Yes, Sir


Pain spread through my chest. I balanced the stack of dirty dishes in my left hand and clutched my arc with my right hand, the car battery resting on the counter beside me.

"Amber?" The voice sounded behind me and it startled me. I jumped in surprise, forgetting the stack of dishes in my hand. The song of fallen dishes crackled through the mansion. I groaned in frustration and bent over to pick up the broken plates and bowls. Pepper Potts walked in front of me to help, her long ginger hair laying gently on her shoulders.

"I'm so, so sorry, Mrs. Potts." I apologized.

"No need to apologize." Pepper said.

"I must be the worst assistant in all of assistant history." I mumbled. We finished picking up the dishes and threw them into the trash.

"Have you seen Mr. Stark around?" Pepper asked me.

"No, Ma'am." I answered. "Not since he gave me this job."

"He must be down in the garage then. Gotta do something first. Ready for your first assignment?" Pepper asked me.

"Yes, Ma'am. Of course."