered Italy away as quickly as he could, Romano screaming after them whilst his own boyfriend held him back.

"You're so tactful Francis." England muttered sarcastically, shaking his head.

France shrugged, winding his arm around Canada's waist. "We're all friends, why not be honest with each other?"

"Yeah...and why not just be accepting." Canada added with a sharp look at his brother.

America sighed. "Fine whatever, not as if there's anything I can do to stop you two fucking..." he grumbled.

England smirked slightly, ruffling his hair. "That's the spirit."

"I can't believe all this happened because of my stupid diary..." Canada said softly, smiling up at France.

"Yeah, guess you can't hate me for reading it now." America said with a grin.

"He could still probably hate you for showing Francis some of his entries though." England said with a raised eyebrow.

Canada whipped around, staring at his brother in horror. "What!?"

"Uhhh, I was going to tell you?" America offered with an awkward face.

Canada flushed bright red. "Alfred!"

"I found it all very adorable mon cher..." France murmured, brushing his lips against the Canadian's cheek.

Canada sighed, hiding his face in his hands. "I just want to die..." he groaned.

England hit America jokingly in the stomach. "And the worlds best brother award goes to..." he drawled.

America glared at him. "God damnit Arthur." he muttered.

England grinned. "Just keeping things interesting for you."

"I hate you all..." Canada whined, curling up into France's chest.

France smiled, holding him close. "Mattie you're so cute..." he mumbled softly into his ear. "...but you think much too highly of me."

"You don't find me creepy now do you?" Canada asked anxiously, gazing up at the blond.

France kissed him gently, grinning down at him. "Of course not...how could I ever think zat?"

Canada smiled warmly, brushing his fingers down France's stubbly face. "...I love you." he murmured softly.

France beamed, kissing him again, lovingly. "I love you too..."

~The End~

Yay for bad endings, hope you enjoyed the story

Reviews are love :)