Pipers POV:

I sucked in a breath, blinking back tears. Don't let him see you cry... He isn't worth it, you try to tell yourself. It's no use of course, all you want to do for the moment is curl up in a ball in cry. You can't even stand looking at him anymore. he just stomped your heart out for the other girl... Reyna.

"I have to go." You tell Jason

You think you hear him yell his apology but you couldn't care less. Get to cabin, cry, sleep, eat. That ALL you want to be doing right now. As you reach your cabin you barge through the door and curl up in your bed, crying your eyes out. About a half an hour passes, seaming like days and days of pure misery, and you here someone run into your cabin. Expecting Lacey or Mitchel you shout "get OUT!" but only in return you here a gentle, yet firm, familiar voice say,

"And let you sit here and cry, Beauty Queen? I don't think so."

"W-what do you want Valdez" you sob to Leo.

And he sits next to you on your bed he whispers, "I just want to make you feel better, Pipes."

~~~~~~~~~~~~ killlleeerrr Linee breakkkkkk~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After talking to Leo for a few hours you guys descided to watch the Lion King. Usually you and Leo don't get along too well but today was different for us. Leo was sweet and gentle and he listened. He looked really good as well, even though you refused to admit it to yourself. oops! He caught you staring.

"Whatcha looking at, Beauty Queen?" he gives a lopsided grin as he says that, oozing sarcasm and wit in his tone.

and of course you said something extremely clever in return like "Ummm... nothing...?"

You each hold your stare for 10 seconds. 15 seconds. 20. He's leaning in. You start to lean in as well. So many emotions filled your head but you didn't care the second his lips met yours, all troubles melted away into pure bliss. And not to sound corny, but his lips seemed to fit your PERFECTLY.

Yep. My bestfriend is an awesome kisser. And now you have a HUGE Aphrodite-style crush on him...

Wellll... YOLO