Ok, so I put a poll on my profile. So far I've only had 5 voters (the poll is still up, by the way), and the majority was for Great Mouse Detective. So here it is.


I only own Sylvia. Everything else belongs to Disney.

One crisp Fall evening, a mouse walked alone the shore, light blue skirt swirling around her legs, enjoying the breeze. Blonde fur covered her body and it stood out against her white blouse. She breathed in, expecting to find fresh air reaching her nostrils, but instead, a pungent stench hit them. The mouse, known as Sylvia, wrinkled her nose against the odour at first, then sniffed harder.

She recognized it not as wet rat, but wet BAT! A bat must've fallen into the river! As soon as this information registered, Sylvia spotted the poor thing, lying face down in the sand.

Sylvia was an apothecary with a passion for healing, so she rushed over and bent to examine the waterlogged creature. He'd fallen from a terribly long height, she could tell because his wing membrane was slightly windburnt. Her eyes strayed down, noticing an almost undetectable raise in his forearm bone. He's crippled in his wing! It must have healed oddly the first time it broke. Her eyes went further. A peg leg! This bat was a wreck!

Sylvia turned the bat off his face. His eyes were closed, but rimmed with red. How long ago has this poor creature had a good night's sleep? His right ear was torn at the top. Sylvia frowned. Either this bat had a bad childhood, or he's accident prone.

The mouse's eyes narrowed. No matter, she had to get this bat some medical attention. She heaved the bat onto her back. He was very light and she could feel every one of his ribs. Undernourished. He would be a handful. But Sylvia liked challenges. She settled the bat more comfortably on her shoulders and started to walk to her home under the doctor's office.

Ok, ok, I know. That was really short... But the next chapter will be up soon, I promise. (And it'll be longer than this...)