The sky is a dark shade of red as it covers the Metropolis sky. Buildings are crumbling and torn. Civilians are running, screaming for someone to help them. But no one can.
Alfred watches as his citizens are chased and terrorized by the mass alien invaders. He tries to help, tries to answer their calls but his limbs wont move. Jerking his head side to side, he puts all his will power to at least move finger...Nothing. He is frozen, helpless as he sees the horror in this once great city. Suddenly a large shadow looms over him, Alfred twist his head slightly only to be greeted by the smug face of Darkseid.
"What a pity it is to see this majestic city fall, isn't it?" Darkseid moved Alfred around so he could get a better view of the boy.
Unable to talk Alfred only glared. Yes he knew who Darkseid was, he had met him in the past. That was a time that he tried to forget. "Hm, not able to talk are you, well we should fix that." A flash of blue skin and suddenly Darkseid's fist had connected with Alfred's jaw making him fly off and hit one of the buildings. As he struggled to get up his attacker walked over and placed a foot on his stomach. "Is that all you have to show?" An amused Darkseid asked. Anger shook inside Alfred as he finally found the energy to make a reaction. He spat at Darkseid's face.
"G-get off you b-bastard!"
Darkseid smiled and the scene changed from a burning Metropolis to the inside of a castle. Everything looked red, Alfred gazed out of a window and gasped when he saw the Earth in the distance. He was swept up from where he was laying and placed on the ground near a giant throne. Chains suddenly appeared as they wrapped around his body, strapping Alfred into place at the bottom of the chair. "This is where you belong, sitting at the bottom of my feet, " Darkseid stood in front of the captured nation, "this is where you and all the other nations will belong in time."
"No, No! Me and my friends will never submit to you!" Yelled Alfred as he struggled in his binds. Crouching down Darkseid took Alfred's face in his hand and stared at him, his eyes glowing. "Well, it looks like you will need some reminding."
And Alfred's world was covered in fire.
America gasped as he sprang up from his bed, covered in sweat. He sat up straighter in his bed, breathing hard and clutching his head.
'What a nightmare,' he thought. Even though it was just a nightmare it gave America a sick feeling. Right before he dropped the bombs on Japan to end the war, Japan had terrible nightmares about bombs. Another example was when the twin towers fell. America had an awful night before it happened. So was this one of those? It sent shivers down America's spine.
He got up, sleep completely gone. He had to do something about this, he would not just stand on the sidelines.
Picking up the phone America made up his mind. Even if it was just a false alarm he had to make sure. He dialed in a number and held the phone to his ear.
"Hello, New York Airlines."
America breathed in, "Yes I would like one ticket to Metropolis-"
Authors Notes:
Wohoo! Crossover for hetalia and Justice League;D
Thanks Lapis Lazuli Ichigo for letting me borrow the idea, really like it! I will update soon, or when I can.