Here's a new chap. i had it done before but then i lost the file so i had to re-write it again hope you like =^w^=

The large double doors opened the light shinned brightly into Naruto's eyes. As his eyes adjusted to the bright light he was shocked to see who was standing on the other side of the room. "Naruto?" The figure asked questionably, Tears forming in his eyes Naruto quickly left Itachi's side rushing to the unknown man throwing his arms around him crying out, "When did you get back? Kakashi is Iruka-sensei back as well?" Kakashi returned Naruto's hug before replying, "Iruka and I arrived just this morning. He's back at home recovering from the flight. Naruto why are you here? Is Sasuke here with you as well?"

Naruto stepped away from Kakashi looking down at his feet not wanting to answer. Sensing the young blondes hesitation Itachi walked forward reaching out to shake Kakashi's hand, sending a silent message to the silver haired man telling him he would inform him later. Soon one of the maids walked into the room announcing that lunch was ready to be served, all three moved to the large table eager to eat lunch. Itachi sat at the head of the table with Naruto on his right and Kakashi on his left as the maids began to serve the salad course.

As they were enjoying their salads Naruto struck up a conversation with Kakashi, "How have you and Iruka been doing?" Naruto asked. "Our flight came in about an hour ago and Iruka was extremely exhausted so he decided to wait at home while finished my business with Itachi. Although he did mention that he was going to call you tomorrow to let you know that we were back." With his mouth full Naruto simply nodded before asking, "Nee Kakashi, How do you know Itachi?"

Kakashi wiped his mouth on a napkin as he slightly chuckled to himself, "I knew you never heard a word I said. I told you once before that I did research for Sasuke's older brother's company." With the mention of Sasuke's name Naruto stiffened. This however did not escape the attention of the other two men at the table.

As they finished their salads the maid quickly brought tin the next course, as the maid placed the steamy hot bowl of soup in front of Naruto, he his complete attention. Naruto Stared down a his bowl of soup quietly eating while Kakashi and Itachi spoke about what Kakashi had discovered from his recent trip out of the country.

After he finished his soup Kakashi picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth, placing it in his empty bowl, announcing loudly that he had to be going. Naruto being the prankster that he is felt the need to open his mouth, "Seems like we know who wears the pants in the relationship." Kakashi glared at the young blonde from across the table, "As if, I do whatever I want. Iruka has no control over me." He hmphed crossing his arms in front of him.

Naruto laughed, "ohh, Wait till Iruka-sensei hears about this. He's going to throw you out again." Face paling slightly Kakashi looked at Naruto's smug face and muttered, "It's no fair it's my house. Why am I always the one being thrown out?" This cause Naruto and the usually stern faced Itachi to break down laughing at the pathetic looking Kakashi. Soon after they said their farewells and Kakashi left the two men to finish their lunch in peace.

Both sat in an awkward silence until Naruto spoke up, "Itachi-san, it's not that I don't appreciate all that you have done for me but, I really need to go home and I have worked as well." Itachi looked at Naruto and nodded in understanding. Although he personally did not want the young blonde to leave his side he couldn't just lock him up forever... well he could but that was frowned upon. So he had no choice but to let him go...for now.

Itachi called one of his maids who were standing of to the side, ordering her, "fetch Naruto's things and have my car out front in ten minutes and no need to get the driver I will go myself." The maid bowed low before turning and rushing off to fulfill her master's orders. For the next ten minutes neither Itachi nor Naruto spoke both sat still tensely eating what was left of their lunch.

The maid then appeared at the door informing her master, "Uchiha-Sama your car is out front and ready. I have also placed Naruto-San's items in it as well." Itachi stood dismissing the maid with a wave of his hand and gestured for Naruto to stand and follow him out. Walking past the bowing maid Naruto glanced at her and noticed how she glared at him as he walked by.

Itachi was parked outside of Naruto's apartment building ready to leave as soon as the blonde was out of sight. Naruto suddenly turned to Itachi and asked. "Itachi, would you like to come on up?" Itachi calmly nodded and shut his car off as he followed Naruto up to his room. The apartment building was a five story complex with four apartments on each floor; luckily Naruto's apartment was located on the second floor.

Naruto pulled out his keys opening the door to let himself in and leaving it open to so Itachi could make his way in. Closing the door behind him Itachi saw that the Apartment was spacious at first glance there was a kitchen to his left and a living room directly in front of him and two doors, one leading to the bedroom and the other to the restroom.

Naruto walked forward glancing backwards slightly while telling Itachi, "Make yourself at home, I need to do some things real quick and I'll come back." With that Naruto walked through one of the doors leaving Itachi to his own devices. At first Itachi tried to wait and sit on the couch but, he soon got bored so he decided to do some snooping around.

Looking up at the walls Itachi noticed all of the pictures, Many were with Naruto and Kakashi's lover Iruka, however there was one picture that had Kakashi standing behind Sasuke who stood on the left, a pink haired girl staring happily in the middle, and Naruto on the right. As Itachi stared at the photo wondering who the girl was the phone began to ring.

Naruto ran out of his room and picked up the phone covering the mouth piece Naruto mouthed 'Iruka' to Itachi before walking back to his room to take the call in private. Naruto once again left Itachi to his own devices.

Itachi decided to walk to the kitchen to see what was in there, opening the fridge saw a couple of boxes of take-out, a jug of milk that already looked expired, and some rotten fruit on the top shelf. Closing the fridge Itachi made his way to the cupboards, opening the first one he seemed dumfounded and walked to open the one next to it. Somehow Itachi came to the conclusion that the rest of the cupboards and the pantry would be filled with the same thing.

Calling out Itachi hesitantly asked, "Naruto? What is up with your cupboards? Why are they filled with nothing but cup of ramen?" After a moment of silence Naruto's voice came out from one of the rooms, "Iruka once made me some and I just fell in love with it. So ever since I can't help but eat at least 10 a day sometimes even more."

Itachi cleared his throat thinking to himself 'how could a person eat the same thing every day was beyond him.' Suddenly the doorbell rang pulling Itachi out of his thoughts; he took it upon himself to see who was at his cute blonde's door.

Walking to it his slowly opened it, although his face did not show it Itachi was surprised to see who was standing there.

Standing out front in the hallway stood his younger brother and what looked like the older version of the pink haired girl in the photo he saw earlier, all three stood staring at each other in silence.

After finishing up his call with Iruka, telling what had happened with Sasuke and what happened to him the day before, wondering who was at the door Naruto walked over to see Itachi in the doorway blocking whoever was there. Nudging Itachi to the side Naruto was shocked to see who was there.

Know that Itachi might not know who she was Naruto gestured to the girl and told Itachi, "this is Sakura, she's Sasuke's fiancée". All four stood still, two glaring at each other, one nervous, and one really stupid girl who couldn't read the atmosphere. Itachi noticed that the girl had a huge smile plastered on her face as if she truly had no clue what was happening. Itachi glared openly at his brother, who also seemed to be doing the same thing.

Seeming to come to the realization that no one was willing to speak first Sasuke opened his mouth and asked, "What is he doing here?" Hearing the jealousy in his younger brother's voice, Itachi smirked and put his hand over Naruto's shoulders pulling him closer before saying, "Well little brother, I was simply bringing this cute blonde home after he spent the night at my house."

Sasuke began to see red, just because he was going to get married did not mean he was going to give Naruto to anyone else. Seeing her future husband getting mad Sakura moved closer to console him but, as she did Sasuke pulled back his fist aiming to hit his brother. His elbow collided into Sakura's nose, hitting her hard she fell backwards, unconscious before she hit the floor blood dripping from her nose down her face.

Instead of rushing to his fiancée's side Sasuke glared at his elder brother, body tensing ready to strike. He was about to attack Itachi when Naruto yelled out, "Don't you dare hurt him teme. He is my guest in my home and if there is nothing else then please taken your unconscious fiancée and leave." Sasuke looked at Naruto dumb founded, shocked that Naruto would even speak to him like that. Itachi just smirked pulling Naruto into the house; giving Sasuke a small wave he slammed the door on his brothers shocked face.

Itachi let out a light chuckle before turning away from the door to face Naruto. Naruto stood in front of him, head lowered shaking slightly. Naruto's hands moved upwards, moving to wipe his eyes to clear the tears that had begun to fall.

Itachi reached out towards Naruto pulling him closer feeling the younger blonde's tears fall on his chest, hating how his stupid brother could be so heartless, unnecessarily hurting the blonde over and over again.

Haring Naruto's voice Itachi pulled him closer tightening his arms around him as he listened closely. "Why would he do this? He has to know how much this hurts me. It hurts more knowing he's going to marry her. Sakura was always by our side I knew she had a thing for him but, I never thought she was trying to take him from me. Why is it that people always betray me? What am I supposed to do now? I-Itachi help me." Naruto cried out the last part looking at Itachi with tears falling, eyes silently pleading for the older man to save him.

Itachi leaned forward resting his forehead on Naruto's looking into Naruto's tear filled eyes and said, "Come home with me." Naruto looked at Itachi in shock before closing his eyes and nodding.