Chapter 19

Kiriana moaned softly as she started to come back to consciousness. Slowly she opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the dim lighting. She tried to sit up, but it hurt too badly. If there was any part of her body that didn't hurt, she was hard-pressed to say what.

Once her vision had cleared, she looked around, taking in her surroundings and trying to figure out where she was. For a moment, she couldn't seem to remember much, but finally the memory of being attacked and captured by Scarab returned to her.

Hissing in pain, she sat up just as she heard a door creak open. She moved backwards until she was up against the wall, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. She glared defiantly at the sorcerer through the fiery veil of her hair when he came in, shutting the door behind him. He stared at her for a long minute, almost as though he seemed to be amused by her fear. She shuddered, feeling uncomfortable under that intense gaze.

"What do you want from me?" she demanded, trying desperately to keep her voice from trembling and only being partially successful.

He didn't answer immediately. He came towards her, again grasping her face in one wrinkled hand. She tried to pull away, but when she couldn't, she hauled off and spit in his face, half expecting him to slap her across the face or something of the like, but he didn't. He leaned closer until his face was only a few inches away from her own. She could feel his breath on her face turned away.

"You have quite the fiery spirit, girl. Perhaps I should just take yours and dispose of the other two," he remarked casually.

She gasped and turned her defiant gaze back to his. Ignoring the pain in her legs, she kicked him in the groin as hard as she could. He grunted in pain and stumbled backwards, letting go of his grip on Kiriana momentarily. She bolted for the door, but Scarab recovered and grabbed her again. She screamed, struggling to get away from him. But it was no use. She might as well have been trying to fight off those shabties again.

Turning her to face him again, he grabbed the front of her shirt and slammed her up against the wall. She cried out in pain as her back hit the cold stone and tears sprang to her eyes unbidden, only partially from the pain and slipped silently down her pale cheeks, despite the fact that she tried to hold them back. Scarab smirked and dropped her to the floor none too gently.

"Don't try that again," he snarled and left the room, slamming the door shut behind him with an audible *BANG!* and locking it. Kiriana curled up into a fetal position where she had fallen and let her tears flow freely now, trembling violently.

//Please, come for me soon. I need you, Presley// she thought to herself dejectedly.

After almost an hour, her eyes closed and she drifted into unconsciousness once again.

TBC...Things just seem to keep getting progressively worse for this poor girl, don't they? R&R!
~*Celestia Vitaria*~