-Two Days Later-

It was evening when Castle entered the 12th for the first time since his daughter was attacked. After rest and comfort and her father buying her the best mace he could find for her, she was doing much better. Not many people were around as he stormed into the holding cell where the man who attacked his daughter was still waiting.

The former captain gripped the man by his collar and held him against the wall, his feet dangling off the ground.

"Now, I don't know who you are or what you think gives you the right to attack my daughter, but you should consider yourself very lucky I don't put a bullet in you, or worse, right now."

Mal shoved the man into the wall again, "You go near my daughter again, and I will end you – slowly and painfully. Understand?"

The man looked at Mal's furious face and slowly nodded.

Castle dropped the man with a punch to the gut, straightened his jacket and walked out of the cell, closing the door behind him. As he walked away, the man crawled to the door and sticking out his arm between two of the bars, called out.


Castle stopped, but did not turn.

"You've lost your touch old man. You don't scare me…" He paused,


Castle stiffened but otherwise did not acknowledge the other man. Mind racing and wondering what this new development meant, he left the jail.