House of the Dead

Every so often there is a crime of multiple murders with very few survivors. Murders happen every where around the world, it is one of the many errors of humans. In nature, murder is only made to survive. However for humans it is a selfish crime, a crime of vengeance and hate. However one of the most interesting has to be those done by true geniuses. People with vast intelligence, and noble message, they do not kill because they need to quench a dark thirst but because they have a message that needs to be heard. A message they believe the human race would be better knowing. And as we all know, words may be powerful, but that doesn't mean anyone truly want to hear it. However when it comes to change murder certainly has a way to make people listen. But you can't just kill anyone, it won't matter as much, you need to murder someone big, someone who has pull, and you need to do it so the world can get your message.

There is an abandoned house on a hill, just by looking at it from the outside you could know it was haunted, but the true terror is located inside. This is where the Puppet Master does his work. A place where no one would look and too far anyone to hear the screams, this is where it will be found. This is where World Peace will be found.

America's POV

I woke up with my head in a blur god, what happened, where was I, what time was it, how did I get here? I had so many questions…. I looked around the room, finding my glasses removed and placed in my pocket, I quickly grabbed them and put them on, not that I actually need them to see. The room was plain white and empty, the floor however was cold concrete. I looked around and saw all the rest of the nations around, Canada, Russia, China, France, England, Germany, Italy and Japan, that was main Allies and the Axis…and most of the G8. What were we all doing here? I sat up realizing that my clothes were changed. I always wore a button down shirt, with a tie, khakis pants, my awesome sneakers and my kickass Jacket, hell sometimes I even wore jeans a t-shirt, different awesome shoes and a cool hoodie, but nothing like what I and the rest of the group was wearing now. They were like prison uniforms, only a light baby blue instead of orange or black and white, and instead of wearing my awesome sneakers I bought online I had on white, nurse shoes…. I moved to get up and start waking up the others, hoping they knew something I didn't but when I moved my arm I felt a stinging pain on my upper bicep, right by my shoulder. I rolled the short sleeves up and found my arm wrapped in bandages.

"What the fuck," I said myself as I began unwrapping. I was met with a very amateur done tattoo of the number 7; it was straight black, and etched darkly into my skin. I definitely did not get this done, nor did I allow for anyone to do this to me. I turned to Britain who was lying somewhat next to me. I started shaking him, waiting for him to wake up.

He blinked awake after a little bit. "God, I must have got really smashed because I hardly even remember yesterday, I don't even remember going to the bar," he said.

"What is the last thing you remember?" I asked frantically.

"Hm, well, we were at the meeting room, and China was there…he said he got a letter telling him to show up there and I was yelling at you for inviting him and not saying anything…and while I was yelling at you, the others began to yell as well, and then it's just blank…" he said, he looked around. "God this can't be just a hangover, where are we, did France drug me again?"

"I don't know where we are…but I doubt France has anything to do with this, he wouldn't go this far…and there is no way he would drug himself too," I said pointing to his knocked out body. "I'm not sure what the fuck is going on but I don't have a good feeling about this…."

"I don't either…whatever happened to us, whether we were drugged or what I feel so weird, I have no connection to my magic at all…. This can't be good," he said. He sees my tattoo. "What is that?"

"I'm not sure," I answered. "I just woke up with it," I pointed to his bandaged arm. "You have one too I think" England clawed at his wrapping and removed it and revealed his own tattoo; only rather than the number 7 he had the number 5.

"I wonder what they mean," he said as he examined it, "7 and 5." We heard a grunt as France, who was on the other side of England, began to wake up.

"Ow my head, what the fuck did you put in my drink, my head is throbbing," he said as he as he sat up, rubbing his head.

"I didn't put anything in your drink you ass! Why do you just assume this is my doing?" he asked.

"Ugh, if it wasn't the drink then I must of accidently eaten some of the food you made, wow I'm surprise it didn't kill me," he said messing with him.

"Shut up Froggy!" England shouted, playing right into France's bait.

"Aiya, must you two always be shouting, it's hurting my head, aru!" China said as he blinked awake.

"Hey, since the rest of you are awake now, can you help me please," a voice as soft as a whisper said. I looked around to find the source and gave up. "I'm over here," the voice said again, I looked down at Russia who was sleep, that creepy smile still on his face, and saw Canada who was now being snuggled like a teddy bear. "Please help me…I'm scared…." He said, I sighed and tried to remove Russia's arms from around him.

"Ugh Damn Commie's arms weight a ton!" I said lifting, Canada quickly crawled out as I got him free, and then with Canada's absence, Russia then blinked awake.

"Good morning Mr. America and Mr. Canada," he said with a pleasant smile. I looked over and was relieved to see Japan and Germany waking up as well, the only one that was left awake was Italy.

"Where are we?" Germany asked looking around, and the others chimed in as well, still confused.

"Hai," Japan said. "I do not recognize this place."

France screamed. "What happened to my beautiful clothes, this ugly jump suit was not what I was wearing before! I would not want to be caught dead in something so unflattering!"

England groaned. "Everyone just quiet down," he said, but the arguing and yelling seemed to get worse. "Please just quiet down so we can try and figure what this place is, and why we are here."

"Where is Kumachacha? I need Kumakichi!" Canada asked frantically.

"Some took my katana!" Japan said. "And worst of all they took the jacket that had Pocky in the pocket!"

"I still have my scarf so I am alright," Russia said still smiling.

"I want to go home, and be stuck in a room with all of you, you all asses, aru!" China grumbled.

"Baby blue is so not my color, though, being French of course I look sexy in everything, but still!" France whined.


Italy jumped awake. "Ah, Germany, I'm sorry I was just taking a quick siesta that's all, I promise I won't sleep during training just please don't kill me Germany!" Italy shouted string all his words together the way he always did when he was scared.

"Thank You Germany," England said. "Now that you are all up, I think we should talk about what we know about this place and maybe try and remember how we got here."

"The last thing I remember is being in the meeting room, you guys invited me, aru. You said it was important," China said, a bunch of the country mumbled in agreement.

"I remember a bit more," Germany said. "England was shouting at America for inviting China, Russia was standing next to China happy to see him there, Japan was sensing the mood and refraining from speaking, France was sipping on his coffee and Italy was lying on the table sleeping. I however I was standing away from everyone and just watching. Without any sort of warning someone threw some sort of smoke bomb into the meeting room, as soon as I saw it I held my breath and tried to find a way out, but when I got to the doors they were shut and locked, I tried to shout to Italy and ended up breaking in the smoke or gas or whatever it was and passed out. It seems someone has been planning something against us. The same person that invited China to the meeting, it seemed he wanted to include China as well."

England shook his head. "Alright so we know this person is definitely out to get us, anyone have any idea how we got here, or maybe where we are?" he asked.

"Maybe if we knew how long we were out, we could figure out how far away we got from the meeting place, aru," China said. Everyone searched their bodies for the phones or some sort of watch; no one came up with anything. My phone, IPod, DS, PSP and captain America watch were all missing.

"Alright well, let's move on to the tattoos, America seemed to notice that all of us seem to have a tattoo on our right arm, if you would look and try to help us figure out what they mean, that would be appreciated," England said, everyone began removing the bandages.

"I have 4," France said.

"Ve~ I'm 6" Italy said.

"I am number 2," Japan said.

"I am number 9," China said

"America and I are 5 and 7," England said.

"I have number 8," Canada said.

"I am number 3, da?" Russia said.

"And I am number 1," German said.

"Alright, so we all have numbers 1 through 9, what exactly does it mean," England asked.

"Could it be some sort of order?" Japan asked.

"No way," I said. "If it were an order than I would be first. America is always number 1!" I said with a quiet laugh.

"Really America, now really isn't the time?" England said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Ve~ what kind of order could it be," Italy asked.

"I hate to say but whatever it is, it can't be good, this person has already proven to be hostile to us. If it is an order, it seems I am the first to have anything happen…this place does not look good, and I have a really bad feeling about all of this," Germany said. I think all of us understood what he meant by that. He was suggesting that maybe this was an order to die; he was just avoiding the actual words so he did not worry Italy, but the look on his face showed that he understood. Silence hung in the room until an unknown ringing sound seemed to fill the building, like a microphone screeching, it seemed to sound over the intercom, I could tell by the echo of the sounds that his place was extremely big, but also very empty I found the door, which was painted white to blend in with the walls. Of course it was locked, I slammed my shoulder against it and found it was layered with steel and could be open. I've seen doors like this, they need to be open with a remote, one that I was sure this mysterious person had.

"Hello countries of the world," A voice said ringing over the intercom. They were using a voice changer and it became impossible to identify gender or dialect of the person talking. "I'm sure you are all very confused of what you are doing here, and I am here to maybe explain a little bit. You are all here to play a game, and here is the objective: survive. Think of this as a lesson, you have had the opportunity over the years to make this world a peaceful place, yet you continue to rage war against each other, not even caring those you hurt in the process. So I have chosen you, the big 9, you shall see what war does; consider all of you at war with each other now. Many players go into the game, but only one can survive, maybe he will be able to save the world from the blood thirsty beast it has become, good luck countries, you're going to need it," the intercom stopped and the room was filled with silence, everyone looked at each other horrified.

Many players go into the game…but only one can survive the words seemed to just hang there in the air.