Kindred Spirits
by: Celestia Vitaria
Disclaimer: I don't own Mummies Alive. I've never even seen the show, I've just read some of the other fanfics out there and decided to do one too. I don't get paid, you don't sue, ok? JaKal, Nefertina, Rath, Armon, Presley, Scarab and Heka belong to DIC. I apologize in advance if I screw any of the characters up. Eric Carravello is obviously Eric Carr, late drummer of KISS. The only ones who belong to me are Lakira, Princess Sierra, Kiriana Caravello, Valeius and Natalie belong to me. DO NOT STEAL ANYTHING!!! Oh, and I don't own the song "Dreams to Dream" either, though I wish I did.
Summary: Nefertina has amnesia and Rath is desperate to help her. A young girl who is a close friend to Presley finds herself swept up into a world far beyond her wildest dreams, and is about to discover a long-kept secret that will change her life forever. Both are 16. Sap warning!!! Like I said...evil plot bunny + insistent muse + boredom + Queen of Sap + creative writing project= this. Don't flame me. This is my first attempt at a MA fic, so be nice, ok? And now, ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for...LOL!!

Pain. That was her first thought as she slowly began to come back to consciousness. Nearby she heard people moving around and conversing in hushed tones so as not to disturb her.

"Do you think she'll be all right, Rath?" came a woman's voice.

"I hope so, Sierra. Just give her some time. She took a pretty hard blow..." someone else responded.

Just then, her rain-gray eyes fluttered open and she saw three concerned faces staring down at her. The young auburn-haired woman who had spoken only moments before sighed in relief as her companion tried to sit up. But a handsome man with long, shoulder-length black hair and the greenest eyes she had ever seen pushed her back down gently into the large pillows beneath her.

"Shh, rest, my love," he whispered.

"Ooh, my head. What happened? Where am I?" the girl asked, more than slightly confused.

"You're back in the Sphinx. You were badly injured in the battle with Scarab. You've been out for a couple days now," the other woman, Sierra, said, her strange sapphire eyes filled with concern.

"Who are you? Better yet, who am I?" the girl asked.

The others exchanged shocked glances, suddenly realizing what must have happened to her. That blow to the head from the Shabti that had knocked her out must have caused amnesia! The man who had called her "love" glanced down at her, fear evident in his sparkling emerald green eyes.

"Don't you remember, Nefertina?" he asked. She merely shook her head.

"No. I wouldn't be asking if I did. And who the heck is Nefertina?" she mumbled, clutching her head in both hands as she sat up. Rath sighed.

"Uh oh. Houston, we have a problem," the man at Sierra's side quipped. She gave him a slight nudge in the ribs with her elbow, glaring at him, and he promptly shut up.

"You are Nefertina. I'm Rath, and the others are Princess Sierra and Valeius," Rath replied, gesturing to the two figures who were hovering right behind him.

Nefertina stared at them in silence for a long time, hoping to have something, anything at all, spark her memory, but nothing did. She finally sighed, tears welling up in her eyes. Rath gathered her into his arms and held her close as she cried, whispering soothingly in her ear.

"It's all right, my love. I'm here. I won't leave you. We'll get through this somehow, I promise," he said softly, his voice low enough that only she could hear.

Nefertina looked up at him then, her tears still flowing, and he lovingly kissed her tears away. She drew away from him for a moment, frightened of this man that she barely knew, but then she pushed aside her doubts for the time being, wanting only for someone to hold her.

"Don't worry, we'll find some way to bring back your memories," Sierra assured her, laying her hand on her friend's arm.

Suddenly a strange blue light surrounded Sierra's hand as she rested it on Nefertina's forehead to help ease the pain there. Nefertina flinched, but relaxed when she heard Sierra's voice in her mind, telling her that it was only a minor healing spell, nothing to worry about.

A few moments later, her headache vanished and she suddenly felt the fatigue overwhelming her once more, and she was unconscious again before she knew it, going limp in Rath's arms.

"Whoa. When you said sleeping spell, you weren't kidding, were you?" Valeius remarked. Sierra shrugged.

Rath lay her down gently and kissed her forehead. Then he stepped back and gazed lovingly at her. It was absolutely killing him to know that she remembered nothing of what they had shared, nothing of what they had been through together in the last few months.

Suddenly he felt a small hand fall lightly upon his shoulder and he turned and saw Sierra smiling at him sympathetically. She knew how he felt. Nefertina was her best friend and Rath's beloved. She understood all too well his concern for her.

"Don't worry, Rath. She will be all right. We will do all that we possibly can to help her," she replied. He nodded.

"I hope so, Princess. But you know that I can't help being worried about her. She and I have been through a lot together, and you know how much I love her," Rath muttered.

"I know," Sierra said.

"Come on. Let's go and let the lady get some rest," Valeius spoke up and took Sierra's arm in his as he turned to go, Rath following close behind them as they left the room.

As they entered the main room, they found Lakira sitting alone on the stone sofa, watching the "spirit box" as they referred to the television. She glanced up at them as they came in, concern in her onyx eyes.

"How is she?" Lakira asked.

"She'll be all right. She was awake for a few minutes, but she remembers nothing," Sierra answered. Lakira gasped.

"Amnesia?" she asked. Sierra nodded.

"Where is JaKal and Armon?" Rath asked suddenly. "And where is the young prince?"

"Armon had to work today, and Natalie had some things that she had to finish up at the museum. And JaKal is with Presley. We can't be too careful after Scarab's last attempt to capture Sierra and Presley," Lakira replied as she stood up, stretching luxuriously.

No sooner did she get those words out than Presley walked in, followed closely by the head Guardian, JaKal. Presley went to Sierra and hugged his spirit self's sister. She smiled at him and ruffled his dark hair.

"Hiya everyone. What's going on?" he asked cheerfully. Then he noticed the somber expressions on his companions' faces and became serious. "What's wrong? Why do you all look so depressed?" Presley asked.

"It's Nefertina," Sierra said quietly.

"What is wrong with Nefertina? Is she all right?" JaKal spoke up.

Presley, meanwhile, was trying to ignore the sudden sick feeling that he was getting in the pit of his stomach. It happened whenever the reborn spirit of Prince Rapses within him became upset about something.

"She's all right. She was awake for a few minutes, but she has what Lakira called amnesia. She doesn't remember anything," Sierra answered.

"Where is she now?" Presley asked.

"She is resting. She had a terrible headache when she awoke, so I healed it and put a mild sleeping spell on her so she could rest," Sierra replied.

"I would suppose that is all for the best right now," JaKal conceded.

TBC. What do you think so far? Love it? Hate it? Don't really know what to think of it? Either way, leave me a review and let me know. Be nice, though, b/c this is my first attempt at this. Kudos.
~*Celestia Vitaria*~