This Vocaloid needs more love. :( That's what I wanna say.
Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloid, so don't even ask!
I accidentally crashed into someone, making the basket filled with cookies I had fly up into the air too.
Rubbing the back of my head, I murmured; "Sorry, sorry!" over and over, not aware who I was talking to.
"..." I opened my eyes, and saw Hibiki Lui in front of me.
He made some motions and frantic bowing to show that he was very sorry.
I smiled at the younger Vocaloid and nodded to show him that I was okay.
Lui was a recent Vocaloid they made, but his voice wasn't there yet, so he mostly 'talked' by mouthing and motioning to things so far.
Similar to his counterpart, Ring, but Ring could talk half the time until her voice started getting worn out.
Smiling cheerfully, I grabbed a bag of cookies on the ground and gently put it in his hand.
"It's alright, so take these cookies, 'kay?" I winked at him and started to pick my bags of cookies up into the basket.
What I didn't expect however, was another pair of small hands to join me on the ground, helping me pick up the cookies.
Lui smiled shyly at me as he handed me some of the cookies he picked up.
I blinked at him blankly.
Why would he help me?
I was just an unpopular Vocaloid whose voice no one liked...
Before I knew it, Lui had already picked up all of the cookies and placed them into the basket.
"..." Lui waved his hands in front of my face, looking concerned.
He mouthed to me; "Are you okay?"
I quickly snapped out of it and smiled at the boy.
"Yeah, I'm fine! Sorry for crashing into you..." I bowed quickly at him.
Lui tapped my head gently. "It's fine. Just look for where you're going next time." He mouthed, smiling back at me.
"Heh..heh.." I laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of my head and slowly backing away from the strawberry-blonde before running away quickly.
"Hah...hah.." I panted, sliding down my bedroom door.
"" I glanced around, pretty sure I was missing something.
I pulled out the sliver knife I was hiding underneath my apron.
I cradled it softly in my hands like it was a newborn baby.
"Maybe there could be one Vocaloid that I would spare from this..." I murmured softly, turning the knife over and over in my hands so it caught the light.
Ever since I've been created, people have always said I was a disappointment.
They didn't like my design, and didn't even bother listening to my voice before judging!
Even when they did...half of the time, they thought my voice was too robotic..or just too nasally.
Even some of the Vocaloids thought that too...they just had the decency to keep it to themselves.
I stood up and walked over to my long mirror.
My purple eyes were contorted into emotionless orbs, the pupils in my eyes fully visible.
I gripped the knife tighter in my hands, the memories slowly flashing in my eyes as I realized what I had to do.
*smiles sadly* No, I'm not going to say who this is...for now. You're going to have to guess. This isn't exactly a popular Vocaloid to be honest...:( Cute and psycho Vocaloid alert...or maybe Yandere alert?